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安缦:2019 年10月21日—安缦集团在日本的第三处目的地安缦京都于 2019 年11月1日开幕。 度假村坐落于京都名山左大文字山脚的隐僻庭院中,四周环绕着面积达 32 公顷的蓊郁森林。 青苔覆盖的石像如同散落在葱茏植被间的绿色宝石,蜿蜒小径连接起幽静的林间空地,潺潺溪水伴随着悦耳鸟鸣,在这片与世隔绝的禅意天地中,宾客可让身心沉浸于森林与溪水的疗愈能量,尽情探索安缦京都悉心策划的独特安缦之旅。
AMAN:21 October 2019 – Set in a secret garden at the heart of a 32-hectare forest, Aman Kyoto, Aman’s third destination in Japan – opens on 1 November 2019. The resort is a secluded otherworldly retreat: moss-covered boulders glow emerald-like in the lush undergrowth, winding footpaths link tranquil forest glades, and streams provide a soothing soundtrack broken only by birdsong. From this peaceful haven, where gardens, forest and healing waters rejuvenate body and mind, guests can explore all that Kyoto has to offer on uniquely curated, behind-the-scenes Aman Journeys.

庭院 Gardens
寂静的中央草坪上陈设着庭院原主人挑选的大型花岗岩雕塑,赋予空间独特而引人入胜的格调。为纪念安缦京都及全球多家安缦度假村的设计者Kerry Hill先生,庭院被命名为Kerry Hill花园,以芬芳茂盛的园景纪念这位已故建筑大师。
Aman Kyoto is nestled in forested grounds, within walking distance of the iconic UNESCO World Heritage Site of Kinkaku-ji Temple, and close to the centre of beguiling Kyoto.
Within a hidden valley, formed by a series of manicured platforms, the garden is enclosed on one side by a small stream, and on another by a wooded hill. An ethereal landscape of mature cedar, cypress, camellia and Japanese maple trees (to name just a few) changes colour through the year, transporting the garden from one season to another. The platforms, originally intended as locations for the buildings of a textile museum, are the unrealised dream of the site’s former owner, who was one of Japan’s most respected collectors of the obi (the ornamental sash for a traditional Japanese kimono), and now provide the foundations for the sensitively designed pavilions of the resort. The tranquillity and drama of this setting inspired the respectful architectural design of Aman Kyoto.
Moss-covered stone pathways laid down by the creator of the garden, some edged in large cut- stone borders traverse the site. Graceful garden stairways and pathways lead guests to the upper platforms, bordered with colourful yama momiji maples and kitayama-sugi (Japanese cedars). The garden is cleverly designed to self-irrigate through the collection of rainwater via the site’s numerous caves and water tunnels.
Within the formal lawn of the gardens, in the peaceful centre of the site, large granite boulders, originally selected as sculptures by the former owner, define and hold court over the space. Named the Kerry Hill Garden in honour of Kerry Hill, who designed Aman Kyoto, amongst many other Aman properties around the world, the flourishing landscape stands as a living tribute to the iconic architect.
▼安缦京都前门 Aman Kyoto Front Gate

