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Grey space Architects :Chang’an Citizen Plaza is located in Chang’an Street, Huishan District, Wuxi City. It is surrounded by Chunhui Road, Yingxin Road, Changning Road, and Huiji Road. It is the core place serving the residents in the surrounding communities. Residents rest, walk or play chess during the day, dance or chatting at night. The service station project originated from the overall renovation and upgrading project of the square that began in 2022, to provide convenient services such as public toilets and rest areas for the renovated and upgraded square.


▽从跑道望向驿站 Looking towards the station from the runway


▽跳舞的人群与远处的驿站 The dancing crowd and the station in the distance


▽黄昏时分的长安广场和城市服务驿站 Chang’an Square and City Service Station at dusk


▽长安市民广场航拍 Aerial view



设计策略 Design strategies

一、与场地的对话 Dialogue with the site


The design site is facing the core sunken square, and many well-growing camphor trees are preserved near the site. The service station combines landscape features, with two trees on the left and right as boundaries, and relies on the canopy shape to enrich the building volume.


▽保留树木作为前景 Keep trees as foreground


▽从跑道望向驿站 Looking towards the station from the runway


▽投射在侧墙面的树影 Tree shadow cast on side wall



二、连续起伏的屋盖 The continuously undulating roof


A complete and continuous roof is formed on the upper part of the functional space volume. The outer eaves are overhanging to form a flexible transition space similar to a pavilion or corridor to protect from wind, rain, and scorching sun, providing temporary outdoor shelter for people in the square.


▽驿站外观 Appearance of the Service Station


▽群众在屋檐下棋、聊天,People were playing chess and chatting under the roof


▽群众在屋檐下活动,People were playing under the roof



三、洞口与光线 Capture the sunlight on the internal and external spaces

在整个建筑的核心区域是一处静谧安逸、可以与光线互动的场所,自然光与人工光在此处融合,在室内形成能短暂驻足停留思考的空间节点。 日间阳光从塔顶射入,在墙面和地面留下时光斑驳的痕迹;夜间光线亦可通过凸起的塔顶射出,提升驿站在广场中标志性和趣味性。

The core area of the entire building is a quiet and comfortable place where you can interact with light. Natural light and artificial light are integrated here, forming a spatial node indoors where you can stop and think briefly. During the day, sunlight enters from the top of the tower, leaving mottled traces of time on the walls and ground; at night, the tower shooting out light making the service station more perceptible and interesting.


▽白天阳光投射在中庭的地面和墙面 Sunlight casts on the floor and walls of the atrium during the day


▽人造光与自然光的交织 The interweaving of artificial and natural light


▽天井小院 Light and shadow in the small yard during the day




At night, the resting place is illuminated through the emission and transmission of artificial light sources.The urban living room faces the sunken square, and the facade is made of translucent white glass, which facilitates the penetration of space, sight lines and light. There are air conditioners and wash basins indoors for citizens to cool down and rest.


▽夜晚热闹的城市客厅与下沉广场 Night city living room perspective


▽自带投影唱歌的人群 People who bring their own projections to sing karaoke




The design places the functional volume in the environment in a complete form. The overall form adjustment is based on the surrounding tree shapes and follows the direction of the tree crown. After the shape plan was determined, we continued to refine the internal functions: we placed the entrance side facing the internal square to facilitate use inside the square. The urban living room and bathroom areas are separated by an atrium so that they do not interfere with each other; leisure seats are arranged in the atrium area. , to meet the needs of people temporarily staying and waiting; the living room faces the center of the square, echoing the landscape’s raised terraces and sunken lawns. It is equipped with a rest space, automatic vending, direct drinking water, charging devices, rest seats, etc.; the bathroom area is divided The men’s and women’s bathrooms and the third bathroom are arranged side by side, close to the entrance area, making it easy to find. The third bathroom is arranged on the north side with independent access to ensure the privacy and security of users.


▽建筑功能轴侧分析图 Axial analysis diagram of building functions


▽设计生成分析,体量—折线—柔面 Design and generate analysis diagrams




The processing of the architectural appearance is based on the consideration of the existing trees, so that both have a dialogue relationship with light, shadow and sight due to the undulating space. The outer eaves of the station roof are overhanging at different heights and lengths, providing a variety of semi-outdoor space.


施工过程阶段记录 Construction process


▽驿站基础浇筑,2023/01/05 Concrete pouring for the station foundation


▽驿站主体模板及脚手架施工,2023/04/02 Station main formwork and scaffolding construction


▽驿站主体部分及随形板混凝土浇筑完成,2023/05/02 The main part of the station and the concrete pouring of the conformal slab are completed


▽驿站主体部分及随形板混凝土浇筑完成,2023/05/29 The main part of the station and the concrete pouring of the conformal slab are completed



基础资料 Basic drawings


▽建筑首层平面图 Ground Floor Plan


▽驿站正面立面图 Front elevation of station


▽驿站背面立面图 Back elevation of station


▽驿站侧面立面图1 Side elevation 1


▽驿站侧面立面图2 Side elevation 2





Project Name:  Service Station in Chang’an Citizen Plaza, Huishan District, Wuxi
Project Type: Architecture / Interior
Project Site: Chang’an Citizen Plaza, Huishan District, Wuxi
Project Design Team:Greyspace Architects
Principal Architect: LIU Moyan, SU Peng
Architecture Design: YING Shijiao/LIU Zichen
Interior Design:JU Anqi /YAO Jingjie/CHEN Kaiqi
Project Architect:LIU Zichen
Structural Consultant: Ma Haiqing/ Zou Dingrui/ Zhou Zhengkao
Landscape Design: NanJing Higrade Architecture & Landscape Design Research Institute CO,LTD
Mechanical Electrical Engineering Design: Ruiwen Design Studio
Construction Units: Wuxi Huishan Development and Construction Co., Ltd
Photography: CHEN Yang/ LIU Zichen
Status: Built
Design Period: March 2022 – September 2022
Construction Period: July 2023
Building Area: 333 m2



审稿编辑: Maggie

更多 Read more about: 灰空间建筑事务所