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Thanks Paul Milinski for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool. Text description provided by Paul Milinski.
Paul Milinski:该作品是我描绘的一个以自然为建筑、建筑皆景墙的世界。阳光穿透树叶洒下的斑驳,仿佛将大自然变成了一个迪斯科舞厅,在这里,所有的生物都是平等的,人类也只是环境的一部分,与自然相辅相成。这些作品通过结合现实生活,促使我们改变对待地球的方式。这些设计通过展示潜在的未来将人们带入这些定格的心境中,为人们提供了一个思考和避世的机会。
Paul Milinski:I would describe my work as being in a world where nature is the building and the building is the feature wall. Where leaking light through leaves becomes nature’s disco ball. places where all living things are seen as equal and where human elements conform to the environment. Through the juxtaposition of realities, these pieces urge us to inspire change in how we treat the earth. Within the captured mood, they are designed to transport you along pathways that illustrate a potential future and offer a chance to wonder and escape.

设计过程 Process
my process always starts with a sketch. All I need is a few lines to connect in the right places to create a spark and then I follow my intuition from there. sometimes it’s a quick resolve and other times it’s a drawn-out battle. Once I’m pleased with the direction of the sketch, I’ll then move to the computer where I can really take control of the light/shadows and achieve the exact mood that I’m after.

Designer: Paul Milinski (Art Director)
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