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BIG:由BIG 设计的神经科学中心将神经学与精神病学结合于同一建筑中,如此的规划是世界首创,它能促进最尖端的科学与脑部疾病、脊髓和神经系统的治疗相融合。 BIG 为奥胡斯大学医院打造的 2万平方米的建筑概念经由人脑皮质褶皱的启发,有效地利用有限的空间,并促进医院不同科室之间的协同效应。
BIG:Bjarke Ingels Group has unveiled the design of a new Neuroscience Center building that will bring together psychiatry and neuroscience under one roof, combining research and treatment of physical and mental brain diseases, spinal cord, and nervous systems. The 20,000 sqm facility, which will be a part of the Aarhus University Hospital in Denmark, translates the “gyrification of the human brain” in a spatially-efficient structure that creates synergies between the different disciplines within the hospital.

成立于2009 年的丹麦神经科学中心(Danish Neuroscience Center,简称DNC)目前是世界一流的研究和治疗机构,它旨在了解和治疗人体内最复杂、最高效和适应性最强的器官——大脑。 DNC 中心将于 2026 年开放,将直接与奥胡斯大学医院现有的院区相连,加强医院与医疗保健、教育及科学研究的合作,有助于各部门之间相互启发。 另外,Salling基金会的财务支持很大程度上推动了该项目的进展。
Since it’s inauguration in 2009, the Danish Neuroscience Center (DNC) has become a world-class research and treatment facility for understanding and treating the brain. The new building is set to open in 2026 and will be structurally connected to the existing campus of the hospital, further promoting the hospital’s approach of combining healthcare, education, and scientific research.
▽屋顶的绿色庭院 Green garden on the roof

“Salling基金会的大力支持以及BIG建筑事务所的倾力合作让我们离新的丹麦神经学中心又近了一步。新的中心将帮助我们搭建神经学研究的最佳框架,为患有脑部、脊髓和神经疾病的患者提供新的治疗方法。这座建筑就像大脑一样,它将创造新的连接,增进相互的理解,并作为一个知识共享的空间。我们一直试图打破把大脑物理上的疾病与精神上的疾病分离的方式,奥胡斯大学与奥胡斯大学精神病学中心的地理位置以及 BIG 设计的建筑将为此起到极大的推动作用。另外,公众可以进入体验中心,参加展览和讲座,这将建立“大脑屋”与外部世界的联系。这将是一座独特的标志性建筑,我期待着见证并参与它的每一程。” 神经外科教授兼 DNC主席Jens Christian Hedemann Sørensen说道。
BIG’s six-storey neuroscience center proposal serves as an analogy between architecture and the brain. The structure compliments the efficiency of a double loaded corridor building with the openness of a classic atrium typology. The floor plan is folded around an atrium, mimicking the folds of the cerebral cortex. The design allows each floor to reach the necessary square footage within a limited spatial area, and creates a series of clusters that form intimate workspaces, courtyards, and views between each floor within the hospital.
▽以褶皱的人脑皮质为灵感 Inspired by the wrinkled human cortex

▽设计分析 Design analysis

▽入口空间 Entrance space

Visitors and patients can access the building through a spacious reception area, and walk into an open atrium at the core of the building. The atrium features an interactive public exhibition and presentation area. Visitors wil also have access to a café and a public green courtyard at ground level. Although each department will have its own distinct program and functions, they will be homogenous spatially. To ensure this lack of fragmentation, BIG organized the programs based on similar functions, encouraging crossbreeding between the different research groups.
▽设计分析-双向流线走廊 Design Analysis – Two-way Flow Corridor

▽开放的中庭空间 Open atrium space

“大脑是人体中最复杂的器官。 我们为奥胡斯新丹麦神经科学中心的设计复刻了大脑最基本的特征——脑皮层褶皱——在有限的范围内创造更多的连接和空间。 建筑的褶皱为医院带来了光线、多个新通道和绿色斑块,使自然和生物多样性成为医院研究和患者康复之旅的一部分。” BIG 创始人Bjarke Ingels说道。
“The building must – like the brain – function as a space for knowledge sharing that creates new connections, contexts and common understandings. We want to disrupt the way of thinking of the physical and mental brain diseases as isolated quantities. The location between AUH and AUH Psychiatry and BIG’s design of the building promotes and cements this approach. There will be a connection to the outside world through public access to experience centers, exhibitions, and lectures in our incredible brain house.”
— Jens Christian Hedemann Sørensen, Professor of neurosurgery and chairman of DNC.
▽流畅曲滑的外立面 Smooth and curvy facade

