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Thanks Kerimov Architects for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Kerimov Architects.


Kerimov Architects:这栋房子坐落在葡萄牙南部海岸的一座小山上。建筑低矮,以水平线条为主,与环境和谐地融为一体。房屋的地下一层设有技术室等;底层层为中庭结构,与地下室内部花园相互交错。二楼设有全景窗户,内设起居室和办公室,从起居室和办公室可以前往室外,欣赏海景。

Kerimov Architects: A house is located on a hill, on the southern coast of Portugal. The architecture, characterized by squatness and the predominance of horizontal lines, harmoniously fits into the environment, almost mimicking it. The house has an underground floor, which contains technical rooms, etc. The -1 floor has an atrium structure: the rooms are interspersed with internal basement gardens. The second floor with panoramic windows contains a living room and an office, from which you can go to the outdoor area and enjoy the ocean view.




The maximum privacy of the site has been preserved: the house, located outside the dense development, is not visible from either side, but the residents of the house have a clear view to the ocean and the landscape.




The project is environmentally friendly: the materials used – concrete, glass, and wood – are locally produced, due to which zero carbon emissions are achieved.




Concrete walls protruding beyond the line of the facade set the rhythm and balance the predominance of horizontals. Continuing into the interior, these walls provide spatial continuity and interconnectedness between the exterior and interior.



根据当地法规,建筑玻璃窗户的面积不得超过外墙的 50%,尽管有这样的限制,该设计还是成功地为建筑提供了最大的采光和半透光性,并拥有外部景观的全景视野。

According to local regulations, glazing should not exceed 50% of the facade. Despite the limitation, we managed to achieve maximum lightness and semi-permeability of the architecture and set panoramic viewpoints.




Seemingly light and thin roofs made of local timber meet the principles of stability and sustainability.





项目名称:Casa do Cabo
设计:Kerimov Architects
奖项:2023年设计技能奖、2023年建筑革新奖、Golden Trezini Award 荣誉奖

Name of the project: Casa do Cabo
Location: South of Portugal
Total area: two connected edifices, 600 sq. m each
Design: Kerimov Architects
Website: www.kerimovarchitects.com
Contact: prkerimovarch@gmail.com
Social media: @kerimov.architects
Awards: Design Skill Awards 2023, Archnovation Award 2023, Golden Trezini Award honorable mention




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