Thanks YZscape for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool. Text description provided by YZscape.
YZscape:The project is located in Yongwang Town, a suburb of Ningbo. The site is a forest clearing next to a paddy field, approximately 20 minutes’ drive from the downtown. The surrounding area is home to numerous factories, research institutions, and office parks. Against the backdrop of upgrading rural industries and promoting diversified development, the owner hopes to undertake a mild development of the forest land, introducing camping, coffee, and light meal services to serve the surrounding community, attract outsiders and urbanites, activate the rural economy, and increase rural income.
The site adjacent to a village road, with evenly spaced planted locust trees. The site floor is slightly lower than the road surface, and the ground is relatively flat, covered with natural vegetation. The tree canopy provides comfortable shade, with dappled light filtering through. The surrounding area is not only filled with the sounds of birds and cicadas, but also offers a glimpse of open farmland in the distance, making it a delightful place for a leisurely stroll. Together with the owner, we have selected the largest open area along the roadside to establish a forest cafe, which is intended to provide guests with coffee, light meals, desserts, and cold drinks. In addition, the cafe will include restrooms and shower facilities for camping guests. Furthermore, we have also selected several remote areas within the site, away from the road, to plan camping platforms and a canopy activity area, which will be connected by an elevated wooden walkway.
▽静谧的营地入口 Tranquil campsite entrance

▽白墙间溢出的灯光 Subtle radiance permeating through white walls

挑战及空间策略 Challenge and Spatial Strategy
The owner proposes a maximum indoor area of 60 square meters for the entrance and public areas mentioned above, which presents extremely demanding requirements for the layout of the building. The challenge is to incorporate all the required functions into a limited space, while ensuring natural comfort and providing as much café seating as possible. The final functional grouping will include one dessert shop, one coffee bar (with an operating area), as well as toilets and showers. Clearly, the 60 square meters of indoor space is only sufficient for the above specific service functions and cannot accommodate additional café seating. Moreover, due to budget constraints, the owner hopes to create a distinctive dining environment with minimal initial investment.
Our proposed solution is to place the food production and purchase area indoors, while the circulation space and seating area are located in covered outdoor spaces and on the rooftop terrace. Large glass sliding doors can open the shop to the forest, and people can sit and dine on the platform after purchasing drinks and food. In our opinion, the most striking feature of the site is the lush forest, the sky above the tree canopy, and the vast paddy fields. Therefore, we hope to create spaces here that face the forest, sky, and rice fields, where people can experience these landscapes in a specific way. This way of experiencing the scenery also creates a unique dining experience.
▽轴测图 Perspective Drawing

