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Thanks ZAV Architects for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by ZAV Architects.
ZAV Architects:该项目位于Minoodasht山下,坡度适中,场地辽阔。此次的设计是针对一些简单的问题而决定的,比如是否有可能在保留和保护场地的自然特征的同时,将其打造成一个适宜居住的场所?我们能否抵抗在这个迷人的风景中增加建筑容量的诱惑,而专注于捕捉其令人惊叹的景色?
ZAV Architects:The site is vast. It is located down the Minoodasht hills and has a moderate downward slope. The design of the project is very much informed by simple questions: Is it possible to preserve and enhance the site’s natural character, while appropriating it as an inhabitable locale? Can we ignore the temptation of putting an architectural volume on this fascinating field and instead, focus on capturing its stunning views?

The architectural volume is placed on a forgotten patch of land next to the rainwater reservoir and its positioning enables it to benefit from a panoramic view of the project’s greater context. To secure maximum connection with nature, the conventional circulation and spatial diagram for rural and sub-urban constructions is challenged. (Above diagram) Circulation and social spaces of the house are combined and misplaced to be situated around the habitation units as an elevated open space called “the Platform or Joy Lounge”, which was the result of our endeavor to impose the minimum interven- tion on the farm land that appears as a duplicated and elevated piece of land.

As such, each and every environmentally conditioned spatial pocket, or the habitation units, is endowed with independ- ent access and view. Underneath, a continuous landscape is in full operation. The constructed land- scape of the site, follows the natural contours and the initial geo-morphology of the land. As such, the landscape is a continuation of the farm and the hills, while the architecture, the elevated platform, operates as a viewing apparatus both for the natural and the constructed landscapes.

▼景观及建筑示意 Isometric Diagram of Landscape Architecture vs Architecture Captures Landscape

▼住宅平面 Floor Plan

▼住宅剖面 Section

项目名称:Cheshm Cheran Villa (Belvedere)
建筑师事务所:ZAV Architects
Instagram: @zavarchitecs
主创建筑师:Mohammadreza Ghodousi, Fatemeh Rezaie
项目地点:伊朗 戈尔甘市
完成:2016 – 2017 年
客户:Khalil Farshbaf
原型及荣中心设计总监:Sara Jafari
研究设计团队:Mohsen Safshekan
景观:Golnaz Bahrami
建设:Khalil Farshbaf
监督:Fatemeh Rezaie
结构:Jalil-aldin Sajadian
电气:Peyman Shafeeian
机械:Peyman Shafeeian
图形:Yeganeh Ghezelloo
照片:Parham Taghiof, Soroush Majidi, Deed Studio
Project name: Cheshm Cheran Villa (Belvedere)
Architect’s Firm: ZAV Architects
Website: http://zavarchitects.com/
Instagram: @zavarchitecs
Contact e-mail: zavarchitects@gmail.com
Lead Architects: Mohammadreza Ghodousi, Fatemeh Rezaie
Project location: Gorgan to Minoodasht Road, Iran
Completion Year: 2016-2017
Total built area: 298 m2
Area: 2320 m2
Other participants
Client: Khalil Farshbaf
Design Director of Prototype and Rong Center: Sara Jafari
Research and Design team: Mohsen Safshekan
Landscape: Golnaz Bahrami
Construction: Khalil Farshbaf
Supervision: Fatemeh Rezaie
Structure: Jalil-aldin Sajadian
Electrical: Peyman Shafeeian
Mechanical: Peyman Shafeeian
Graphic: Yeganeh Ghezelloo
Photo credits: Parham Taghiof, Soroush Majidi, Deed Studio
更多 Read more about: ZAV Architects