▽围合的建筑“褶皱” The enclosed building “folds”

Patients and visitors can enter the building through a spacious reception area and into an open atrium, which contains an experience center – a public exhibition and display area that promotes communication. Visitors can go directly to the clinic upstairs, or step into the café and green courtyard on the ground floor.
From neurology to nuclear medicine, headache clinics, psychiatry, each department has its own unique space and function. In order to avoid separation and fragmentation between disciplines, BIG proposes to compose design spaces according to their common functions, which will encourage exchanges between different research groups, help stimulate inspiration and creativity, and give future space extension, Reduce or replace to provide reference.
▽曲折的走廊连接各科室空间 Twisting corridors connect each department space

▽阳光透过天窗照射进来 The sun shines through the skylight

“丹麦神经科学中心旨在架起对脑部的生理和心理研究的桥梁,并消除对心理障碍的偏见。 从历史上看,医院将知识和技能划分为不同的专业和科室。然而 DNC 力求在同一屋檐下收集所有当前和 未来的知识,以在不同的专业领域之间创造协同效应,并采用更全面的方法来理解和治疗脑部疾病。” BIG合伙人 David Zahle 说道。
“The Danish Centre for Neuroscience aims to bridge the physiological and psychological research of the brain and remove prejudice against psychological barriers. Historically, hospitals have divided knowledge and skills into different specialties and departments. However, the DNC seeks to Collecting all current and future knowledge under one roof to create synergies between different areas of expertise and a more holistic approach to understanding and treating brain disorders,” said David Zahle, Partner at BIG.
▽中庭天窗 Atrium skylight

建筑内的所有办公区域都拥有自然通风设施,每层都附室外露台。拉伸的金属窗网可防止工作空间受到眩光或阳光直射的影响,过滤光线,为每个办公室、实验室或检查室提供宜人的自然光线。该项目旨在为丹麦的医院赢得 DGBN 金牌可持续性认证。
The structure will be built with natural materials such as wood and brick, similar to other buildings on campus. The red concrete of the exterior will blend with the existing brick buildings, and bring warmth to the spaces, contrasting the clinical and sanitized white environment of hospitals.
All office areas will be naturally ventilated, and every floor will have access to an outdoor terrace. To avoid glare or direct sunlight in workplaces, a stretched metal window mesh is installed across the building, filtering the light to provide each office, laboratory, or examination room with pleasant natural illumination. The project aims for a DGBN Gold sustainability certification for hospitals in Denmark.

▽设计推演 Design deduction

▽设计模型 Design model

规模: 19852 m2
合作者: Salling基金会
合伙人:Bjarke Ingels、David Zahle
项目负责人:Viktoria Millentrup
BIG团队 :Alexander Matthias Jacobson, Anders Holden Deleuran, Bachir Benkirane, Federico Martinez De Sola, Jesper Kanstrup Petersen, Julia Novaes Tabet, Luca Pileri, Lukasz Zbigniew Migala, Mikkel M. R. Stubgaard, Natasha Lykke Lademann Østergaard, Omar Mowafy, Taliya Nurutdinova, Victor Mads Moegreen, Zuzanna Eugenia Montwill, Kristoffer Negendahl, Mantas Povilaika
BIG创意 :Tore Banke、Katrine Juul
BIG景观 :Ulla Hornslyd
BIG工程 :Andy Coward
Scale: 19852 m2
Location: Aarhus, Denmark
Client: Aarhus University Hospital
Collaborators: Salling Foundation
Program Type: Health, Science
project team
Partners: Bjarke Ingels, David Zahle
Project leader: Viktoria Millentrup
Team BIG: Alexander Matthias Jacobson, Anders Holden Deleuran, Bachir Benkirane, Federico Martinez De Sola, Jesper Kanstrup Petersen, Julia Novaes Tabet, Luca Pileri, Lukasz Zbigniew Migala, Mikkel MR Stubgaard, Natasha Lykke Lademann Østergaard, Omar Mowafy, Taliya Nurutdinova, Victor Mads Moegreen, Zuzanna Eugenia Montwill, Kristoffer Negendahl, Mantas Povilaika
BIG Creative: Tore Banke, Katrine Juul
BIG Landscape: Ulla Hornslyd
BIG Engineering: Andy Coward
“ 褶皱的建筑形态,有别于医院常规的白色基底感,整体以天然的选材进行设计。”
审稿编辑: Maggie
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