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Thanks WAY Studio for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by WAY Studio.
未/WAY Studio:WAY Studio在上海洛克外滩源为在同一个橱窗里将现实与虚幻融合,为三个不同的品牌创造了一个超现实主义的节日秀,通过由远及近的观赏感受到不同层次的细节。
WAY Studio: WAY Studio creates surrealistic festive window display for three diverse brands at Rockbund Shanghai, a location rich in historic fabric. WAY-out of the box really pops “out of the box”, literally, interacting but breaking through the boundaries of the existing strict and rigid historic architecture with an exaggeration of one of the most commonly seen Christmas ornaments crashing into the facade, like a street performer or a magician it draws-in and entices passers-by, to come closer and to immerse themselves within.
▽装置街景 Street view of the installation

Rockbund redevelopment is a quiet scenic stroll just off of the main bund area towards the Peninsula Hotel, Shanghai. Lyceum Building, where the window display is located, was built in 1927 and is a mix of Eclecticism and new Classical architecture. With Lyceum Theatre as its original function, its recent renovation is an important anchor in the recent Rockbund redevelopment, hosting MEM Art Space as an extension of Rockbund Art Museum and other various arts and photography events as an act of urban revitalization.
▽兰心大楼街景 Street view of the Lyceum Building

Gigantic out-of-scale yarn balls materializes from within the storefront windows out towards you, is this dream or reality? Reminiscent of Earth or Space? One ponders as you traverse this pathway.
While breaking that physical boundary of the architectural facade, we also broke the rules of the expected scale, with that we were able to give our viewers a sneak peek into the imaginative world of what the year end festivities are all about! It’s also that change of scale in an ordinary object that creates that unexpected experience and awe that draws you close, curious to really take a good look at it.
▽装置外观,超大型的毛线球透过玻璃橱窗,与古建筑的墙体相得益彰 Exterior view of the installation, gigantic out-of-scale yarn balls materialize from the storefront windows, complementing old walls

moody圣诞球盒位于(中橱窗),经典摄影品牌宝丽来在( 右橱窗)及加拿大本土咖啡品牌Tim Coffee House(左橱窗)。
In collaboration with moody, displayed center, and their “sensational” XMAS box, which presents for all five senses, is world-renowned vintage photography brand, Polaroid, with their latest onestep+, as well as local Canadian coffee brand, Tims Coffee House.
▽右橱窗属于经典摄影品牌宝丽来 The right Christmas window belongs to the world-renowned vintage photography brand, Polaroi

▽中橱窗内的球体内展示着moody的圣诞礼盒 The “sensational” XMAS boxes of moody are displayed in the center Christmas window

▽左橱窗属于加拿大本土咖啡品牌Tim Horton’s,挖空球体展示产品 The left Christmas window belongs to the local Canadian coffee brand, Tim Horton’s, hollowing out the floating balls of yarns to host Christmas products

We wanted to break through traditional Christmas window displays where products are displayed each brand on their own, one-sided towards viewers. Instead, we treated the space behind these three windows as one, even beyond the frames of the materialistic reality, creating these floating balls of yarns, hollowed out to host each brand’s Christmas products, while others seem to break right out-of-the-box into the everyday street.
▽橱窗内是一系列悬浮的毛线球 The Christmas window with floating balls of yarns

“WAY OUT OF THE BOX” was our last pre-Covid installation project, it has long been removed, and a lot has changed in the world since then. Since its completion, WAY-out-of-the-box has received recognition as part of the 2022 A+10th Annual Awards Special Mention project under the “pop-up & temporary” category.
▽装置设计图 Plant design drawing
▽装置平面图 Plan of the installation

▽装置立面图 Elevation of the installation

功能:XMAS Window Installation
moody,宝丽来 Polaroid Originals, Tim Horton’s
灯具赞助: 飞利浦,星米
Function: XMAS Window Installation
Location: Rockbund, Shanghai, P.R.China
Area: 48.3 sqm.
Design Team: Zheng Tao, Fernie Lai, Alan Hung, Li XuDong ,He JingYang
Brand Sponsors:(displayed within window, and in alphabetical order)
moody, Polaroid Originals, Tim Horton’s
Contractor:Shanghai He Cheng Contracting Ltd.
High Density Foam: HAHA Sculpture Team
Yarn: ZZHome
Lighting Design:J Studio
Lighting Sponsor:
Philips, S&M
Photography:i-Joyer Photography
“ 设计打破传统的橱窗展示,以丰富的层次和视觉,让人们如梦似幻的停留在现实与虚幻的边界。”
更多 Read more about: 未/WAY Studio建筑设计研究所