
编辑:Via Wang



Karim+Elias 专注探索沙土这一丰富又多功能的自然材料,于2021年成立跨学科设计工作室,通过美术、室内和产品、建筑、装置、数字和壁画等多种领域艺术设计展现沙土的魅力。2022年迪拜城市设计展他们的首个大型土球装置「IOTA」亮相,其柔美与厚重的特殊结合一经展出便引发强烈反响。今年,他们又推出同类土球装置「源自大地」为沙特阿拉伯迪里耶谱写一首自然赞歌,向当地土建工艺致敬。

We’re a multidisciplinary design studio creatively exploring sand — one of the most abundant and versatile natural materials. We’ve joined years of individual expertise in the fields of fine arts, interior and product design, architecture, site-specific installations, digital design and mural artworks to launch our focused venture. Sand has existed timelessly, and in many ways draws historical and emotional value universally. We’re on a mission to push the potential of sand through art and design, beginning with IOTA; a grand scale installation to debut at Downtown Design 2022.




Ο 「 源自大地 」

From This Earth Installation



Karim+Elias’ latest work contextually celebrates the city of Diriyah’s architectural craft of building with earth. Renowned as ‘the city of earth’, Diriyah has become one of Saudi Arabia’s most celebrated UNESCO World Heritage sites, largely in part for its committee’s efforts towards the preservation and promotion of earthen craftsmanship.



Diriyah Gate Development Authority



Renowned as ‘the city of earth’, Diriyah has become one of Saudi Arabia’s most celebrated UNESCO World Heritage sites, largely in part for its committee’s efforts towards the preservation and promotion of earthen craftsmanship.




‘From This Earth’ is composed of over 1,400 modular spheres; each individually hand-sculpted from locally sourced materials, and stacked to compose a series of earthen ‘screens’. The porous surfaces act as a modern-day ‘mcharrabiyah’ — an ode to the city’s vernacular characteristics of triangular wind perforations and rooftop silhouettes.



迪里耶年度活动由Design Lab Experience设计,Diriyah Season主办,该装置会在活动中一直展出到2024年3月,向沙特阿拉伯王国的传统文化、建筑遗产和发源地致敬。

The installation will remain on display until March 2024, as part of ‘Layali Diriyah’ hosted by Diriyah Season; an annual celebration honoring the traditions, heritage, and birthplace of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, designed by Design Lab Experience.





Ο 「 迪拜设计展入口装置 」

IOTA  Installation



Utilizing one of the most abundantly found natural materials in the UAE — sand, IOTA is a grand open-air installation showcasing over 150 modular spheres of sand, designed to welcome guests into Dubai’s Downtown Design 2022 fair.



装置赞助商House Of Today作为非营利性设计平台,旨在挖掘、展示、培养和连接新兴的黎巴嫩设计师与全球设计专家建立联系。Karim+Elias便是他们力荐的新锐设计师之一。

The project has been supported by House Of Today, a non-profit design platform that identifies, showcases, nurtures, and connects emerging Lebanese designers to create a relationship with design experts globally.




Sand has existed timelessly and, in many ways, paints a meaningful picture of the city’s history, culture and identity. Instinctively, the design duo saw this as an opportunity worth embracing while asking themselves — how can the most abundantly found local material be used as an ecological ode to Dubai?




The work preserves the age-old method of hand-pressing earth layer above layer, now cast in modern-made moulds. The design duo has reimagined the method through form, showcasing a perceptibly heavy material as contemporary, soft and seemingly weightless. Each tactile sphere is unique in texture and composition, naturally pigmented in an array of colors.




A majority of blood orange and powder pink spheres are composed to define areas of circulation and rest — a playful layout allowing pedestrian porosity to and from the exhibition’s entry point. The modular composition is likened to a painting, where each perspective throughout the installation is an exercise of art direction, meant to balance and harmonize the palette of colors. Given its versatile layout, ever-changing moments experienced throughout the installation present multiple opportunities for picturesque moments.




Sparked by the story of IOTA, Karim+Elias was founded to creatively explore sand through art and design. The duo has come to recognize sand as a material with meaning, in its timeless and universal quality. As a potential alternative to stone, marble or even concrete, it is the foundation of their work philosophy. Karim+Elias is beginning with pieces of Dubai, on a mission to craft earthen relics and spatial experiences from landscapes worldwide.








『 源自大地 』

设计公司: Karim+Elias
占地面积: 220 m²
完成时间: 2024
摄影: Elias El Hage
主创: Karim Tamerji, Elias El Hage
活动设计与协调: Design Lab Experience
地点: 沙特阿拉伯 迪里耶


『 IOTA 』

设计公司: Karim+Elias
占地面积: 165 m²
完成时间: 2022
摄影:Michal Stancelewski
主创: Karim Tamerji, Elias El Hage
灯光咨询: Shahe Manuelian
灯光提供: TABET Engineering & Lighting
地点: 阿联酋 迪拜


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