▼通往庭院的台阶 Steps to Tengamine Garden

▼庭院 Gardens

设计 Design
度假村的建筑设计堪称简约风格的典范,由安缦东京和安缦伊沐的设计公司Kerry Hill Architects一手打造。秉承安缦以日本文化为灵感的美学理念,包括安缦水疗中心在内的所有设施均展现出品牌特有的雅致,和谐融入绿意盎然的环境。室内装潢色调柔和,与本地工匠的杰作相得益彰:起居庭阁内采用了手工 Raku 烧制技术打造的瓷砖面板,餐厅则使用定制瓷砖装潢。
空间设计呈现惊人的极简风格,大落地窗将周边自然风光完美呈现,地板上铺就的榻榻米, 凹间设计 ( 日式房屋中用来陈设摆饰的内凹小空间)在不经意间成就了视觉焦点。套房内空间开阔舒朗,采光充足,在设计中力求营造宁静、轻松、引人遐思的氛围。包括传统日式灯笼在内的所有家具均专门设计定制,为安缦京都独家使用。花器、艺术品及古董等装饰陈设 均经过悉心甄选,贴合每个空间的不同气质,呈现精巧别致的日式创意美学。
Exemplary in its simplicity, the resort is an architectural masterpiece brought into being by Kerry Hill Architects, who designed both Aman Tokyo and Amanemu. True to the Aman aesthetic, which is very much inspired by Japan, Aman Kyoto’s structures–including its Aman Spa–have been designed with characteristic elegance and sensitivity to complement their verdant surroundings. The colour palette for interiors is neutral, complementing the work of local artisans: handmade raku tile panels grace the Living Pavilion and custom-made ceramic tiles decorate the restaurant.
Strikingly minimalist in their design, the rooms have floor-to-ceiling windows framing the spectacular natural surroundings, tatami mats covering the floors, and tokonoma (alcoves where items for artistic appreciation are presented) providing subtle focal points. The spacious and light-filled interiors are ingeniously crafted to foster peace, relaxation and contemplation. All furniture, including traditional Japanese lanterns, have been custom-designed and are exclusive to Aman Kyoto. Carefully chosen artefacts, whether vases, artworks or antiques, have been individually selected for each space and celebrate the refined aesthetic and creative values of Japan.

客房 Guest Rooms
鹫峰阁和鹰峰阁以京都附近国家公园内的两座山峰命名,位于度假村最高耸僻静之处,可一览周边秀丽的森林景观。这两栋庭阁内设两间附带独立卫浴设施的卧室,独立起居和就餐区, 厨房以及榻榻米室。萤、枫、楢、芒四栋庭阁内的客房每间面积达60平方米,大落地窗可饱览庭院与森林美景。室内空间宽敞,透过每一处巧思细节让人放松、沉淀。每间客房均设有日式木制浴缸,以日本中部出产的扁柏木打造而成。
Consisting of a series of standalone pavilions, Aman Kyoto has six Guest Pavilions housing 26
guest rooms.
Aman Kyoto’s latticed pavilions are a contemporary homage to the traditional Japanese ryokan inn, minimalist in their geometry, and each serving as a window onto their spectacular natural surroundings. Offering six room categories, including two ‘presidential suites’ located in the Washigamine and Takagamine Pavilions, all accommodation at Aman Kyoto offers leafy seclusion with garden views, and supreme privacy.
The Washigamine and Takagamine Pavilions are named after two mountains in the surrounding national parks of Kyoto and are located at the highest, most secluded point of the property. Offering extensive views over the surrounding forested landscape, each pavilion, houses two en-suite bedrooms, separate living and dining areas, kitchen and tatami room.
The Susuki, Nara, Kaede and Hotaru pavilions all encompass 60 square metre rooms, with floor to ceiling windows that frame the beautiful garden and forest views. The large ofuro bathtubs in each guest room have been crafted from hinoki cypress wood, native to central Japan.
▼总统套房-鹫峰阁客厅 Washigamine Suite Living Room

▼总统套房-鹫峰阁餐厅 Washigamine Suite Dining Room

▼客房-萤 Hotaru Room

水疗与养生 Spa and Wellness
29公顷的永久性森林和3公顷的精致庭院为安缦京都水疗中心提供了世外桃源般的延伸空间。 即使简单如森林漫步般的浸入式体验也对身心健康大有益处。安缦京都延续这项备受日本文化尊崇的传统,同时提供其他遵循自然之道的日式全息疗愈仪式,宾客可参加瑜伽和冥想课程,或体验森林浴的疗愈艺术——“感受森林的氛围”。
安缦京都水疗的核心护理哲学,源于酒店底下流动的天然泉水以及该地区的珍品物产。传统温泉设施佐以日本一系列天然美容养生成分,如京都绿茶、丹波黑大豆、本地清酒、冷榨山茶油等,给人最纯粹的放松,最天然的治愈。在安缦京都,宾客可体验到沐浴、呼吸吐纳、 冥想静修、茶道、指压按摩、针灸与艾灸等多种疗愈方式,但度假村四周的天然景观无疑是养生活动中的点睛之笔。
The 29 hectares of permanent forest and three hectares of exquisite gardens surrounding Aman Kyoto serve as a serene setting for the Aman Spa. Even a simple immersion – such as walking through a forest – has a powerful effect on wellbeing. This has long been recognised by the Japanese, and Aman Kyoto embraces this wisdom, alongside other Japanese holistic rituals, with a wellness offering defined by nature in every way. Guests can experience guided yoga and meditation, as well as Shinrin-yoku, the healing art of forest bathing or ‘taking in the forest atmosphere’.
The natural spring water that flows underneath Aman Kyoto is central to the philosophy at the resort’s Aman Spa, and something of great rarity in the region. Traditional onsen bathing facilities, using the water from a local spring, deliver relaxation and healing in their purest forms, while a range of treatments tap into Japan’s plentiful natural apothecary – including Kyoto green tea, Tamba kuromame (black beans), local saké, and cold-pressed tsubaki (camellia) oil. Bathing, breathing practice, Zazen meditation, consuming green tea, the physical practice of shiatsu, acupuncture and moxa are part of the Aman Kyoto experience. However, it is the natural landscape that surrounds the resort that plays the starring role.
▼水疗-户外温泉 Spa – Outside Onsen

