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TOPOTEK1:位于爱尔兰首都都柏林的新Bord Gais网络中心呈现了两个元素之间的视觉互动:建筑及其周围的景观。该场地位于都柏林东北部的一处三角形地块上,靠近高速公路,该公路北面与场地接壤。为了应对这种特殊的城市基础设施的“楔形”条件,我们的设计试图融合和戏剧化这些对立元素之间的相互作用。
TOPOTEK1:The new Bord Gaís Networks Center in Ireland’s capital of Dublin presents a visual interaction between two elements: the building and its surrounding landscape. The site is located on a triangular property in the northeast of Dublin close to a motorway, which borders the site to the north. In response to the “wedged” conditions this particular urban infrastructure, our strategy seeks to merge and dramatize the interaction between these opposing elements.

▼总平面图 Master plan

A series of green roofs serves to disguise and blend the building into its surroundings. Geometric rooftop plants emulate the agricultural landscape, with its pastiche of vibrant greens and distinct forms. A verdant palette of grass and shrubs comprising different species of various textures and heights generate a striking landscape with sharp diagonals and triangular forms. The graphic pattern can be perceived as a two-dimensional insignia for the adjacent, tall building or as a three-dimensional experience as seen from the boardwalk. The vegetation, which changes with the seasons, enlivens the geometric landscape with animated motion.

In contrast to the pristine roofs, six courtyards inside the body of the building manifest as surprising, grotesque openings in the built volume. As if from a different world, these courtyards are covered with dotted surfaces in different, striking pop pastel shades. As opposed to the sleek and angular green rooftop plants, they represent a contemporary collection of styles that references English landscape garden eclecticism. From the Center’s rooftop park, each courtyard can be seen as a unique folly in the landscape.

By playing with the contrasting interrelationships between landscape and architecture, we create an interactive dialogue, at times merging the two components.

▼屋顶平面,结构细节及种植图 Roof plan, Structural Details and Planting

▼庭院平面 Courtyards plan

设计公司:TOPOTEK 1
合作方:Dennis Byrne Architects
客户:Bord Gais Networks LLC
设计周期:2009 – 2010年
图片来源:Hanns Joosten
Location: Dublin, Ireland
Design firm: TOPOTEK 1
Collaboration: Dennis Byrne Architects
Client: Bord Gaís Networks LLC
Planning: 2009-10
Completion: 2012
Size: 20,000 square metres
Photo credits: Hanns Joosten
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