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Thanks Conen Sigl Architekten for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Conen Sigl Architekten.


Conen Sigl Architekten:Westhof Dübendorf 项目坐落在苏黎世迪本多夫小镇 Hochbord 区域铁路沿线的一个植物苗圃地块上。项目所在的这片地区曾是工业和商业区,由于被重新划分为了住宅区,正在进行重大的结构调整。该合作建房项目基于场地作为植物苗圃的历史,利用其互补性的公共用途创造了一个具有身份认同的场所,培养了强烈的社区意识和生态联系。其建筑语言简洁有力,与原有建筑的功能性相呼应,同时毗邻自然保护区,加强了与该地区生态圈的联系。

Conen Sigl Architekten:The Westhof Dübendorf by Conen Sigl Architects stands on the plot of a former plant nursery along the tracks of the Hochbord area in Dübendorf near Zurich. The neighborhood, a former industrial and commercial zone, is undergoing major restructuring due to its re-zoning into a residential area. Inspired by the site’s history as a plant nursery, the cooperative housing project with complementary communal uses creates an identity-forming place that fosters a strong sense of community and ecological connectivity. Its architectural language, with its robust and simple materialization, echoes the functionality of the previous structure, while the proximity to a nature reserve reinforces its connection to the area’s ecosphere.


▽项目外观 Hochbord Dübendorf

© Roman Keller
© Roman Keller


项目的核心是一个公共庭院。庭院由三个建筑体量围合而成,与周围的环境融为一体,包括一座 4 层高的前楼、3 层高的斜翼楼和一栋 9 层楼高的主楼。主楼方向略微转动,从而使庭院向周边开放。​翼楼的三层采用隔音玻璃,可有效隔绝噪音。

The centerpiece of the development is a communal courtyard. Framed by three volumes, it blends into the surroundings with a 4-story head building, an angled 3-story wing building and a 9-story main building. The head building turns slightly, thus opening the courtyard invitingly to the neighborhood. Soundproof glazing on the 3rd floor of the narrow-wing building provides noise protection.


▽建筑呈现出迎接邻里的姿态 A welcoming gesture towards the neighbourhood

© Roman Keller


▽内部庭院 Interior Courtyard

© Roman Keller



The flat roof of the wing building houses a semi-public level, intended as a vibrant neighborhood social hub. This roof terrace holds space for events and urban gardening and acts as a recreational and meeting place for residents and visitors alike. The open pergola structure crowning this part of the building forms an identity-forming and architecturally mediating feature, reconnecting the upper levels with the activities below. Access to the terrace is provided through internal stairwells and an open public staircase, which provides a direct connection from the courtyard. The project’s high density of diverse outdoor spaces creates a unique potential for various forms of communal appropriation.


▽半公共屋顶露台 The semi-public roof terrace

© Roman Keller
© Roman Keller


▽楼梯入口 Entrance

© Roman Keller
© Roman Keller



The volumetric setting defines different outdoor spaces with specific qualities on the ground floor, whereby great importance was attached to a gradual demarcation from public to communal and further to private zones. Commercial and community use are located in the north and south of the building site. A Café serves as a neighborhood gathering spot, opening up the development to the south and emphasizing pedestrian and bicycle paths along the railway tracks. An additional passage goes through the courtyard of the building and creates a square-like situation, to which a multi-purpose room is attached. In the west of the plot, along the pedestrian path, a strip of community gardens has been established, which can be cultivated by residents, forming a retreat with a semi-public character.


© Roman Keller


建筑的设计考虑了场地的园艺和商业历史。因此,该项目寻求一种稳固而简单的具体设计。建筑立面使用了大规格的 Eternit 波纹板。翼楼屋顶露台的凉棚结构在空间上进行了划分,与温室产生了联系。垂直结构中的浴缸通风口和各种鸟类筑巢让人联想到烟囱,彰显了项目对支持城市生物多样性的承诺。

八种鸟类以及蝙蝠和野生蜜蜂的筑巢装置被安装在建筑立面和屋顶上。Westhof Dübendorf 在建筑环境和自然之间创造了一种平衡,形成了一个微型生物圈,将人类居住区与自然融为一体,园林景观和植物吸引昆虫,为栖息在巢穴中的鸟类提供食物,创造了一个自我维持的生态系统,体现了城市建筑在保护和提高生物多样性方面的潜力。

The architectural design references the gardening business and the site‘s commercial past. The project thus sought a robust and simple materialization. The façade uses large-format corrugated Eternit panels. The pergola construction, which spatially divides the roof terrace of the wing building, takes up associations with the greenhouses. Bath vents and various bird nesting places in vertical structures reminisce chimneys, highlighting the project’s commitment to supporting urban biodiversity.

Nesting aids for eight bird species as well as bats and wild bees were incorporated into the façade and on the roof. Creating a balance between the built environment and nature, Westhof Dübendorf forms a micro-biosphere that integrates human habitation with nature, where landscaping and plants attract insects, providing sustenance for the birds inhabiting the nesting aids, creating a self-sustaining ecosystem that embodies the potential for urban architecture to contribute to the preservation and enhancement of biodiversity.


© Roman Keller
© Roman Keller



The balcony layer of the main building facing the inner courtyard forms a filigree plane that lends the house refinement. A non-load-bearing steel structure encircles the balconies and serves to attach the awnings and parapet cladding.


© Roman Keller


Westhof Dübendorf 为各种用途和混合居住人群提供了经济实惠、自主管理和可持续发展的生活与工作环境。该项目共包含 87 个公寓和 6 个商业空间。公寓类型从一室一厅到组团式公寓不等。该住房综合体采用当地材料建造,使用可再生能源供电,在经济适用房和可持续设计之间取得了平衡,并获得了 SNBS 证书。


Westhof Dübendorf enables affordable, self-managed, and sustainable living and working environments for a variety of uses and a mixed resident population. The project houses a total of 87 flats and six commercial spaces. The flat types range from one-room units to cluster flats. Built with locally sourced materials and powered by renewable energy, the complex strikes a balance between affordable housing and sustainable design, earning the SNBS certificate.

It also houses additional communal units such as flex rooms, a multi-purpose hall, and a guest room. In some areas, the size of the flats can be adjusted using switch rooms, allowing two individual units to be combined into one large unit. The flexibility in the building structure allows it to respond to different, changing needs and thus enables a long period of use.


▽厨房 Kitchens 

© Roman Keller


▽浴室 Bathrooms

© Roman Keller


▽从露台穿过公寓的视野 View from the terrace through the flat

© Roman Keller


▽设计草图 Sketches from competition entry


▽综合平面图 Synthesis Drawing

© Conen Sigl Architekten




项目:Hochbord Housing(Westhof Dübendorf)
建筑师:Conen Sigl Architekten
照片:Roman Keller

Project: Hochbord Housing(Westhof Dübendorf)
Year: 2023
City: Dübendorf
Country: Switzerland
Architects: Conen Sigl Architekten
Website: https://archello.com/brand/conen-sigl/website
Photographs: Roman Keller




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