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Thanks Change Studio for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool. Text description provided by Change Studio.


承迹景观: 沈阳,一座拥有厚重历史底蕴的城市,在新时代背景下同样面临城市品质提升需求,中寰悦府项目便是更新地块之一。用地坐落于沈阳城心皇姑区,执守城市主脉北陵大街、紧邻沈阳北站,是一处多年停滞开发的大地块,如同城市的疤痕一般,老旧、杂乱、亟待激活焕发新生。在这样的机缘背景下,由华润主持开发,并委托我们进行整体规划设计。

Change Studio: Shenyang, a city with a rich historical heritage, is facing the need to improve urban quality in the context of the new era, and the Zhonghuanyue Mansion project is one of the renewal plots. Located in Huanggu District, the heart of Shenyang, the main vein of the city, Beiling Street, close to Shenyang North Railway Station, is a large plot of land that has been stagnant for many years, like the scar of the city, old, messy, and in urgent need of activation and rejuvenation. Under such an opportunity, CR.Land presided over the development and entrusted us with the overall planning and design.





The project will be developed in three phases integrating commercial, residential, office, leisure and entertainment, and transportation hubs, and will be built into an urban complex covering an area of 55,000 square meters in the future. A park located in the center of the Cross Axis is as scarce as an oasis in the desert. We hope to take this as a breakthrough to restore the relationship between people and life, people and the city, give citizens an open place that can be used freely and friendly, and integrate nature and art into the living space, so as to create a “green core” of the city with a humanistic spirit and build a complete urban life.


▽城市规划 Urban Planning


▽自然友好的城市开放场所 Nature-friendly urban open Spaces



原貌 Existing Condition


The site is an irregularly shaped triangular parkland, where the actual usable green space is extremely limited according to measurements. The boundaries are disorderly and chaotic, and the site is heavily obstructed by trees—these are the most evident challenges. How to break through these constraints, achieve a sense of spaciousness in a small area, transform disadvantages into advantages, and maximize the spatial value became our primary design focus.


▽场地原貌 Existing Condition




Through on-site visits and insights, the design direction gradually became clearer. First, the space needs to be “unveiled and revealed” from the cluttered municipal interfaces. Next, by clearing the understory of the existing trees, a “park-like road” strategy will be employed to expand the boundaries, turning disadvantages into advantages. Finally, the “flexibility and permeability” of ecology will be used to integrate and restore the fragmented urban fabric and surrounding areas, establishing the design principle of a “green foundation.”


▽改造更新后的城市界面干净简洁 The renovated and updated urban interface is clean and simple



内空间理念 Interior Space Concept



The architecture’s extreme openness and modern civic-oriented character not only makes it a landmark but also creates a new dialogue with the city. The landscape will be anchored by the architecture, with the stories of Shenyang’s people as the core driving force. Nature, emotions, and functionality will seamlessly blend together, preserving vibrant traces of life while giving rise to a highly recognizable space.

A clean, floating bridge runs through the entire site, forming the spatial framework. This creates a sense of flowing, interconnected space—distinct yet not isolated—dissolving any sense of enclosure and establishing connections with the interior, the architecture, and the surrounding urban environment. As people wander through and experience this pursuit of spatial excellence, they can discover new unknowns in familiar surroundings. There will be moments of surprise, intrigue, seeing and being seen, all while feeling the natural poetry of everyday life.


▽被城市与自然包裹的艺术展厅 An art gallery wrapped by city and nature



无边的光景 / 静诉时间流动 Boundless Scenes / Silent Flow of Time



As the saying goes, “You stand on the bridge watching the scenery, while the people watching the scenery are on the bridge looking at you.” The mirrored water bridge, as the most vibrant “stroke” in the design, naturally weaves together everything—the pedestrians on the street, speeding cars, and the city’s lights—into the space. It feels like a dynamic painting custom-made for the city, blending the interior and exterior realms, with the senses infinitely heightened.

One end of the bridge connects to the building, while the other fades into the forest, inviting people to follow the path of the trees and walk across the water. Partition walls and tree shadows dance upon the water’s surface. At night, when the bridge lights up, it transforms into the most mysterious rainbow across the space. The wide water surface accentuates the architecture on the opposite shore, inviting moments of contemplation and reflection. Here, one can witness the interplay of light and shadow, and sense the passing of time revealed through these changes.


▽以现代简洁的设计手法,将艺术文化自然而然的演绎于日常生活中 With modern and simple design techniques, art and culture are naturally interpreted in daily life




Let’s extend the dimension of time, where the dappled light and shadow record the rise and fall of the sun, and the blooming flowers and falling leaves tell the story of the changing seasons. Instead of viewing space as a static entity, we see it as a dynamic force. By “looking at the present from the future,” we strategize to imbue the space with enduring vitality.




大隐于林中 / 回归自然恬静 Hidden Among the Woods / Return to Nature’s Serenity


The boundaries between interior and exterior spaces are dissolved, allowing the natural scenery to flow effortlessly through the staggered walls. The scenery within the walls appears faintly, drawing passersby to pause and observe. As one ascends through the woods, the full view of the site gradually unfolds, offering a cleansing experience within the natural geometric order. Following the water upward, visitors arrive at the tree garden, nestled in a canopy of greenery. Wandering beneath the shade, walking among gravel paths, or resting briefly on a bench, one can feel the poetry of life emerge through simple actions. It is as if embarking on a journey through nature, stepping away from the city’s hustle and returning to the tranquility of the natural world.


▽在城市喧嚣中找寻那份自然诗意的静谧生活 In the hustle and bustle of the city to find a natural poetic quiet life



细节的惊喜 / 让艺术照进生活 Delight in the Details / Bringing Art into Life


The overall design embraces simplicity, seeking balance between extreme rationality and nature. With a palette of pure colors, soft textures, and sculptural details, the space reveals a refined modern aesthetic.


▽在每一个细节中发现惊喜 Find surprises in every detail




The subtle textural variations in the cascading water allow viewers to experience different visual forms of the flowing water from various positions and angles. The shimmering ripples and gentle waves break the stillness of the space, offering a sensory delight of both sight and sound.


▽景观叠水 Landscape flooding




A red gravel garden, combined with ground cover and sculptural intersecting walls, creates a distinct sense of place within the neighborhood garden.


▽自然交融的红色砾石花园 Natural blend of red gravel garden




Essential urban amenities: a small woodland parking area.





The form of a space is merely its external expression; the essence lies in a rational and comfortable way of living. Driven by this awareness, our design always contains a highly refined emotional undercurrent, integrating design and art into the living space to create a spiritually enriching place that resonates with human warmth.


▽展厅鸟瞰 Aerial view


▽总平面图 Master Plan




甲方团队:张静茹、张坤朋、栾奕 /华润置地沈阳公司设计管理部住宅设计组

Project Name: Shenyang CR.Land Zhonghuanyue Mansion City Exhibition Hall
Location: Huanggu District, Shenyang
Site Area: 0.9 ha
Design Time: 2024
Completion Time: 2024
Client: CR.Land Shenyang
Client Team: Jingru Zhang, Kunpeng Zhang, Yi Luan / Residential Design Group, Design Management Department, CR.Land Shenyang
Landscape Design: Change Studio
Landscape Construction: SHANSHUIYIHE
Architectural Design: STUDIO LINK-ARC, LLC
Interior Design: Li Yizhong Interior Design
Photography: Ning Wang




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