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Thanks Zizu Studio for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Zizu Studio.
Zizu Studio:Shekou School Square is located at the intersection of Huaguo Road and Wanxia Road in Shekou. As a rare corner plaza around a high-density community, the site was always crowded with a large number of parents and randomly parked bicycles and electric bikes during peak traffic periods.

现状问题 Existed Issues
Shekou School Square was an inward-closed corner space where order was lacking when students lining-up and parents waiting in and out of school. Moreover, too-much-height planters, the bulletin board with no viewer and a wall blocking human flow from Wanxia Road, all made the space function of the site very single and negative.

设计概念:“光阴的故事” Design Concept “Time Story”
Shekou School was established in 1970, and most of the surrounding residents spent their childhood in the school. When their roles changed from children to parents, their own children also started their school time here. In the place where they used to play and learn, they now accompanied their children in and out of school. The place is filled with their childhood memories, and now they will share the same memories with their children. A big old camphor tree witnesses the transition of space and time in this site that is filled with memories from generation to generation. An old Chinese saying goes, “It takes ten years to grow trees but a hundred years to nurture people”. The reconstruction respects the original functions of the site, reshapes the space with “time story” theme as the main line, putting modular benches, comics of childhood games, interactive science devices, physical game patterns around the plaza so that the users are provided with a cool and shading waiting space, a free playing space and a shared space for the surrounding residents, making the plaza of memories full of vitality and fun.

设计内容 Design Details
Focusing on the design concept of “Time Story”, five parts of the Plaza including: logo wall, modular benches, interactive science device, comics of childhood games and physical game patterns are placed in the space of Shekou School Square.
▼平面图 Master Plan

▼轴测图 Axonometric

Logo Wall: through square holes in the wall, pedestrians can glimpse into the scenes of the plaza which means it inadvertently provides the site information to passers-by.

Modular Benches: the hexagonal seating are placed in combination with paving. The modules are stacked in the form of blocks, providing parents and children with plenty of space to rest and sit in different directions.

Interactive Science Device: interactive science devices made of steel columns are to convey basic metrics and geographic knowledge to users through scale units, rotating earth and galaxies, highlighting the educational culture of the school.

Comics of Childhood Games: silhouettes of 14 childhood games are portrayed on the flower base, stimulating the childhood memories of visitors. This is the childhood memory of everyone, and it also tells to school children the story of parents’ childhood games.

Physical Game Pattern: There is a set of hopscotch and long jump game patterns on the ground. Students can play here after class, and the playing time will remain a good memory for their childhood.

项目设计 & 完成年份:2019.1-2019.4
Project name: Time Story, Shekou School Square Landscape Design
Client: Shekou street office
Location: Shenzhen Shekou school southwest gate
Project design & completion year: 2019.1-2019.4
Design area: 400 ㎡
Design company: Zizu Studio
Creative and design team: liang ruihua, huang danxia, du mengbi, ding peng, zhang li, liang yan
Photography: Zizu Studio
项目中的材料运用 Application of materials in this project
更多 Read more about: 深圳市自组空间设计有限公司