两个案例的启发 Inspiration from two case studies
第二个给我们带来启发的案例是以Case Study House 为代表的加州现代主义住宅与庭院。以托马斯丘奇作品为代表的加州住宅庭院设计出现了明显的室内环境与庭院的交融,一方面庭院与建筑的边界变得模糊不清,庭院成为了客厅生活的一部分,另一方面庭院设计的判断视角不再是庭院本身,而是从住宅客厅看出去的效果——这与上述日本方丈庭院为代表的坐观园林对待风景的方式极为类似,檐廊为了庭院风景而存在,而庭院风景是则是为了檐廊的观看效果而设计。从诺伊特拉(Richard Neutra)的住宅中我们可以清晰的看到这种独特的建筑室内外关系:建筑与庭院的边界变得模糊不清,同时建筑向自然敞开怀抱。诺伊特拉本人便受到了很深的日本建筑影响,同时他也从赖特那里间接受到日本建筑的影响,这都促成了这种室内外环境关系的产生。另外加州中世纪现代主义建筑师(比如Albert Frey,Donald Wexler,William Krisel等)对预制钢结构模块化建造进行了大量的探索。他们的设计方式也给我们带来了一定的启发。
The first case study is the Japanese sitting-viewing garden, a type of garden where one can sit in the veranda and enjoy the scenery. The Abbot’s Garden in Tofukuji Temple in Kyoto left a deep impression on me. The huge eaves space surrounding the meditation hall created a semi-indoor and semi-outdoor space for sitting and walking. People do not enter the front garden, but rather sit or walk on the veranda platform. The veranda opens up to the garden scenery and constructs a way for people to view the landscape. The exquisite aspect of the Abbot’s Garden is that four different scales of scenery were constructed around the building, including a god’s-eye view of dry landscape and a realistic mountain and water view at human scale, which creates scale changes at the turn of the corner. This is very different from the human scale in Chinese gardens. The Abbot’s Garden of Tofukuji Temple has four wide eaves, creating four audience seats, while the garden becomes an inaccessible stage, creating a traditional theater relationship. (In contrast, Chinese gardens are like modernist theaters where the audience often mingle among the performers.) This way of constructing scenery through the veranda is also present in the tea rooms of Shuryuan Detached Palace and the Phoenix Soaring Hall in Heiankyo, where a three-stage space of indoor, veranda, and outdoor is created. Our design was inspired by this scale change, creating different body scales and landscape changes through adjustments of the ground platform height and width, as well as changes in the height of the retaining walls in the veranda.
The second case study that inspires us is represented by the California Mid-Century Modernist homes and courtyards exemplified by the Case Study House. The courtyard design in California homes, represented by Thomas Church’s work, shows a clear integration between indoor and outdoor environments. On one hand, the boundary between the courtyard and the building becomes blurred, with the courtyard becoming part of the living room. On the other hand, the judgment perspective of courtyard design is no longer focused solely on the courtyard itself, but also considers the view from the living room out to the courtyard. This is very similar to the way Japanese zen gardens treat landscapes, as seen in the example of the karesansui gardens, where the veranda exists for the sake of the garden scenery, and the garden scenery is designed for the viewing effect of the veranda. From Richard Neutra’s homes, we can clearly see this unique relationship between indoor and outdoor environments: the boundary between the building and the courtyard becomes blurred, while the building opens up to nature. Neutra himself was deeply influenced by Japanese architecture, and he indirectly received influences from Wright as well, both of which contributed to the creation of this relationship between indoor and outdoor environments. In addition, the California Mid-Century Modernist architects (such as Albert Frey, Donald Wexler, William Krisel, etc.) explored extensively the use of prefabricated steel structures and modular construction. Their design approach also provides us with certain inspirations.
空间原型发展 Development of Spatial Prototypes
Based on the inspiration from the aforementioned cases, we have developed a spatial and construction system consisting of a service core and an exterior corridor. The building core is an indoor space constructed by a steel structure, containing all the core functional areas for product production and sales. The sliding glass doors can be completely opened to allow for indoor-outdoor flow and connectivity. The service core is laid out in a compact and centralized manner, gathering all the service counters, sales, and food preparation functions, with a door and window system and air conditioning system that can be completely closed.
▽灯光在树影间闪动 Lights gracefully dancing amidst tree shadows

▽隐于夜幕中 Concealed within the embrace of nightfall

The exterior gallery system based on a 3-meter module is constructed using 50×50 square steel pipes surrounding the building core. The gallery system is built on a steel grid platform that is detached from the ground, providing a semi-indoor, semi-outdoor space for sitting, lying down and staying, which connects nature and the building. When all the doors and windows of the service core are open, the interior and the gallery merge into one, making the interior part of the garden. When all doors and windows are closed, the system can meet the needs of air conditioning and security at night during extreme weather conditions.
▽穿梭于林间 Wandering through the forest

▽漂浮于地面之上 Floating above the ground

空间与建造 Space and Construction
We implanted the spatial prototype into the site, and the spatial design and scale adjustment of the exterior corridor system responded to the different environments and landscapes surrounding the service core. A higher retaining wall was set on the side facing the road, becoming an inward passageway, while the sides facing the woods were open outward, becoming “viewing stands” where one could observe the scenery. The eaves created two different-height seating spaces on the east and west sides of the building, with a clear height of 3 meters on the east and 2.55 meters on the west. The height difference brought subtle differences in spatial experience. Sitting in front of the bar on the west side, the bamboo roof seemed within reach, and the corridor was low, squeezing the view toward the trees in front. On the east side, the corridor was relatively spacious, and the woods were brought into the corridor.
▽清晨的阳光照进吧台区Morning sunlight streaming into the bar

