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Thanks guò bàn er for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by guò bàn er.
过半儿 guò bàn er:天开野餐露营公园位于北京西南方向约85公里处,公园目前正在进行全面改造。天开公园过去以提供花田的种植为背景,在花田上放置一系列假的物品,例如假风车,假钢琴,吸引来自城市的自拍潮人。这样的景点在北京很常见,也正因为此,人们的新奇感逐渐消失。我们的客户正在努力把他们的这片土地改造成一个开放式野餐露营公园。
guò bàn er: Tiankai Camping Park is located around 85 kilometers to the Southwest of Beijing. The park is currently undergoing a transformation. Tiankai Park used to offer flower-field backdrops with a series of eclectic objects placed in the fields such as fake windmills serving as an attraction for selfie hunters from the city. Such attractions have been rather common around Beijing, but their novelty has worn off over the years. Our client is making an effort to transform her land into a camping park by going back to basics.
“Toilets with a view” is a tiny infrastructure project which serves the basic needs of its visitors. The completion of the project in May 2020 marks the beginning of the park’s transformation into a leisure destination for campers and glampers alike. Since camping and making an open fire are not allowed in almost all rural areas surrounding Beijing the park has become a destination for outdoor lovers gathering around their campfires.
在中国,喜欢在郊外度过周末的年轻都市人群中,带着些许炫目的野营已经成为一种小趋势,但这种趋势却还在增长… 它倾向于吸引家人和朋友寻找一个特别的地方共度周末的休闲时光。隐僻的地理位置让他们可以与家人和朋友更轻松的聚会。guòbònér过半儿的联合创始人孙敏说:“在亲密朋友的圈子里,露营已经成为一种自由的表达方式,他们喜欢在一起度过有意义的休闲时间。”
Camping with a touch of glamping has become a small, but growing trend among young urbanites in China who enjoy spending their weekends outside of their cities. It tends to appeal to families and groups of friends looking for somewhere special to spend time together. The seclusion of the location allows them to connect with family and friends. “Camping has become an expression of a feeling of freedom within a private circle of closest friends who enjoy spending meaningful downtime together”, says Sun Min co-founder of guò bàn ér.
The project was designed to be the utmost basic infrastructure for the campers, since local regulations for the land does not allow for any type of new structure or building with a roof. Hence the toilets are simply a series of perimeter walls.
A set of 2 toilets paired with a washing counter and a bench have been placed in 4 different locations within the large area of the camping park. Originally, the facilities were designed as 4 unique configurations, but this had been scrapped for budget reasons. Nevertheless, the ensemble of toilets and washing counters have been positioned thoughtfully for people to enjoy great views of the park while washing their hands or washing their veggies and fruit they brought along.
洗漱台的顶部是一块厚厚的混凝土板,上面有一个很小的斜坡,这样使得在洗手的时候水可以直接排走。guòbénér过半儿的联合创始人Christian Taeubert表示:“我们只是想创造一种最基本的体验,即用冰冷的山水洗手,而不需要创造一个真正的水池。”
The wash counter is topped with a thick concrete plate poured with a slight slope which simply surface drains the water away from the person washing their hands. “We just wanted to create the most basic experience of washing your hands with ice-cold mountain water without creating an actual sink”, says Christian Taeubert co-founder of guò bàn ér.
The Natural stone for the project as well as the pebbles are from a nearby location and the dry- stone walls have been crafted by local workers. Simple copper pipes were bent into water faucets.
The 4 mini infrastructure elements are intended to be humble structures which fit into the landscape while at the same time they mark several destinations around the park.
▽平面图 Plan
▽剖面图 Section
设计公司:过半儿 guò bàn er
Project name: Toilet with view
Project location: Beijing
Design company: 过半儿 guò bàn er
“ “带风景的厕所”是一个很小的基础设施项目,为游客提供基本需求服务。”
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