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D5 渲染器:如何向客户清晰地呈现、传达设计理念,并使其成为更具说服力的方案?是设计行业长久以来的一道思考题。

本次专访,上海 D+H 城市与景观设计事务所(以下简称 D+H)将与我们分享,他们是如何借助可视化工具,推动概念方案顺利落地,以及在面对大型、复杂项目时,如何将团队协作价值最大化。

上海 D+H 城市与景观设计事务所

上海 D+H 城市与景观设计事务所成立于 2017 年,是美国 D+H 城市与景观设计事务所的国内工作室之一,致力于公园、旧房改造和综合体景观设计及城市设计。
是 SOM、华润、蛇口招商、瑞安集团、AEDAS、华侨城、龙湖、万华、万科、香港置地等集团的长期合作伙伴。

D5 Renderer:  When many studios are struggling with this issue, the D5 team attempts to figure out a solution by talking to Lab D+H Shanghai Studio (hereafter referred to as D+H).

D+H has used the visualization tool D5 Render to effectively bring many conceptual schemes to fruition. Team collaboration is what they hold in high regard when handling large and complex projects.

Lab D+H Shanghai Studio

As a branch of Lab D+H, Shanghai Studio was founded in 2017, focusing on urban transformation projects, landmark mix-use and infrastructure open space.
It has a long-standing partnership with corporations such as AEDAS, OCT Group, Longfor Group, Wanhua Chemical Group, Vanke, and Hong Kong Land.


©上海 D+H 城市与景观设计事务所


理念无偏差传达,推动方案顺利落地 Convincing Delivery for Winning Proposals



传统软件中的植物种类少且质量良莠不齐,无法达到 D+H 的标准,而D5为他们提供了更好的选择。


Landscape design, especially for commercial projects, values vegetation the most.

A good scheme involves more than just designing vegetation, but also presenting the design in high-quality. Here, a visualization tool comes in handy.

As traditional rendering software can’t cater to the requirement of D+H on a rich and high-grade plants collection, they turned to D5 for a better result.

The built-in asset library of D5 Render contains a variety of landscape models, such as plants from all around the world, grouped plant combos for quick use, stones and tree edging rings.


▽高精度植物素材 High-precision Plant Models



丰富的素材配合强大的植物工具,D+H 可以把植物方案快速搭建出来,即便是植被、花海等面积较大的配景效果,也能轻松实现。

With a wealth of models and powerful asset tools, D+H can quickly build a greenery area with ease. They no longer need to spend days on a lawn, flower sea, or other large-scale landscapes.


▽植物笔刷工具 Plant brush tool





The immersive experience offered by D5 allows clients to walk through the project, which convinces everyone that such a project could be brought into reality.

“What impressed me most was a project nearing completion. The client was absolutely satisfied with the scheme, and all the trees in it were preserved. It proves that D5 can deliver realistic visuals to both designers and clients.”


▽上海市徐汇区日晖绿地景观改造设计 Shanghai Xuhui District Rihui green landscape renovation design

©上海 D+H 城市与景观设计事务所
©上海 D+H 城市与景观设计事务所



D+H 会直接在D5中调整植物材质,修改叶片颜色,配合天气系统,营造一年四季的光景。

In addition, a scheme has to display how the landscape will look in different seasons.

In D5, D+H can directly adjust leaf materials and change their colors according to the season. By creating snow/rain/wind with one click in the weather system, a life-like project will be presented on the screen.


▽修改植物颜色 Modify plant color



不只着眼于景观部分的表现,D+H 更注重整体效果的把控,因为景观与场地是相互交融的,二者的整体体验,才是推动方案定案的关键。


D+H not only cares about the landscape, but also its integration with the surrounding context. A winning proposal has to present a good overall effect.

“The software we used before did well in rough preview for sketches, but not in final renderings. So, we had to spend much time optimizing them in other tools. D5 Render, on the other hand, enables an accurate and realistic visual both in real time and in output results. That’s what we look for.”


▽上海市徐汇区日晖绿地景观改造设计 Shanghai Xuhui District Rihui green landscape renovation design

©上海 D+H 城市与景观设计事务所


D5强大的环境系统,可以一键生成晴、雨、雪等不同天气,光影和氛围营造都可以在D5中一站式完成,省去后期 PS 的工作。实时调整,确保最佳效果,兼顾效率和品质。

In D5, designers can create atmospheric lighting and weather in one step, eliminating the need for post-processing. You can see every adjustment in real time, striking a good balance between speed and quality.


