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Thanks PALMA for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by PALMA.
PALMA:The project is located in the passage of the old Tobacco Factory of La Rioja, an urban space of narrow and elongated dimensions, filled by a monumental red brick chimney. The project restores the site to its status as a built space by consolidating the facades and giving the tobacco factory as a whole its original unity. The interior is articulated through the concatenation of a series of square rooms of 3.6×3.6m that form a spatial procession of corridors and rooms of domestic character, thus reconstructing the emptiness of the passage.

▼项目全貌 Overall view

The rooms, open to the sky, explore various spatial possibilities through a rotund geometry in plan while its domestic scale, so far away from the public space of the city, moves the occupant from visitor to inhabitant, allowing the possibility of interacting with the installation in a deeper way. The interior rooms provide those who pass through them with an unexpected atmospheric experience, which returns the inhabitant to an exterior condition that reminds him of the public nature of the intervention.
▼内部空间 Inner space

▼游客与装置互动 Interacting with the installation
These sort of programmatically generic but spatially specific spaces are built with 30x30cm thermo-clay bricks that give the project a familiar condition thanks to the use of a material so typical of the collective imaginary. Moreover, the brick block is both material and spatial unit of the project, generating a system of stereotomic appearance capable of veiling its tectonic logic thanks to the massiveness of its pieces. The floor, covered with discarded brick chips, gives the space material continuity while slowing down the passage of those who pass through it and providing a leisurely experience away from the bustle of the city.
▼地面覆盖废弃砖片 The floor covered with discarded brick chips

▼效果图 Sketch
▼模型 Maqueta

▼区位图 Site plan

▼平面图 Plan

▼剖面图 Section

▼轴测图 Axonometric

项目名称:Types of spaces
景观公司:Palma – Ilse Cárdenas, Regina de Hoyos, Diego Escamilla, Juan Luis Rivera; HANGHAR – Eduardo Mediero
设计团队:Jorge Mañas, Stefania Rasile
建筑公司:Construcciones Calleja
砖块供应:Cerámica Sampedro
图片来源:Luis Díaz Díaz
Project name: Types of spaces
Landscape company: Palma – Ilse Cárdenas, Regina de Hoyos, Diego Escamilla, Juan Luis Rivera; HANGHAR – Eduardo Mediero
Team: Jorge Mañas, Stefania Rasile
Location: Logroño, Spain
Construction: Construcciones Calleja
Bricks loaned: Cerámica Sampedro
Photos: Luis Díaz Díaz