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Thanks Bona fide taller for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Bona fide taller.
Bona fide taller:在圣彼得街的尽头,枸杞种植园的上方,有一个金属网围建的露台位于茉莉花丛中。露台一侧是哥特式宫殿花园的围墙,这座宫殿是西班牙卡斯特利翁省索特德费雷尔村的发源地。
Bona fide taller:There is a balcony of rod mesh and jasmine at the end of St.Peter street, above the medlar plantation. On one side lies the walls of the Gothic Palace garden, settling point from where the village of Sot de Ferrer grew, in the province of Castellon, Spain.
▽金属网围建的露台 A balcony of rod mesh
On the other side, a path gently slopes downward to the remains of the old washhouse.
▽旧洗衣房遗迹 The remains of the old washhouse
New stairs provide access and sitting –surprisingly, it is still in use by a few neighbors of age-.
The concrete wall allows for a small plaza open to the fields and the trees that follow the stream of the river. One can sit on its edge and refresh their feet in the main irrigation ditch, as it always carries water.
The pergola gathers all the space under its curved vault, soon to be covered by Virginia creeper vine, red in Autumn.
▽测绘前平面布置图 Plan before surveying and mapping
▽概念初稿 First draft of ideas
▽平面图 Floor plan
▽基于现场调整的平面图 Floor plan based on site
▽结构剖面图 Section
项目地点:西班牙 卡斯特利翁 索特德费雷尔
景观/建筑公司:Bona fide taller
首席建筑师:Alejandro Martínez del Río
设计团队:Alejandro Martínez del Río
客户:Sot de Ferrer administration 和 Diputación de Castellón
图片来源:Oleh Kardash Horlay
Project name: A Pergola open to the fields
Completion Year: 2021
Size: 700 sqm
Project location: Sot de Ferrer, Castellón, Spain
Landscape/Architecture Firm: Bona fide taller
Website: https://www.instagram.com/bona_fide_taller/?hl=es
Contact e-mail: martinezdelrioalejandro@gmail.com
Lead Architects: Alejandro Martínez del Río
Design Team: Alejandro Martínez del Río
Clients: Sot de Ferrer administration and Diputación de Castellón
Photo credits: Oleh Kardash Horlay
Photographer’s website: https://www.instagram.com/olehkardash/?hl=es
“ 在日出月落时,在暮光与晨雾缭绕间,在通向田野的凉亭中感受乡村的宁静和自然的美好。”
审稿编辑: Simin
更多 Read more about: Bona fide taller