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Thanks Studio Zhu-Pei for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool. Text description provided by Studio Zhu-Pei.



Studio Zhu-Pei: Zhu Pei was invited by friends Yang Liping and Wang Yanwu to design their performing arts center in Dali. As a dance artist, Yang Liping has been enthusiastically caring for nature and culture here and devoted to discovering the local folk dance art in Yunnan. The Performing Arts Center is located on the northeast side outside the ancient city. Its east and south sides are farmland, streams, woods, and wetlands; the west and north sides are villages. The stretch of Cang Mountain stands on the west side of the Performing Arts Center, and the Zhonghe Stream among the eighteen streams in Cang Mountain passes through the ancient city from west to east, passing through the south side of the site and heading straight to the Erhai Lake.


▼表演艺术中心夜景 Lights lit up the theater



表演艺术中心地段位于古城外的东北侧,它的东、南两侧为农田、溪流、树林、湿地;西、北两侧为村庄。中和溪,苍山十八溪中最重要溪流之一,自苍山而下穿越古城,途经表演艺术中心地段的南侧直奔洱海。从地段东望,苍山十八溪所冲击出来的平原、湿地; 西望,四千米海拔的苍山,被厚重的白云所包裹,横亘南北,扑面而来。


▼场地环境 Site photograph

▼场地位置Site location


理念 Concept



▼鸟瞰 Aerial view



The original idea of the Performing Arts Center is rooted in the perception of the local natural climate and the specific culture bred from it, as well as the survival wisdom of the locals. An open, outward-looking, horizontal roof that looks like an earthy landscape and shelters from rain is like the horizon at the junction of Cang Mountain and the Erhai Lake, creating a huge shelter, shaping a public space that contains the possibility of various events. It also provides an ideal habitat for people traveling between the ancient city and the Erhai Lake.


▼夕阳下的表演艺术中心The Performing Arts Center at sunset


空间  Space



▼设计草图 Zhu Pei’ Sketch



▼研究模型 Study model




▼穴与巢概念 Cave and Nest concept

▼剖面图 Section




In people’s impression, the theater has always been a huge black box wrapped by some fragmentary auxiliary functions such as a foyer, lounge, rehearsal hall, etc. It strives to isolate itself from the outside world and regards natural phenomena such as light, sound, and wind as its natural enemies. The greatest effort made by the architecture of the Performing Arts Center in Dali is to try to subvert people’s perception of theater and create a new theater concept and new experiences.


▼西立面 West elevation


体验 Experience



▼室外剧场 Outdoor theater

▼室外剧场夜景 Night view of outdoor theatre

▼从室外剧场看向屋顶步道 View from outdoor theater to roof ramp




▼室外剧场与室外表演空间 Outdoor theater and outdoor performance space

▼室外剧场与与茶室 Teahouse and outdoor theater



The Performing Arts Center tries to avoid the concept of internal and external distinction, black and white, and self-integrity, whether in terms of architectural space and form or in terms of performance and event activity content. This may be like the blank space in traditional Chinese painting. The author expects to use the incompleteness of his own painting to complete the work together with viewers of different eras with their own imagination, thus giving life to the work. This kind of intertwining and interdependence between the multiple elements of nature, architecture, performance, and people, together to create a full theater, thus realizing its integrity.


▼茶室树屋 Teahouse


构造 Structure

该建筑另外一个构想就是与自然的充分交互,实现自然智慧生态建筑。大理地处高原,光照强。出檐深远、水平延展的屋顶就像一把大伞,在抵抗着紫外线的照射的同时,也塑造了阴影,为人们提供了遮阳避雨的舒适环境。大理特殊的地理环境,也决定了强风的主导风向是南北,平行于苍山。 故该建筑屋顶的长轴沿南北向展开,以避开强风的侵袭。来自洱海方向的湿润、温和的气流可以鱼贯而入,穿越整组建筑。即使室内剧场沿东西都开有巨大的裂缝,再加之屋顶开有巨大可开启的椭圆形ETFE气枕天窗, 形成有效的自然通风的烟囱效应。


▼屋顶及室外剧场 Roofscape and outdoor theater



Another idea is to fully interact with nature to realize natural intelligent ecological architecture. Dali is located on a plateau with strong sunlight. The far-reaching and horizontally extended roof is like a big canopy. While resisting ultraviolet rays, it also shapes shadows and provides a comfortable environment for people to shade and avoid the rain. Through targeted design strategies, the Performing Arts Center fully responded to the local natural environment and climatic conditions and realized the diversity and mobility of architectural forms and spaces.


▼木构屋顶细节 Wooden roof details


感悟 Perception


In a nutshell, the concept of Yangliping Performing Arts Center is rooted in the perception of Dali’s natural climate and culture. It is also another in-depth experimental work on the design philosophy of “Architecture of Nature” after the Jingdezhen Imperial Kiln Museum. This building indeed subverts our traditional cognition of theater, constructing a porous, open, and fluid alternative theater, more precisely an art space. It does not strive to be a monument, but sets a stage for the vast natural landscape beyond it: back against Cang Mountain and facing the Erhai Lake. It is like a ten-mile-long pavilion outside the ancient city, welcoming people who visit Dali.


© 张耀



主设计师:Edwin Lam,Shuhei Nakamura
项目负责人:Virginia Melnyk
剧场顾问:dUCKS  scéno,行式管理顾问股份有限公司

Project name: Yangliping Performing Arts Center
Location: Dali, Yunnan, China
Design period: 2014-2015
Completion Year: 2020
Area: 8,155sqm
Architecture, Interior and Landscape Design: Studio Zhu-Pei
Design Principal: Zhu Pei
Lead Designer: Edwin Lam, Shuhei Nakamura
Project in Charge: Virginia Melnyk
Design Team: Han Mo, He Fan, Liu Ling, Wu Zhigang, You Changchen, Gary Poon, Ke Jun, Wang Peng, Wang Zheng, Ding Xinyue, Feng Chaoying, Chen Yida, Han Yi, Lin Wendi, Du Yao
Theater: dUCKS scéno, Creative Solution Integration LTD.
Structure: Professor Fu Xueyi, National Engineering Survey and Design
Facade: Shenzhen Dadi Facade Technology CO., LTD.
Lighting: Ning Field Lighting Design CO., LTD.
Acoustic: China IPPR International Engineering CO., LTD.
Client: Dali Yang Liping Grand Theatre Co., LTD
Construction: The Third Construction CO., LTD. of YCIH
Photography by: Jin Weiqi
Written by: Zhu Pei





审稿编辑:任廷会 -Ashley Jen

更多 Read more about: Studio Zhu-Pei 朱锫建筑事务所