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TCL:The Australian Native Garden at the Botanic Gardens of Adelaide is a demonstration garden that seeks to showcase innovative and artistic ways of using native plants at a domestic scale. A site was chosen in the Botanic Gardens of Adelaide that contained many of the challenges that a domestic gardener faces when creating their own space, and the garden that was created could be applied to a range of domestic settings.

In order to create a number of design ideas in relation to domestic gardens, the area was divided into a number of garden rooms. These rooms explored different styles and approaches to garden design appropriate to the particular site conditions. In order for the rooms to have a sense of cohesion across the whole site, hedge planting runs along the edge of the site parallel to the existing heritage stone wall with room divisions running perpendicular to this line. Over 90 species of plants were used in a myriad of ways: as low and high hedging, structural planting, screening vegetation, specimen plants, formal and informal beds, in pots and as copses of trees to show the flexibility of large native shrubs.
▼不同种类的植物 Different kinds of plants

The design is context specific, working with existing site conditions, utilising existing features of the site such as the heritage stone wall, and working with existing levels and a variety of different sun and shade conditions.
▼ 平行于石墙的绿篱 Hedge parallel to the heritage stone wall

Plant species have been selected to minimise water use with the aim to use only rainwater collected from roofs of adjacent buildings for irrigation while being established, and to use little or no water once established.
▼雨水收集利用 Rainwater collection and utilization

The design also includes a sculptural installation inspired by native plants and exhibits creative ways of using recycled materials. A series of rusted metal laser cut screens form the entrance to the courtyard garden allowing filtered views into the space. The patterning of the screens is taken from the microscopic cross -section of a eucalypt leaf, while the large bench /deck composed of recycled hardwood and old road signs show how to be inventive and creative with recycled materials.
▼入口金属屏风 The metal screen of the entrance

▼回收材料的利用 Utilization of recycled materials

As a whole, the garden seeks to influence the community’s relationship with native plants, landscapes and their own back yards. The success of this garden lies in its ability to motivate visitors to adopt the featured design methods and outcomes, resulting in educated decisions about local planting. The garden also aims to foster a relationship between visitor and landscape, creating enthusiasm for creating place through landscape.
项目地点:南澳大利亚 阿德莱德
首席建筑师:Kate Cullity
设计团队:Grace Lin
合作者:来自SPUD的设计师/艺术家craig Andrae、景观设计师Graeme Hopkins、艺术家/金属工艺师Tony Rosella、生态工程师Robin Allison、设计师Paul Thompson
Project name: Adelaide Botanic Gardens – Native Garden
Completion Year: 2011
Size: 360 ㎡
Project location: Adelaide, South Australia
Landscape/Architecture Firm: TCL
Website: www.tcl.net.au
Contact e-mail: kate.c@tcl.net.au
Lead Architects: Kate Cullity
Design Team: Grace Lin
Clients: Adelaide Botanic Gardens
Collaborators: Designer/artist Craige Andrae from SPUD, Landscape Architect Graeme Hopkins, artist/metal craftsman Tony Rosella, Ecological Engineer Robin Allison, and designer Paul Thompson.
Photo credits: www.benwrigley.com.au
Photographer’s website: www.benwrigley.com.au
“ 该花园的独特之处在于其应对城市气候变化,运用本土植物进行创造性地设计和栽植,提升了花园的教育意义。”
审稿编辑: Simin
更多 Read more about: TCL (Taylor.Cullity.Lethlean)