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Townshend Landscape Architects:该运河走廊是摄政运河沿线的一系列连锁空间,贯穿国王十字车站的历史核心,东起约克路的梅登巷大桥,西至圣潘克拉斯火车站的铁路桥。走廊属于整个场地总体规划的一部分,它通过一系列活跃的公共空间,引导国王十字开发项目逐步向运河开放,冲破边界壁垒以重新连接运河,并融入周围街区,发展多样化的社区空间。国王十字车站的总体规划是开发67英亩的棕色地块,其中有40%属于公共用地。
Townshend Landscape Architects:The Canal Corridor is a series of interlocking spaces along the Regent’s Canal extending through the historic core of the King’s Cross development, connecting Maiden Lane Bridge at York Way to the east and the railway bridge accessing St Pancras Station to the west. The corridor was conceived as part of the site wide masterplan to open the King’s Cross development to the canal with a series of active public spaces; breaking through the boundary wall to reconnect the canal and knit in with its surrounding neighbourhoods and bring in the diverse communities of the area. The King’s Cross masterplan is the development of a 67-acre brownfield site of which 40% is public realm.

摄政运河将场地分成了两个区域,同时也将东西两岸连接起来贯穿了整个开发项目,运河北侧是一条曳船路,它与地面的高差约有3米,南侧是卡姆利街自然公园( Camley Street Natural Park ),它毗邻开发边界,靠近两条主线车站,是伦敦繁华地区的一个绿色港湾。
The Regents Canal divides the site into two areas and allows for the main east/west link across the development. The towpath is on the north side of the canal and is approximately 3m below ground level. Camley Street Natural Park is located on the south side of the canal adjacent to the development boundary and is a green haven in a bustling part of London close to the two mainline stations.
▼总平面 Master plan

The design respects the history of the site, enhances biodiversity and provides inclusive access to the towpath and the new public squares and gardens along the canal. Two new pedestrian/cycle bridges have been installed over the canal to improve east/west connections between Camden and Islington.

运河走廊得益于极佳的南向视野,运河的景色已成为国王十字车站主动和被动休闲的自然焦点,其部分吸引力来源于它丰富多样的座位和为野生动物提供了一个长期开花、带有季节性色彩的栖息地的丰富种植。切尔西奖得主Dan Pearson的设计,提升了场地种植品质,并将他的超高技艺一览无遗地展示在人们面前。为了整体一致性,国王十字车站的景观总规划师Townshend Landscape Architects将空间序列整合在一起,并负责了大部分的详细设计。
The Canal Corridor benefits from excellent, predominantly south facing, views of the canal and has become a natural focus for active and passive recreation at King’s Cross. Part of its attraction is the abundance and variety of places to sit and the richness of the planting, providing habitats for wildlife with a long period of flowering and seasonal colour. The quality of the planting has been enriched through the designs of Chelsea-award winner Dan Pearson, bringing his international skills within reach of local people and visitors alike. To achieve consistency the sequence of spaces has been brought together under the guidance of Townshend Landscape Architects as landscape master planners for King’s Cross and they have also been responsible for much of the detailed design.

Spaces along the Corridor include: Gasholder Park and Gasholder Gardens – the sinuous landscape flowing around the gasholders structures and the more formal landscape within the structure of Gas Holder #8; Bagleys Walk – the linear landscape running along an existing viaduct structure, overlooking the retail area of Coal Drops; The Ghat Steps- the seating steps connecting the towpath and Granary Square; The canal towpath – adjacent to the northern edge of the canal and along parts to the south; Wharf Road Gardens – the sinuous landscape with undulating lawns running along the southern side of the Handyside Canopy to York Way.

The scheme brings sustained social and environmental benefits to the King’s Cross area and supports London as an international exemplar of how regeneration can respond to aspirations for a greener and healthier city.

公共领域与景观设计:Townshend Landscape Architects
摄影:John Strurrock / Townshend Landscape Architects
Project Name: Canal Corridor, King’s Cross
Public Realm and Landscape Architect: Townshend Landscape Architects
Client: King’s Cross Central Limited Partnership
Local Authority: London Borough of Camden
Completed: 2017
Area: 20,900 m2
Location: King’s Cross, London N1C 4BH
Photography: John Strurrock / Townshend Landscape Architects
Design Team:
Landscape Architect: Townshend Landscape Architects
Landscape Architect GasHolder#8: Bell Phillips Architects
Planting design: Dan Pearson Studio
Structural Engineer: Arup (Triplets) and Peter Brett Associates
M&E Engineers: Hoare Lea, Peter Brett Associates
Planning Consultant: King’s Cross Central Limited Partnership
Project Manager: King’s Cross Central Limited Partnership
Cost Consultant: Gardiner & Theobald
Main Contractors: Carillion (Triplets and GH8), BAM (Viaduct), BAM Nuttall (Ghat Steps & Granary Square), Kier (Wharf Road)
Main Subcontractors: Applied Landscape Design, Maylim, Willerby Landscapes, Miller Druck, SH Structures, Little Hampton Welding
Awards: 2018 Best built public realm, New London Architecture
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