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Snøhetta 为德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校布兰顿艺术博物馆进行了全面的场地再设计,赋予了这个占地约 20 万平方英尺的博物馆园区以更强的整体性、生机与活力,园区内包含两座建筑和埃尔斯沃斯·凯利的“奥斯汀”设计作品。

Snøhetta has created a comprehensive grounds redesign for The Blanton Museum of Art at The University of Texas at Austin. The initiative unified and revitalized the museum campus across approximately 200,000 square feet, including two buildings and Ellsworth Kelly’s Austin.


© Casey Dunn
© Casey Dunn


Craig Dykers在本项目的新闻宣传稿中说道:“布兰顿博物馆占据着德克萨斯州议会大厦新建筑群所在地块的重要位置,同时也是通往大学校园的门户枢纽。我们独具创意的景观和经过重构的建筑入口将博物馆的世界级艺术收藏延伸到了展厅之外,为奥斯汀的艺术品创造了一个引人注目的公共场所。” 


“The Blanton holds a prominent place at the intersection of the new Texas Capitol Complex, and it also serves as the gateway to the university campus. Our inventive landscape and reimagined building entrances fulfill that promise,” Craig Dykers said in the Blanton’s press release announcing the project. “Snøhetta’s design expands the museum’s world-class art collection beyond the museum’s galleries and creates a highly visible public place of–and for–the arts in Austin.”

The design of Blanton’s new grounds and gardens was guided by an overall goal of creating a new, inclusive gathering space for Austin; one that unites the civic core of the city represented by the State Capital to the south and the historic fabric and character of the University to the north.


© Casey Dunn
© Casey Dunn


未来气候将趋于更加的炎热和干旱,为与气候变化相适应,该项目对现有的结构和景观进行了调整。由花瓣雕塑组成的华盖耸立在地面之上,营造出阴凉的小气候环境,斑驳的光影追随着日光而变化。每片由穿孔板制成的花瓣高 40 英尺,直径达 30 英尺,整个结构配有排水系统,可将上部树冠上的水通过柱子排到地面,引导水流下渗并用来灌溉周围地块。穿孔板花瓣外表光滑但内部凸起,有利于通畅排水。弧形花瓣的灵感来自于勾勒出博物馆轮廓的拱形穹顶,这一形式有助于在视线上突出埃尔斯沃斯·凯利的“奥斯汀”作品及国会大厦。

With a climate future that will see more intense weather and drought, the project adapted the existing structures and landscapes for this change. Rising above the trees, a canopy of petal sculptures creates a shaded microclimate with dappled light that follows the sun. Standing 40 feet tall, each petal is made of perforated panels and spans 30 feet in diameter, equipped with drainage that moves water from the upper canopy through the column down to grade, allowing for infiltration and passive irrigation into the surrounding subgrade. The perforations of the petals, while smooth on the exterior, are raised on the inside moving water toward the drainage system. Their curving outlines, inspired by the arched vaults of the loggia that outline the museum, help highlight views of Ellsworth Kelly’s Austin and the Capitol.


© Casey Dunn
© Casey Dunn



Through a choreography of planting, geometry, and art, the landscape vision is defined by a series of new gardens and entry points that knit the grounds together. The plantings for the Blanton campus were carefully selected through a variety of environmental considerations, with an overall desire to establish feelings of comfort, welcome, and support.


© Casey Dunn
© Casey Dunn


整个校园内新种植了 25000 多株植物,这些植物都是经过实践证明在校园内能够成功生长的品种,以维护性和气候适宜性为设计目标,以实用主义为基础塑造植物种植环境。在条件允许的情况下,对现有植被进行维护,尤其是校园场地边缘的橡树。多茎紫薇从视觉上削弱了现有橡树的体量感,成为广场入口的框架。Faulkner花园拥有充足的日照、遮荫条件和水文特征,其内部植被最具表现力和生机。

Throughout the grounds, more than 25,000 new plants, made up of species proven to succeed on the campus, have been added, underpinning the design goals with pragmatism around maintenance and climatic suitability. Wherever possible, existing vegetation was maintained – especially the character defining oak trees growing along the margins of the grounds. Multi-stem crape myrtles step down the scale of the existing oaks, framing the entrance to the plaza. The Faulkner Garden sees the most expressive and dynamic vegetation with a wide range of sun and shade conditions and hydrologic character in its bounds. ​


© Casey Dunn
© Casey Dunn


布兰顿艺术博物馆的创立宗旨在于突出那些代表性不足的艺术家,为了彰显这一使命,场地再设计的内容还涉及到著名古巴裔美国抽象画家卡门·埃雷拉(Carmen Herrera)的定域艺术作品,这是她的第一幅大型公共壁画。该幅壁画位于米切纳画廊大楼门廊下的内墙上,横跨整栋大楼,博物馆入口置于中间位置。Snøhetta在景观设计中巧妙地利用了公共壁画《Verde, que te quiero verde》的纹理和色彩,不仅塑造出郁郁葱葱的植物群落和地形,还为听觉型作品打造了一个声音花园画廊。

​To mark the museum’s mission of highlighting underrepresented artists, the redesign includes a site-specific work by renowned Cuban-American abstract painter Carmen Herrera, her first major public mural. Sited on the interior wall under the Michener Gallery Building’s loggia, it will span the length of the building, with the museum’s entrance in the middle. Snøhetta’s landscape design carefully plays upon the texture and colors of Carmen Herrera’s public mural, Verde, que te quiero verde with the lush plantings and topography in addition to a sound garden gallery for works of an auditory nature.


© Casey Dunn



The Moody Patio encompasses two adjacent stages for performances and includes new landscaping, a lawn, and a variety of seating areas. The lawn will amplify the Blanton’s popular and innovative programming, creating a center for the community to come together around art and music.


© Casey Dunn
© Casey Dunn







Project name: Blanton Museum of Art
Location: Austin, Texas, USA
Project time: 2018–2023
Client: Blanton Museum of Art
Landscape Architect: Snøhetta
Typologies: Museum & Gallery, Public Space




审稿编辑: 阿毛

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