本文由 力璞景观 授权mooool发表,欢迎转发,禁止以mooool编辑版本转载。
Thanks LEAP Studio for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool. Text description provided by LEAP Studio.
LEAP Studio: The project is located in Wenzhou High-speed Rail New City, close to Panqiao Station of railway S1 on the west side. Obscured by light rails, direct visual access to the façade of the commercial buildings cannot be achieved closely or remotely. Also, the entire area is not a completed complex and at the same time, the city interface is poor.
To change the image of the project and make the space urban and commercial in the suburbs has become the first issue to be solved.
Combined with the light rail, the start point of the design is to use the landscape to reform the first commercial interface, responding to the site.
▼改造前 before transformation

▼改造后 after transformation

空间重塑 space reform
The status quo is that light rail is the first interface along the street. A new device is installed as the “new” interface toward the street; this colorful attractive installation is modern, dynamic, and engaging.

Through the installations, flowing paving lines, interactive water cascade, music springs, the project presents a dynamic urban space and activates the commercial features of the site.

流线渗透 streamline penetration
Commercial architectures and sales offices are combined into a whole. The sight and flow of people outside the site need to be introduced into the site, which is located under the light rail. Inspired by the association and divergence of the intention of the railroad track, we finally choose a straight line and an extended design vocabulary to build a sense of guidance, leading to streamlined penetration.

▼效果图 renders

夜晚氛围营造 night atmosphere making
The first impression of urban commercial space may be the neon lights at night; the night atmosphere is not only the inherent needs of commercial zones but also the transformation of the image of the area and the project. This is a way to build up dynamic urban space and commercial district in suburbs.

▼模型 model

景观设计:LEAP STUDIO力璞景观设计
建筑设计: 上海致逸有乘建筑设计有限公司
幕墙设计: 上海熙玛工程顾问有限公司
灯光设计: 上海品冈照明设计有限公司
室内设计: 上海璧煜环境艺术设计事务所
软装设计: 上海张向明景观设计有限公司
景观摄影: ZOOMARCH 琢墨建筑摄影工作室
Project name: Wenzhou Vanke Century Light Exhibition Area
Year completed:2019
Project area:6000m²
Project location:panqiao station S1, wenzhou city, zhejiang province
Landscape Design:LEAP STUDIO
Partnership:Zhang Qiang, Lin Qihai
Design Team:Yang Kai, Chen Zhen, Chen Chunyang, Han Guitian, Yan Jiawen, Zhai Yan, Han Qian
Owner Management:Rong Yu, Yu Zhongyuan, Gao Fei, Ruan Fanjian, huang pin wen
Client / Developer:Vanke Zhenan
Architectural Design:UCGD
Curtain wall design:Shanghai Xima Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd.
Lighting Design:Shanghai Pingang Lighting Design Co., Ltd.
Interior Design:Shanghai Yeyu Environmental Art Design Office
Soft Decoration Design:Shanghai Zhang Xiangming Landscape Design Co., Ltd.
Landscape Photography:ZOOMARCH
更多read more about:力璞景观