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Thanks Landscape Tectonix Limited for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Landscape Tectonix Limited.
Landscape Tectonix:The monument Thong Lor是一个坐落在泰国曼谷繁华的通罗区的超豪华高层住宅公寓。
Landscape Tectonix:Located at the buzzing and bustling district of Thong Lor in Bangkok, The monument Thong Lor is the ultra luxurious high rise residential condominium.

At the first visit to this site, the landscape designer team was first impressed by a group of the existing mature trees; the giant rain trees, dominantly stood throughout the site.
Thank to the vision of the owner, Sansiri PLC, these existing trees were well preserved, carefully transplanted and skillfully pampered by the professional team, the comprehensive plan commenced at the beginning of the project throughout the design process and the construction management to ensure that we could deliver the over 60-year-old tree to the property.

Inspired by the annual ring of tree, the curvilinear line was the design language creating the iconic signature in design. The landscape design has been conceptualized by the position of the existing rain trees creating the simple garden path with gentle level changes. The feature in the garden was the modern tree house offering the shaded cozy corner at the ground and the open to sky terrace at the upper level.

▼花园树屋 The tree house

▼花园夜景 Night View

▼花园细节 Details

项目名称:The Monument Thong Lor
客户:Sansiri PLC
景观设计:Landscape Tectonix Limited
摄影师:Minoru Metipat
Project Name: The Monument Thong Lor
Location: Bangkok, Thailand
Project Owner: Sansiri PLC
Landscape: Landscape Tectonix Limited
Photographer: Minoru Metipat
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