▼水疗-室内温泉 Spa – Indoor Onsen

▼养生-森林浴 Wellness – Shinrin-yoku

▼套房下方的庭院小径 Garden path running under Washigamine Suite

餐饮 Dining
安缦用餐阁位居度假村中心位置,度假村的特色餐厅就在阁中。用餐阁设有中央围炉,落地玻璃门外可见别致的花园露台,四围Kerry Hill花园林木馥郁葱茏尽收眼底。餐厅提供早餐、 午餐、下午茶和晚餐,面向酒店住客及非住客开放(需提前预定)。行政主厨 Kentaro Torii 悉心呈献京都家常料理以及新颖可口的西式佳肴,时令菜单精选本地农场优质食材,展现四季的轮转。主厨拥有16年本地及国际经验, 只使用当地和应季食材,其中许多食材来自酒店花园,让客人体验与大自然融为一体的美食。
度假村内的日餐厅 Taka-an 致敬了日本著名的艺术家本阿弥光悦( 1558-1637)。本阿弥光悦曾居于鹰峰,这片区域便是安缦京都所在之处。他打造了鹰峰的文化创意生活,还创建了艺术家聚居地。本阿弥光悦被认为是其所生活的时代的国宝,他是手工艺人、陶艺家、漆艺家和书法家,其作品被认为启发了琳派画派的建立。
Taka-an 以美食体验来延续这种文化艺术传统,邀请宾客感受纯正的日式款待,体验氛围、 设计和料理所有元素之间的和谐与平衡之美。大厨严选时令原料,精工细作,将京都的四季食材转化为料理艺术。餐厅内还设有两间私人用餐室。
安缦京都另有多种美食体验可供选择。度假村的下午茶每日飘香,宾客可品尝花样和果子, 以及麻糬、红豆和水果制成的传统和式蜜饯,这些丰盛美味的创作灵感来源于度假村的优美环境。下午茶以鲜制京都抹茶点睛收尾。宾客也可漫步花园,在宁静的空地上享用惬意的个性化午餐篮。
Resting at the heart of the resort is the convivial Living Pavilion by Aman with its central fireplace and floor-to-ceiling glass doors that open onto an ornate terrace overlooking the Kerry Hill garden. With beautiful views of the surrounding gardens and forest, the restaurant is open for breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner, both to guests of the resort and non-residents (with advance reservations). At the helm is Executive Chef, Kentaro Torii serving home-cooked Kyoto-style cuisine, and innovative Western dishes. With 16 years of experience in Japan and internationally, Chef Kentaro uses only local and ‘in season’ ingredients, many of which are sourced from the hotels very own garden, giving guests the experience of being at one with nature with his cuisine.
Taka-an, the resort’s Japanese restaurant, honours the legacy of artist Honami Koetsu (1558-1637), who helped shape the culture and creative life of Takagamine, the area in which Aman Kyoto resides, by creating an artist’s colony there. Honami Koetsu was considered a national treasure of his time and was a craftsman, potter, lacquerer, and calligrapher and whose work is considered to have inspired the founding of the Rinpa school of painting.
Taka-an is a culinary homage to this heritage and serves as an invitation to experience the authentic Japanese art of hospitality, in which every element–atmosphere, design, and cuisine–work in harmony and are in perfect balance. Strictly seasonal, chef-selected ingredients are prepared and served with meticulous precision, to serve dishes that transform Kyoto’s local produce into works of gastronomic art. This restaurant also houses two private dining rooms.
There are also several other gastronomic experiences to be enjoyed at Aman Kyoto. The property’s daily afternoon tea introduces flower-like Wagashi, traditional Japanese confections made of mochi, anko and fruits, amongst a variety of delectable creations inspired by the setting of the resort. Kyoto matcha is freshly prepared and served as a finale. Guests are also encouraged to enjoy a personalised picnic hamper in the gardens and forested grounds, which are full of serene spots.
▼花园露台外部景观 Living Pavilion-Exterior

