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Thanks Unknown Surface Studio for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Unknown Surface Studio.


Unknown Surface Studio:极光咖啡馆位于春武里府考林路(Khao Lam Road)的一块三角形空地上,地理位置优越,毗邻通往邦盛(Bang Saen)的主干道,背后壮丽的山景成为咖啡馆的赞美底色。

Unknown Surface Studio: Uncloud Coffee sits strategically on Khao Lam Road in Chonburi Province, occupying a sharply triangular site adjacent to the main thoroughfare leading from Bang Saen, with majestic mountain views forming a stunning backdrop.


©Rungkit Charoenwat
©Rungkit Charoenwat
©Rungkit Charoenwat
©Rungkit Charoenwat
©Rungkit Charoenwat
©Rungkit Charoenwat



The architectural plan masterfully exploits the site’s triangular shape, extending the building along the roadside in three core zones: a welcoming main entrance that combines a bar and seating area, an outdoor lounge encapsulated within a verdant courtyard, and a tranquil internal area for seating and client workspaces.


©Rungkit Charoenwat
©Rungkit Charoenwat


▽主入口区 The welcoming main entrance

©Rungkit Charoenwat
©Rungkit Charoenwat
©Rungkit Charoenwat
©Rungkit Charoenwat
©Rungkit Charoenwat
©Rungkit Charoenwat
©Rungkit Charoenwat
©Rungkit Charoenwat
©Rungkit Charoenwat


▽庭院户外休息空间 Outdoor lounge

©Rungkit Charoenwat
©Rungkit Charoenwat
©Rungkit Charoenwat
©Rungkit Charoenwat
©Rungkit Charoenwat


▽内部静谧的休息区 Tranquil internal area

©Rungkit Charoenwat
©Rungkit Charoenwat



Inspired by the spectral allure of the Aurora Borealis, the design abstractly interprets these atmospheric light displays. The building’s form echoes the dynamic, sweeping patterns of the northern lights, with its structure gracefully arching along the roadway, melding effortlessly with its environment. The design introduces uninterrupted, sinuous lines that connect all spaces internally and externally, fostering a cohesive architectural journey.


©Rungkit Charoenwat
©Rungkit Charoenwat
©Rungkit Charoenwat
©Rungkit Charoenwat
©Rungkit Charoenwat
©Rungkit Charoenwat
©Rungkit Charoenwat



Facing the challenges of its proximity to a busy roadway, the design includes features to address noise and thermal comfort. The facade facing the street is engineered with towering, curved barriers that selectively open at strategic angles, maximizing mountain views while minimizing noise and heat from the street. This setup not only reduces auditory disturbances but also helps in maintaining a cooler interior climate.


©Rungkit Charoenwat
©Rungkit Charoenwat
©Rungkit Charoenwat
©Rungkit Charoenwat
©Rungkit Charoenwat



The courtyard is deliberately positioned to channel unobstructed daylight and sky views into the building, ensuring a naturally illuminated interior throughout the day. Additionally, the integration of landscape and hardscape elements mirrors the architectural flow with their curved forms, placing large trees strategically along the building to act as natural sound barriers and provide shade, seamlessly blending the structure with its surroundings.


©Rungkit Charoenwat
©Rungkit Charoenwat
©Rungkit Charoenwat
©Rungkit Charoenwat


▽平面图 Plan

©Unknown Surface Studio


▽剖立面图 Elevation and Section

©Unknown Surface Studio


▽设计推演 Design deduction

©Unknown Surface Studio
©Unknown Surface Studio
©Unknown Surface Studio
©Unknown Surface Studio






完工年份:2024 年
规模:400 平方米
项目地点:泰国 春武里
景观建筑设计公司:Unknown Surface Studio
首席建筑师:Cievanard Nattabowonphal, Piyanat Songkhorh, Nonglak Boonsaeng
设计团队:Woravit Hansombat
图片来源:Rungkit Charoenwat

Project Name: Uncloud Coffee
Completion Year: 2024
Scale: 400 sqm.
Project Location: Chonburi, Thailand
Landscape/Architecture Firm: Unknown Surface Studio
Website: https://www.facebook.com/unknownsurfacestudio/
Contact e-mail: unknownsurfacestudio@gmail.com
Lead Architects: Cievanard Nattabowonphal, Piyanat Songkhorh, Nonglak Boonsaeng
Design Team: Woravit Hansombat
Photo credit: Rungkit Charoenwat




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