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DUNCAN & GROVE:我们和LDA Design合作,在伦敦萨瑟克区的Burgess公园设计打造了这个吸睛的游乐空间。该设计旨在让人们能在公园中“玩转自然”。这个游乐设施有强烈的视觉冲击力,能够激发儿童玩耍的兴趣,鼓励他们探索体验,从而获得锻炼。
DUNCAN & GROVE:In collaboration with LDA Design we designed and built this striking play space in Burgess Park, Southwark. The design aimed to introduce ‘natural play’ as part of the wider play offer within the park, make a strong visual impact and inspire and excite children to play, explore and undertake physical activity.

The design consists of a mix of geometrically shaped structures and more natural free-flowing timber pieces. The geometrical play structures are based around a series of dodecahedrons that are linked with bridges, balance ropes, net tunnels, balance beams, stepping poles, slides, fireman’s poles, climbing walls, and climbing nets. The natural play elements are made from natural Robinia poles and consist of swings and a long winding climbing net trail.
▼自由分散在场地上的木结构 Free-flowing timber pieces
▼这些十二面结构体由桥梁、平衡绳、绳网隧道、平衡木、台桩、滑梯、滑杆连接而成,并延申到攀岩墙和攀岩网。The geometrical play structures are based around a series of dodecahedrons that are linked with bridges, balance ropes, net tunnels, balance beams, stepping poles, slides, fireman’s poles, climbing walls, and climbing nets.

设计团队:DUNCAN & GROVE和LDA Design
Project name: Burgess park
Location: Southwark, London
Architect: DUNCAN & GROVE and LDA Design
Client: London Borough of Southwark
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