▽实时调整环境氛围 Adjust the atmosphere in real time





The advantages of high-quality real-time rendering go beyond this.

Commercial projects often need revising based on the feedback from multiple parties. Thanks to D5’s real-time rendering, the process of communication and revision is greatly sped up when a designer could see and render each adjustment on the fly.



复杂项目多人协同,大场景稳定承载 Collaboration on Complex Projects

作为一个多年深耕景观设计的团队,D+H 经手的大型项目不计其数。




As a team that has been involved in landscape design for many years, D+H has handled countless large-scale projects.

After long-term practice, the team has founded its best way: Divide a project into several sections, and assign them to different members for further visualization.

D5 is their go-to tool for efficient team collaboration.

“Each of the sections has a dozen separate model files of landscapes, buildings, or other stuff for easier editing.”


▽项目 Rhino 文件 Rhino Files



这就意味着频繁的模型同步,而D5支持 Rhino 文件直读,将以往繁琐的模型同步简化为软件内一键更新,节省了模型手动导出导入、转换文件格式的时间,更顺畅的工作流带来了效率的提升。

This means frequent model sync. Since D5 can directly open Rhino files, designers can update models with one click, saving time for manual export/import and file conversion. It’s also a key to improving working efficiency.


▽Rhino-D5 联动 Rhino-D5 LiveSync



各分区完成细化后,D+H 会在D5中直接将各部分快速合并至主场景。





Once each section is completed, the D+H team will directly merge them into one D5 scene file.

“D5’s feature of project merging cracks the hard nut of team collaboration. Plus the multi-editor editing feature of D5 for Teams, our efficiency would be further improved.”

The chief designer will check the overall progress and effect of the merged project. This raises a requirement for D5’s capability of handling large scenes.

“The software we used before tended to crash, which often delayed project advancement. But D5 is much more stable, giving us confidence.”

D5’s excellent scene handling capability ensures smooth operation when running large landscape projects with many plant models. Designers can focus on their work without interruption.


▽场景切换 Rhino-D5 LiveSync



团队共享空间,有效的资源管理与复用 Team Workspace for Effective Resource Management




除了模型、材质,D+H 还会借助团队预设功能,将调好的环境参数保存并共享,一键调用,减少重复工作,配景和氛围搭建的效率极大提升。


An effective way to manage team resources plays magic as well.

D5 for Teams provides a dedicated shared workspace for each enterprise. Team members can upload and access models or materials with ease.

“We will upload some standardized models to the team library for later use, which is very convenient.”

D+H also preserves many environmental presets in D5 Studio cloud workspace. Members can use these presets to create atmospheric scenes with one click.

Designers often save presets from scenes in the D5 official forum, where talented users have shared over 300 beautiful scenes.


▽D5团队版 Studio 参数预设 Presets Stored in D5 Studio





The precipitation of team resources not only builds an efficient resource sharing system within the team, but also helps the team to establish a unified drawing standard.

“These high-quality environmental presets are available for everyone. They also serve as a reference, ensuring the consistency of output quality.”



符合原有操作习惯,快速上手新工具 User-friendly for Beginners to Get Started with Ease



设计师能否以更低的门槛体验、享受科技进步的成果?答案是肯定的,且 D+H 的实践经历就是很好的范例。

在学习初期,D5简单易上手的特性,辅以官方教程的支持,帮助 D+H 有效降低了学习成本,同时最大程度缩短了软件从学习到投产的路径。


最终只用了3天,D+H 便决定全面转用D5工作流。


As technology advances in leaps and bounds, everyday there are new tools coming into being.

Can designers learn and grasp a new tool with ease? The answer is yes, and it’s tested by D+H.

“D5 has more features than the software we used in the past, but has neat and clean logic behind. We spent one day watching official tutorials and were able to use D5 for production on the same day.”

In the end, D+H made the decision to fully switch to D5 in just 3 days.

“We once met bottleneck when making final presentation for a project. After trying D5 for three days, we got a satisfactory and successful result. Therefore, the whole studio decided to switch to D5.”


▽上海市徐汇区日晖绿地景观改造设计 Shanghai Xuhui District Rihui green landscape renovation design

©上海 D+H 城市与景观设计事务所


结语 Epilogue


正如 D+H 所说:



A good design needs realistic and attractive visualization to deliver the concept. Nowadays, we can choose a more efficient way.

As D+H says,

“D5 helps us to achieve better results in a shorter time.”

In the future, D5 will continue to optimize the product and provide designers with a more enjoyable workflow.




更多read more about:   D5 渲染器