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Landscape Collaboration:曼谷UOB大华银行总部位于当地一个新兴购物区附近,游客和当地人在此掀起了新城市生活方式的浪潮。银行不再是一座与外界景观相隔的企业大楼,相反,景观成为了银行楼宇体验的一部分,让每个人都能在视觉和身体上得到享受。
Landscape Collaboration: UOB headquarter is located near the new shopping district in Bangkok, where the tourists and locals are emerging with the new city lifestyle. The bank is no longer just a corporate building that segregates the landscape and the city outside. Rather, landscape design became a part of the banking experience where everyone could visually and physically enjoy.

The two office and banking towers are situated on the landscape plaza where all the patterns are seamlessly connected to the building facade. This landscape plaza becomes a platform that connects all people who come to visit and those who work in the office tower. The front yard landscape design provides a subtle green platform in order to enhance the public banking area. Along the entrance, a tropical green tapestry acts as a natural screening wall that creates a visual welcoming effect. The green wall leads people from the public to the inner part of the development where the secret garden is subtly located next to the main office lobby.

花园不仅是办公大厅外的一道绿色风景线,同时还成为了员工和客户的户外休闲圣地。花园包括三个部分:背景、展区和动态前景,背景的设计传递出泰式风情,屏风墙和绿植墙的细节图案均源于泰国传统花纹样式,再结合当地传统香料树种“美乐多(Melodorum fruticosum)”,形成了这个现代的泰式花园。开放式庭院被塑造为一个展示空间,地面上铺设的是天然玄武岩石条,在点景树下形成了无形的空间结构。在楼前空地,喷泉创造了一种视觉动态感,涌动的水流发出悦耳的声响,为身处花园的人带来放松之感。
This garden not only provides a green scenery for the lobby, but also provides an outdoor sanctuary for the officers as well as the guests. The garden is designed with three combinations: the background, the showcase, and the dynamic foreground. The background of the garden is designed to express Thai essence. Screening wall and subtle pattern design of the planter wall are derived from the traditional Thai pattern. Combining this with the Melodorum fruticosum, a traditional Thai fragrance tree species, the modern contemporary Thai garden is formed. The open courtyard as a showcase is framing with the natural Basalt stone stripes marking on the ground. This creates an intangible structural presence of space under the sculptural tree. In the frontage, the fountain creates a visual dynamic as well as the pleasure sound of moving water that provides the sense of relaxation for those who are in the garden.

On the tower, each terrace is designed to incorporate the small outdoor space with seating and trees in order to bring some nature closer to the office environment. The sky garden can be appreciated from the interior space as a green background or physically be utilized as a pocket garden for the employees.

The office environment could be designed with the integration of landscape in order to create a better atmosphere where people could live and work closer to nature.
▽平面图 Plan

竣工年份:2023 年
规模:6,070 平方米
项目地点: 泰国曼谷
景观设计:Landscape Collaboration Co., Ltd. (LCO)
首席建筑师:Somkiet Chokvijitkul
设计团队:Nopnara Katekaewmaneeratana
建筑设计:Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates (KPF)
当地建筑师:Tandem Architects
结构工程:K.C.S. & Associates, Co. Ltd.
MEP工程:Meinhardt (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
图片来源:Rungkit Charoenwat
Project Name: UOB HQ BANGKOK
Completion Year: 2023
Scale: 6,070 sq.m.
Project Location: Bangkok, Thailand
Landscape/Architecture Firm: Landscape Collaboration Co., Ltd. (LCO)
Website: www.landscapecollaboration.com
Contact e-mail: info@landscape-co.com
Lead Architects: Somkiet Chokvijitkul
Design Team: Nopnara Katekaewmaneeratana
Clients: United Overseas Bank (Thai) PCL
Architectural Design: Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates (KPF)
Local Architect: Tandem Architects
Structural Engineer: K.C.S. & Associates, Co. Ltd.
MEP Engineer: Meinhardt (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
Photo Credits: Rungkit Charoenwat
“ 现代简约的办公大楼前庭景观结合空中花园,为职工和路过的市民游客带来惬意的自然氛围。”
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