▽树影下的吧台区 Bar area beneath the canopy of tree shadows

▽檐廊界定出檐下空间 Defined spaces beneath the canopy

▽檐下是看风景的观众席 Under the eaves, spectators enjoying the view

▽檐顶的竹竿触手可及 Bamboo poles on the canopy within arm’s reach

▽低矮的檐廊将视线挤向林间 Low eaves directing the gaze toward the woods

▽门窗打开,室内外的边界随之消失 The boundary between indoors and outdoors gradually fades away

The exterior corridor system is extremely lightweight, with slender columns disappearing into the environment, and the translucent ceiling pushing people’s sight towards the trees outside. We used a double-layer design for the roof system of the exterior corridor, with high-performance sun panels on the upper layer that could shield the rain and filter the sunlight. The densely arranged bamboo poles on the lower layer filtered the sunlight again, allowing the shape of the bamboo nodes themselves to be revealed and adding a sense of handicraft and natural vitality to the extremely rational and orderly space.
▽阳光穿过竹竿让廊下变得明亮 Sunlight filtering through bamboo, illuminating the corridor

▽檐外风景被引入廊下 Outdoor scenery drawn into the corridor

▽檐顶密铺竹杆 Bamboo densely layered on the canopy

▽金属构件与竹杆构成檐廊系统 Metal and bamboo components shaping the canopy system

The elevated ground platform is made of black steel grating, and one can see the crushed stones and plants below through the gaps. Some plants can also be seen through the mesh, bringing surprises to the corridor space. The internal and external movement of the edge of the platform and eaves creates rich spatial variations, allowing the platform to enter the woods or the grass to enter the corridor, bringing different experiences of “inside” and “outside”.
▽檐廊系统串联起各个空间 Canopy system connecting various spaces

▽檐廊架设绿地之上 Canopy extending over the verdant greenery

The roof platform is surrounded by the crowns of the surrounding trees, and we enclosed a “roof room” with a white steel frame. Defined by the frame boundary, this space, like the eaves, becomes both an interior and exterior space.
▽白色阶梯通向屋顶平台 White stairs ascending to the rooftop terrace

▽白色的框架界定出屋顶的风景 A white frame framing the scenic view from the rooftop

For the exterior walls of the building and landscape retaining walls, we used white misaligned wooden boards with steel keels, making these white retaining walls float above the ground, and the traces of artisanal handiwork were preserved on the façade. Sunlight shining from the side can reveal rich texture changes. The site walls were designed using sun panels and bamboo, echoing the eaves to a certain extent. The upper sun panels form a continuous interface, causing the image of the woods behind to blur and deform. The bamboo below introduces natural variations.
▽白墙勾勒出阳光的形状 White walls outlining the shapes of sunlight

▽檐外林间绿意盎然 Lush greenery beyond the eaves

The outdoor furniture subdivides the space of the corridor, suggesting spaces for sitting and walking. We chose sleek black and white iron chairs that blend into the black and white color base.
▽屋顶平面图 Roof Plan

▽首层平面图 Ground Floor Plan

▽剖面图 Section Drawing

▽墙身大样图 Detail Drawing
Project name: Veranda in the Woods——Campus Restaurant and Bar
Year completed: 2022
Project area: 60㎡
Project location: Ningbo, Zhejiang Province
Design Company: YZscape
Company website: www.yzscape.com
Contact email: yzscape@126.com
Chief Designer: Yan Ming
Design team: Yan Ming, Ma Ruifu, Zhao Chenxing, Song Benming
Customer: Ningbo Yongxuan Culture Development Co., LTD
Photographer: Yan Ming
“ 隐于林间的轻干预营地餐吧,给人带来不同的“内”与“外”的体验。”
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