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Thanks GM Landscape Design for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description and images provided by GM Landscape Design.


广亩景观写在前面 FORWORD

汉阳,作为武汉三镇之一,承载着悠久的历史与文化,从古至今经历了从商贸重镇到现代都市的华丽转变。随着时代的发展,汉阳逐渐转型为集居住、商业、教育于一体的现代化城区。 在快速的城市化进程中,汉阳依然保留着其深厚的文化底蕴和历史记忆,古老的街巷、古朴的建筑与现代的摩天大楼并存,形成了独特的城市风貌。

GM LANDSCAPE:  Hanyang, as one of the three towns in Wuhan, carries a long history and culture, and has experienced a gorgeous transformation from a major trading town to a modern city from ancient times. With the development, Hanyang has gradually transformed into a modern urban area integrating residence, commerce and education. In the process of rapid urbanization, Hanyang still retains its profound cultural heritage and historical memory, ancient streets, simple buildings and modern skyscrapers coexist, forming a unique urban style.



千年古城,文化中心 Ancient city, cultural center


Jiangcheng was also known from Sui and Tang Dynasties. Hanyang County, the ancient urban area where the project is located, together with Jiangxia County of Wuchang, has become a major commercial town along the Yangtze River. Li Bai once wrote a very famous poem here.


▽武汉的历史与现在 The history and present of Wuhan



显正街片区也是历代汉阳县、汉阳军、汉阳府的政治、经济和文化中心。至今都没有明显变化的汉阳城古城1400年前就已形成,以显正街与鼓楼东街形成 T 字骨架,显正街以北是以前的官署,以南以是教育空间、祭祀空间,教育空间主要以县学、贡院为主。

Xianzheng Street is the flourishing axis of Hanyang City and one of the oldest streets in Wuhan. It is an old street of government offices and culture running through the old city of Hanyang.

The Xianzheng Street area was also the political, economic and cultural center of Hanyang’s past dynasties. The ancient city of Hanyang, which has not changed significantly, was formed 1,400 years ago. Xianzheng Street and Gulou East Street form a T-bone, the former government offices in the north of Xianzheng Street, and the education space and worship space in the south. The education space is mainly county school and tribute school.


▽没有明显变化的汉阳城市格局及“武汉之眼”位置 There is no significant change in the urban pattern of Hanyang and the location of “Wuhan Eye”

▽更新前的场地 the site before




“THE EYE OF WUHAN”urban Cultural Exhibition Hall is located on the 1,400-year-old Xianzheng Street, which is the end of the 1,800m Hanyang ancient City cultural axis.


▽1800米步行街,汉阳古城文化轴,规划图甲方提供 1800 meters pedestrian street, cultural axis of Hanyang Ancient City. The planning plan provided by clients



The exhibition hall integrates urban exhibition, business reception, cultural entertainment, art experience and leisure and sightseeing, shining riverside as a new landmark of Wuhan inner ring.




Overlooking from the top platform, it is the same frame as the HUANGHE Tower, Guishan TV Tower, Zhuozhou Yangtze River Bridge and other city landmarks. The outline of the city is clearly visible, with the surging Yangtze River in front of it and the Xianzheng Street, which concentrates Wuhan’s profound cultural heritage, behind it. The epitome of the changing times is condensed here.


▽登顶“武汉之眼”城市美景尽收眼底 view of the city from “Eye of Wuhan”




Here, every brick and tile tells the change of history, and every street bears witness to the growth of the city. In its unique way, “Wuhan Eye” cleverly integrates tradition and modernity, past and present, flow and stillness, looking for slices of time in the long river of history.


▽概念故事线推演 Concept story line development



When designing the tour space and experience, we hope to create a field environment that can touch and evoke emotions. Extract theme elements, according to the moving line and space, introduce the theme concept of time track, flow, grain, mirror.





The art installation in the center of the entrance square is combined with the water feature to become a visual focal point and draw people into the site. Trees and paving make the space more simple and cleaner.


▽入口广场的日晷艺术装置与水景 Sundial art installation with water feature in entrance square




The art installation condenses Hanyang’s cultural history into detail. The changes of light and shadow, the opening and closing of space and the surrounding environment build a multi-level and multi-dimensional experience site.

