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Thanks Studio Miti for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Studio Miti.
Studio Miti:Arrom Orchid的前身是兰花农场(Orchid Farm),也被称为“Suan Bua Maesa”,大约在30年前作为家庭企业开始了小规模的经营,其经营理念之一是让游客能够欣赏兰花的自然之美。
Studio Miti:Arrom Orchid, former orchid Farm also known as “Suan Bua Maesa”, had a humble beginning some 30 years ago as a family run business. It also served another purpose allowing the natural beauty of the orchids to be seen by tourists.

After some time, tourism reduced with an overall lack of interest in orchids and also from competition. Given the difficult and challenging position the owners found themselves in, they looked at the prospect of regenerating their business and interest in the orchid farm. Studio Miti, the architect who received assignment evoking new local business by renovation design the farm.

从“建筑如何改变世界?”的问题中获得灵感 Studio Miti have ideas from a question “How can architecture change the world?”
By design, the architect chose to renovated old structure instead constructed new structure for reduced waste material for the project by evoking old structure to serve new program. Therefore, we began to investigate whether we can create a model light filter by other means yet still maintaining a reasonable economical construction system. From the result of the investigation, light under transparent roof with filter can emerge soft light for appropriate activity in new program and reduce artificial light in daytime under bamboo pattern shadow.
▽餐厅平面 Restaurant

▽滤光器 A model light filter

▽餐厅内部空间 Restaurant interior space

在材料方面,竹子作为当地的一种常见材料,非常适合用于建造兰花农场的新建筑,即Arrom Orchid。它们可以免于运输从而减少了运输过程中化石燃料的使用,十分生态环保,因此,我们将其作为解决项目中遮荫条件的工具,其轻便的特性还减轻了整个结构的重量。
By material, Bamboo is considered a local indigenous material that is easy to find in the location. According the reason, bamboo is appropriate material for create new identity of the project from Orchid Farm to be Arrom Orchid. They can reduce fossil fuel from transportation. Therefore, we used it as a tool to solve the shaded conditions on this project. Due to being lightweight it also reduced the weight on the structure.
▽竹灯 Bamboo lamp

▽餐厅内随处可见的竹制元素 Bamboo elements can be seen everywhere in the restaurant

In the original nursery, there are a variety of patterns used to create translucent or opaque feel, bamboo is also very environmentally friendly for orchids and create harmony with the environment.
▽竹材与环境相协调 Bamboo in harmony with the environment

▽场地平面图 Site Plan

▽一层平面图 First Floor Plan

▽顶层平面图 Roof Plan

▽立面图 Elevation

▽现有条件分析图 Existing condition

▽功能分析 Function analysis

▽通风及光照分析图 Ventilation and light analysis

▽餐厅结构详图 Structure details

面积:432 平方米
项目地点:泰国 清迈 湄林
建筑事务所:Studio Miti
主创设计师:Padirmkiat Sukkan
设计团队:Mr.Thanakorn Wattanachote
客户:Weerachai Jumnuan
图片来源:Spaceshift Studio
Project Name: Arrom Orchid
Completion Year: 2019
Size: 432 Sq.m.
Project Location: Mae Rim , Chiang Mai , Thailand
Landscape/Architecture Firm: Studio Miti
Website: https://www.facebook.com/studiomitidesign
Contact E-mail: mitistudio@gmail.com
Lead Architects: Mr.Padirmkiat Sukkan
Design Team: Mr.Thanakorn Wattanachote
Clients: Mr.Weerachai Jumnuan
Photo Credits: Spaceshift Studio
“ 设计师运用当地常见的竹材将‘兰花农场’改造为生态餐厅,以一种新的模式来激活商业。”
审稿编辑: Simin
更多 Read more about: Studio Miti