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Thanks TERREMOTO for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by TERREMOTO.
TERREMOTO: An awesome + creative + optimistic young family came to us with the opportunity to do one of our favorite things; reimagining a sad, dated and normative lawn and landscape typologies into something weirder, wilder and of a less human supremacist orientation.

The family had moved into an ‘L-eichler’ (as in like an Eichler) in suburban Los Gatos and wanted to rip up the conventional and irrigation intensive mono lawnscape, uninspiring hedges, old school fencing, and rotting deck. We were tasked with creating a dreamy little meadowscape for their two young daughters to frolic fancy-free that would welcome in critters and creatures to connect them with their environment from an early start.
▽场地原貌,像老兵房的住宅 The “L-eichler”

▽改造过程 The process

▽改造后的花园 After transformation

▽户外餐厅 Outdoor Restaurant

▽户外厨房 Outdoor Kitchen

我们种植设计背后的指导理念是让传粉者成为主导,增强植物的繁衍。这片起伏的花卉草地经过精心设计,可以随着时间和季节的变化而变化,一年四季均有不同的花朵盛开。早期开花的灌木石猴花(Diplacus puniceus)引领我们进入春季,观赏鼠尾草(sages )和钓钟柳属植物(penstemon),然后是夏季的千叶蓍(Achillea millefolium)、Monardella villosa和扁叶刺芹(Eryngium planum),最后,是温暖而舒适的荞麦花( Buckwheat)。而所有这些花卉都与细长而飘动的草本植物交织在一起,如针叶乱子草(Muhlenbergia dubia)和秋蓝禾(Sesleria autumnalis)。在我们团队里,Nadia称这种植物色彩搭配方案为 “加州浪漫主义”,粉色、紫色、白色、蓝色交织在一起,模仿了晚霞的美丽颜色。
The guiding philosophy behind our planting design was to let pollinators rule. The wavy floral meadow was designed to change, shift and flow over time and across seasons with different blooms popping off throughout the year. Early bloomer Diplacus puniceus leads us to springtime sages and penstemon followed by a summertime party of Achillea millefolium, Monardella villosa and Eryngium planum. We close out with the remaining blooms of the warm and cozy Buckwheat. And it’s all weaved together with long, flowing grasses like Muhlenbergia dubia and Sesleria autumnalis. In our office, Nadia calls this color scheme ~California Romantic~, the pinks, purples, whites, blues – it all kind of mimics the beauty of a late sunset.

All the flower structures together create an array of texture that is easy to miss, but when observed closely, it is so thrilling. Some sway in the wind, some stay rigid and tucked in a clump towards its foliage. There’s something about the way individual plants can be mixed together to create something totally different. It feels like baking. I’d never eat baking soda alone, but in a cookie recipe, it’s integral. And without it, you have a flat cookie – womp womp.

Walking through the wildness of the garden 2.5 years later, I’m wrestling with the arm of the Bog Sage, while the bees, butterflies, beetles, and hummingbirds are frantically chasing it as it moves. The girls seem to enjoy the meadow-jungle too; we carved out some mini trails into the planting areas so they can explore. While they’re a little afraid of bees right now, they love to draw the flowers – they capture the racemes, panicles, cymes, salverforms, umbels, tubulars, and spikes perfectly on their little sketchbooks with markers. Oh, to be a child in a wild garden with the coolest parents who believed in this vision. We hope the rest of the lawn dominated neighborhood follows their lead.

TERREMOTO团队:Sarah Samynathan (lead) and Alain Peauroi.
客户:Ann Le + Steven Huynh
景观施工:Miranda’s Landscape; Casey Miranda.
照片:Caitlin Atkinson
Project Name: ALICE
Location: United States of America
Design Firm: TERREMOTO
Website: https://terremoto.la/
TERREMOTO Team: Sarah Samynathan (lead) and Alain Peauroi.
Client: Ann Le + Steven Huynh
Builder: Miranda’s Landscape; Casey Miranda.
Photo: Caitlin Atkinson
Photographer’s website: http://caitlinatkinson.com/
“ 将单调乏味的单一草坪景观改造成四季花开的梦幻花园。”
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