At night, the waterscape is illuminated by lights, and the water beads shine like the brightest star in the night sky, adding a bit of fantasy and romance to the city square, attracting citizens and tourists.





Open and clean square, simple lines of paving and trees, create a modern minimalist public open space. Through the change of light and shadow, show the different artistic charm of day and night.




The entrance landscape wall full of modern sense attracts the eyes of passers-by with its unique geometric shape, emphasizing the significance and sense of domain of the site, allowing pedestrians from different directions to feel different visual effects.


▽入口景墙 Entrance view wall



The white landscape walls in the space provide a sharp contrast to the surrounding environment. The extended landscape wall, combined with the greenery, forms the boundary of the square and echoes the opposite landscape wall.




The array of big trees combined with the tree pool seats with artistic shapes not only improves the quality of urban public space, but also provides a multi-functional place for citizens to relax, entertain and socialize in one, so that people can find a small world where they can relax and enjoy nature in the busy urban life.


▽树阵广场 Tree array square



The art tree bench engraved with 24 solar terms attracts the public to stop. It is more like a vivid public art work that inspires citizens’ perception of beauty and resonance for traditional culture. The paving design cleverly integrates Hanyang tile, which carries rich local characteristics, into the blue brick and stone, making the whole area exude a strong traditional charm, telling the story of the past, and recording the long historical changes and cultural accumulation of Hanyang area.


▽细节设计 Detail design


时间的镜像 Mirror image of time


The flowing water feature wall next to the staircase leading to the cultural center is like a flowing poem. Accompanied by the sound of the water, it seems to tell the story of art and culture, skillfully integrating the beauty of nature with the feelings of humanity. As the night falls, the sequence of lights on the steps of the visitors lights up one by one, like a picture of time and space, so that every visitor has started a dialogue about culture and history before entering the art museum.


▽艺术阶梯 Art ladder



The time tree next to the entrance of the “Eye of Wuhan” writes the development vein of the city and shows a historical monument cast with memory. Citizens and tourists stop to listen to the sound of those years and feel the unique charm and tenacity of Wuhan.




The tree pool is composed of carefully carved stone slabs, which are engraved with important moments and major events in the history of Wuhan. Every notch from ancient times is a testimony of time.


▽精心雕刻的历史痕迹 Elaborately carved traces of history




The urban interface along the street shows a vivid human long scroll, which is not only a part of the urban fabric, but also the window of the regional spirit. We have retained the street trees of the original site, which bear witness to the changes of the city and carry the memories and emotions of the city. Like a green timeline, it connects the past with the present and becomes an integral part of the city as generations of citizens grow up.




Trees and flowers add some tranquility and elegance to the busy city life. Such urban interface is not only the background of residents’ daily life, but also the starting point for tourists to explore urban culture and feel the endless charm of the city.



链接过去与未来的城市名片 Name cards linking past and future of the city


“THE EYE OF WUHAN” has constantly evolved in the long river of history with Hanyang, always maintaining respect for the past and longing for the future, becoming another shining name card on the cultural axis of Hanyang, and will also become the cover of the city showing the source of culture in the middle reaches of Changjiang River.





Every inch of land in the city carries historical memories and connects the emotions of the people who live on this land. We continue the connection between people and land through the form of scene materialization and abstract into symbolic language.

Symbolic language is the carrier of emotion and memory. Through the renewal of space and field, it can activate the state of people living in the field.


▽更新后的汉阳地标“武汉之眼”实景 Current situation of Hanyang landmark“THE EYE OF WUHAN”





Landscape design: GM landscape
Landscape area: 5272㎡
Design Director: Huang Weiwen
SD Team: Liu Yuxin, Lu Chunyan, Zhang Zhaiting
CD Team: Liu Xuefeng, Luo Rong, Li Yue, Qu Chao, Tang Weihan, Huang Mengzhou, Ren Li
Plant Team: He Wenhong, Jiang Lingling
Client: Wuhan Zhonghai Haisheng Real Estate Co., LTD
Client Team: Zhang Zhanguo, Zhai Gaofeng, Di Mengjie, Zhao Jinhua, Tian Errui, Guo Siyu
Architectural Design: HZS Architectural Design
Construction Company: Chongqing Jisheng
Image Credits: IAM Image+




更多read more about:   广亩景观 GM landscape design

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