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SWA Group:金州勇士队的新海滨球馆Chase Center的景观设计来自SWA旧金山工作室。该项目位于新兴的米逊湾附近的前工业区,18064个座位的Chase Center球馆及其在SWA设计范围内的10.5英亩的娱乐区构成了一个全年开放的行人便利区,包括100000万平方英尺的零售空间、3.2英亩大的广场区(公共开放空间)以及相邻的办公楼、艺术装置和其他功能区。
SWA Group:SWA’s San Francisco studio has designed the landscape for Chase Center, the new waterfront home of the Golden State Warriors. Located in a former industrial zone of the emerging Mission Bay neighborhood, the 18,064-seat Chase Center arena and its 10.5-acre entertainment district in SWA’s purview form a pedestrian-friendly, year-round destination with 100,000 square feet of retail space, 3.2 acres of plazas or public open space with adjacent offices buildings, art installations and other features.

无障碍、灵活性以及恢复力是该公共空间的主要特征。景观在诠释城市精神的同时,创造了一个灵活、可达的,本身可用于娱乐的公共场所。旧金山的居民、附近的上班族和游客,无论有没有买票,都可以在这里享受一顿野餐,参观零售商店或餐厅,看一看这海湾的壮丽景色。场外一系列可提供表演和聚集的空间,都可作为补充Chase Center球馆活动的空间,或独立支持场地上举行的各种活动。这个多功能综合体,甚至超越了NBA篮球队的世界级吸引力,使当地吸引力和收入来源更加多样化。
Accessibility, flexibility and resilience characterize the public realm of the Warrior’s new home. The landscape expresses the spirit of the city creating a flexible, accessible public place that is an entertainment venue unto itself. San Francisco residents, neighboring office-goers and visitors—with or without a game ticket—can take in the spectacular views of the Bay, enjoy a picnic lunch, and visit the many retail and dining outlets. A series of outdoor spaces, offering performance and gathering areas that are programmed either to complement events in Chase Center arena or independently, support the site’s myriad activities. The result is a mixed-use complex that creates a world-class attraction beyond the NBA basketball team, diversifying its appeal and revenue streams.

景观设计有两个主要特色:一个是比活动场地大两倍的,面积为3.5万平方英尺的中心广场,还有一个是面积为2.5万平方英尺的三角广场,位于第16街和Terry Francois街。三角广场上有一个由丹麦艺术家Olafur Eliasson设计的永久性装置“Seeing Spheres”。这两个广场空间由一条宽阔的螺旋形步行街互相连接,该街道沿着已建成的剧场向上延伸起伏,在呼应剧场曲线形式的同时,也缓和了其体量与尺度,为人们提供了观赏远处海湾的露台和平台。靠近城市一侧的带座位的倾斜通道与地平面相接,引导附近交通和社区行人进入广场中心。
Two major features of the landscape design include a 35,000-square-foot central plaza that doubles as event space and a 25,000-square-foot triangular plaza at 16th and Terry Francois streets that hosts a permanent installation, “Seeing Spheres” by Danish artist Olafur Eliasson. The spaces are connected by a wide, spiraling pedestrian path that rises and curves alongside the built arena, echoing its form, tempering its large scale and offering terraces and view platforms to the bay beyond. On the city side, pathways with seating slope towards and meet the ground plane to draw pedestrians from nearby transit and neighborhoods into the plaza’s central space.

SWA管理负责人Rene Bihan说道:“这是一个城市综合体项目,所以它有如变色龙一样多变。附近居民可以和越来越多的年轻人以及体育和音乐爱好者一起用餐,正如我们的设计旨在创造一系列会随着季节和活动变化而变化的连续性空间,让所有人都能闲庭信步于其中。”
“This is an urban mixed-use project and as such, it’s a bit of a chameleon,” notes Rene Bihan, Managing Principal, SWA. “Neighbors can dine alongside the growing workforce and fans of sports and music. We designed the site to offer an urban stroll through a series of connected spaces that change with seasonal and event programming.”

Flexibility is seen in the modular landscape’s dual role: it directs circulation by guiding thousands of visitors to and from the arena while also offering a number of gathering places that accommodate those who wish to relax and enjoy seasonal activities. Equivalent to a series of outdoor living rooms, these plazas were designed to remake and animate the space as needed. Custom-designed planters/seating modules are deployed throughout the various plazas to frame different events. The modules can be moved by forklift to create space for ice skating, farmer’s markets, an instant micro-garden, or a car show.

The landscape addresses San Francisco’s strict code for environmental sustainability including ‘natural cleansing’ of water run-off with a special terraced garden along 3rd Street. The garden offers a learning experience by revealing the bio-filtration process by which plants help to cleanse all rain water on site. Native California planting throughout the ten-acre parcel of land conserves water, provides shade canopy, and unifies the area’s character.

Manica Architecture和Kendal & Associates在建筑设计中所表达的螺旋主题,在场地景观铺装中也有所体现,嵌入不锈钢带传达出一种循环的动感,现浇混凝土刻划的图案,也为行人设定了一个愉快的体验节奏。季节性场地和景观本身的创造性规划活动随处都体现出了勇士队的特色,其颜色图案也与勇士队的品牌相呼应。
The spiral theme, expressed in the building’s design by architects Manica Architecture and Kendal Heaton & Associates, is also repeated in the landscape through the site’s paving, with stainless steel bands embedded to convey a sense of circular movement, and in the scoring pattern of cast-in-place concrete, which sets a pleasant cadence for the pedestrian experience. The Warriors’ identity will be reflected throughout the year with creative programmed activities in the seasonal venues and through the landscape itself, with a color palette that echoes the Warriors’ brand.

“Chase Center绝对不是一个独立的单线产物。总的来说,这是一个你可以独自或集体汲取旧金山新兴文化的地方。”Bihan补充道。
“Chase Center is definitely not a one liner. Taken as a whole, this is a place where you can absorb much of San Francisco’s burgeoning culture a piece at a time, or collectively,” Bihan added.

Location: San Francisco, California United States
Client: Golden State Warriors
Service: Landscape Architecture
Size: 40K sf
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