▼用餐阁内部空间 Living Pavilion-Interior

▼Taka-an餐厅 TAKA-AN Restaurant

体验 Experiences
宾客可前往光悦寺探寻16世纪书法家、工匠和艺术家本阿弥光悦(Honami Koetsu)的生活印记,欣赏金阁寺的华丽花园和镀金建筑——金阁,从安缦京都步行20分钟即可到达。在茶叶采摘季期间,安缦京会安排宾客参观日本最大的茶叶种植区之一——宇治茶园,并从种植、收获、酿造和饮用方面,带领宾客领略茶艺文化的古老传统。
安缦京都毗邻京都最著名的人文自然景点,距大阪国际机场 1 小时车程,距关西国际机场 2 小时车程,距离京都车站仅半小时车程。
The hidden gardens of Aman Kyoto serve as a springboard for countless inspiring journeys into the secrets of Japan’s ancient Imperial capital. Aman Kyoto is surrounded by no fewer than 17 awe-inspiring UNESCO World Heritage sites, all within easy reach. With privileged access to an abundance of temples and transformative cultural encounters, which are out of reach for most travellers, Aman Kyoto offers its guests an insight into the history and wonders of the city like no other.
Guests can explore the life of 16th-century master calligrapher, craftsman and artist Honami Koetsu at the nearby Koetsuji Temple, and admire the glorious gardens and gilded architecture of Kinkakuji, the ‘Golden Pavilion’, just a 20-minute walk from Aman Kyoto. A visit can be arranged to the tea fields of Uji, one of Japan’s largest tea-growing regions, during picking season to discover age-old traditions surrounding the planting, harvesting, brewing and drinking of the culturally integral beverage.
With a personal invitation to enter, Aman Kyoto guests can visit a traditional ochaya (teahouse) and spend time with a geiko (the Kyoto term for geisha) or a maiko apprentice, playing ozashiki, drinking tea and enjoying a dance performance and dinner in the Kamishichiken district, the oldest of Kyoto’s hanamachi – the ‘flower towns’ of the geiko and maiko.
For those looking for more mindful experiences, guests can learn and practise the principles of Zen meditation from a local monk. Taking place in an ancient hall overlooking a beautiful Japanese garden, guests are also invited to spend time with an ikebana expert, transforming seasonal flowers into structurally magnificent arrangements of colour and form.
Set within easy reach of Kyoto’s most important sites, Aman Kyoto is a one-hour drive from Osaka International Airport (ITM), a two-hour drive from Kansai International Airport (KIX), and a 30- minute drive from Kyoto Station.
Recognised by many as Japan’s cultural capital, a visit to this beguiling city is a must on any journey through the country. Now with Aman Kyoto sensitively allowing guests to glimpse the inner workings – both past and present – of Japan’s ancient Imperial capital, guests will have an authentic yet contemporary sanctuary true to the roots of its historic setting, in pristine natural surroundings.
▼安缦京都秋天的枫叶 Aman Kyoto Maple leaves in Autumn

▼安缦京都的艺伎体验 Aman Kyoto Meiko Experience

设计公司:Kerry Hill Architects
Location: Kyoto, Japan
Client: Amankyoto
Design firm: Kerry Hill Architects
Year: 2019
更多 Read more about: 安缦京都 Amankyoto