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NUA arquitectures:这是一项旨在促进恢复阿尔特营地(Alt Camp)农业文化遗产的干预措施。这一再循环项目保留了这片土地上的劳动者和居民的珍贵记忆与经历。

在加泰罗尼亚阿尔特营地,Santes Creus 修道院附近一个专门种植橄榄树和杏仁树的农场最高点,矗立着一座石头小屋,它是散布在整个地区的一系列孤立而简陋的石头建筑的一部分,最初是为了管理农田而建造的庇护所。

NUA arquitectures:An intervention that aims to contribute to the recovery of the agricultural cultural heritage of Alt Camp. A project of recycling that preserves the memories and experiences of those who work and inhabit the territory.

At the highest point of an agricultural estate dedicated to the cultivation of olive and almond trees near the Monastery of Santes Creus, in Alt Camp, Catalonia, stands a small stone refuge that is part of a set of isolated and minimal stone constructions scattered throughout the territory, shelters originally built to manage crop fields.


© Jose Hevia
© Jose Hevia



Following the ancestral logic of maximum use of resources and built with the local stone, these ancient constructions blend with the stone terraces that structure the entire territory, forming a single indissoluble unit that builds the identity of this cultural landscape. Sheltered under four pine trees that provide shade and with views to the south, overlooking the Camp de Tarragona and the sea at its feet, its location was privileged.


© Jose Hevia
© Jose Hevia
© Jose Hevia
© Jose Hevia
© Jose Hevia



Only a few stone walls remained standing from the original construction, which had been gradually renovated through fragile and precarious solutions that had blurred its identity.


© Jose Hevia


此次 Mas Carpi 的修复项目是对原有建筑的全面恢复。首先,修复垂直石墙结构,并在必要的情况下用从地块上拆除的旧梯田中回收的石材进行替换。其次,拆除现有的水平屋顶,更换为新的层压木结构和平瓦陶瓷屋顶。

The rehabilitation project of Mas Carpi is a global recovery operation of the original construction. Firstly, restoration and replacement, where necessary, of the vertical stone wall structure with stone recovered from old demolished terraces on the plot itself. Secondly, demolition and replacement of the existing horizontal roof with a new laminated wood structure and a ceramic roof of flat tiles.


© Jose Hevia
© Jose Hevia
© Jose Hevia
© Jose Hevia
© Jose Hevia



Also improving lighting and ventilation by opening new windows to achieve a better relationship between the interior and exterior, and, finally, enabling and activating the interior through new furniture and the renovation of the facilities to make it completely self-sufficient through solar energy, covering all the electrical demand of the project.


© Jose Hevia
© Jose Hevia
© Jose Hevia
© Jose Hevia
© Jose Hevia
© Jose Hevia
© Jose Hevia


该项目利用现有的一切条件,使用当地的天然材料,采用适应当地条件的被动式生物气候策略,减少对环境的影响,使 Mas Carpi 重新焕发生机,变成了一个新的家园。​


An intervention to give a second life to the Mas as a home, taking advantage of everything that exists and using natural materials from the place and with low environmental impact, using passive bioclimatic strategies adapted to the site’s conditions.

A rehabilitation that tries to maintain the essence of the old construction and its close relationship with the landscape of Alt Camp.


© Jose Hevia
© Jose Hevia
© Jose Hevia
© Jose Hevia
© Jose Hevia


▽项目图纸 Project drawing

© NUA arquitectures




项目名称:A New Life for Mas Carpi
建筑设计:NUA arquitectures(Arnau Tiñena, Maria Rius, Ferran Tiñena)
合作者:Gavina Piras, Manuela Piras, Paula Roch.
技术建筑师:Josep Anguera
施工单位:Teules SL
结构:Egoin S.A.
木工:Carreté Finestres SL
地点:西班牙 塔拉戈纳 Santes Creus
摄影:Jose Hevia.

Name: A New Life for Mas Carpi
Architects: NUA arquitectures (Arnau Tiñena, Maria Rius, Ferran Tiñena).
Collaborators: Gavina Piras, Manuela Piras, Paula Roch.
Technical Architects: Josep Anguera
Construction Company: Teules SL
Structure: Egoin S.A.
Carpentry: Carreté Finestres SL
Location: Santes Creus, Tarragona.
Photography: Jose Hevia.




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