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园点景观:  项目坐落于云南省昆明市西山区,是昆明主城区的西南部分,用地属性为城市公共绿地和少部分湿地。项目建设在一栋废旧工厂的原址之上,紧邻草海和水畔湿地,按照城市管理要求,基地内的所有的水域与周边的原生植被都必须被严格保留,只做景观的梳理和纯化,使之达到城市景观的品相和功能要求。设计师拆除了场地中原有的硬质废旧建筑,并结合湿地保护及海绵城市的基本要求,对整个地块进行布局规划,以花木水石为造景材料,借远山、彩云、碧水为景,将草海的自然风景与项目景观无缝融合。项目建成后,这里成为昆明市重要的滨水空间和生态绿色走廊,它将生态涵养、休闲娱乐、旅游观光、文化创意、商贸会展融为一体,是国内首屈一指的生态湿地展示公园。

昆明高原气候,云低水碧,色彩浓郁,同时又有滇池自然保护湿地,昆明是一个多民族融合的城市。项目东濒滇池,北接五华,西邻安宁,南连晋宁。区内有西山风景名胜区、聂耳墓、观滇池日出、观太华寺等。距离火车站20分钟车程,距离机场、高铁站约40分钟车程,基地位于昆明主城区西南, 草海北片区一级保护范围线内。大观公园以南,南绕城隧道以北,是紧邻草海水域的湿地景观空间。基地周边配套设施成熟;北面紧邻滇池,临近大观公园,具有极佳的景观优势。

Landpoint:  The project is located in Xishan District, the southwestern part of Kunming in Yunnan Province. The properties of site are urban public green space and a small amount of wetland. The project is close to Caohai and waterside wetlands. As required by urban management administration, all waters in the site and the surrounding native vegetation must be strictly retained and only landscape development and purification are allowed to meet the requirements for the quality of urban landscapes. Considering the basic requirements of wetland preservation and the sponge city, the original old buildings are  demolished,flowers, trees, waters and stones are used as landscaping materials and  mountains, colorful clouds, and clear water are treated as the scenery to seamlessly integrate the natural scenery of grass sea with the project landscape. Upon completion, the project will become an important waterfront space and ecological green corridor in Kunming, which combine the ecological conservation, leisure and entertainment, tourism, cultural creativity, trade and exhibition. It is the premier ecological wetland park in China.

The project is located in Xishan District, the southwestern part of Kunming in Yunnan Province.  Due to the plateau climate, Kunming has low clouds and clear water that are presented in various colors. With Dian Lake Nature Reserve wetlands, Kunming is a multi-ethnic city. The project borders Dian Lake in the east, Wuhua in the north, Anning in the west, and Jinning in the south. There are a few places of interest in the region, including Xishan Scenic Area, Nie Er’sGrave, Dian Lake Sunrise-view Area, and Taihua Temple. The site is a 20-minute drive from the railway station and a 40-minute drive from the airport and high-speed rail station, which is located to the southwest of Kunming downtown, within the primary preserved region of northern section of the Caohai. To the south of Daguan Park and to the north of the South Bypass Tunnel, there is a wetland landscape space adjacent to the grass seawaters. The site has well-developed infrastructures and excellent landscape advantages.


▼项目地点与总平面图location and master plan


设计理念Design philosophy

民族蜡染是昆明最具代表性的工艺之一,也支撑和演化出了丰富的民族服饰文化, “彩色丝带”,既代表了昆明的多彩的视觉特点,映射出多样化的自然条件。设计灵感来源于彩色的丝带,曲径通幽,水利万物而不争,旨在期待生物多样性、民族多元化。前场通过婉转变化的曲线道路、景墙、水景和植物,划分出层层递进的空间节奏。 后场以纯净的花海衬托出主体建筑的纯粹,纯净的草坪与草海湿地相接。

Ethnic wax printing is one of the most representative arts in Kunming, which also supports the rich national costume culture. The “color ribbon” not only represents the colorful visual characteristics of Kunming, but also reflects the diverse natural conditions. The design is inspired by the colorful ribbons and winding paths, as well as the water that benefits all life without asking for rewards. The aim is to trigger biodiversity and ethnic diversity. The front field through the gently-changing curves and roads, landscape walls, water features and plants, produces the space rhythm featured by gradual movement. The back field uses the pure sea of flowers to set off the purity of the main building, in which the pure lawn is connected to the Caohai.


▼前场入口front field entrance to the display center

▼曲线道路Curved path




a. The properties of site are urban public green space and a small amount of wetland. It covers a total area of 25,000 square meters. In the region, there is the original site of the old factory, and a large amount of concrete foundation and construction wastes.b. The biggest challenge for the project construction is to clean up the garbage and backfill the planting soil, and to protect the existing plants and wetland status. As required by the urban management administration, all waters and surrounding native vegetation are strictly retained and only landscape development and purification are allowed so that the region meets the requirements for the quality and function of urban landscapes.c. Rebuilding the bank and establishing an ecological land-water transition zone. Restore vegetation, restore habitats for animals and plants to enhance biodiversity ecological restoration, water quality purification, and landscape creation. Focusing on ecological restoration, maximize water purification according to local conditions, and create lakeside landscapes in combination with ecological governance.


▼护岸现状分析current situation analysis revetment


生态敏感性Sensitivity to ecology


According to the surveys and analysis on the ecological sensitivity of the plot and its surroundings. The plot falls into the category of Caohai and the surrounding public green space, featured by wonderful natural environment. Based on the data from the local water department and the ecological protection section, the soil permeability is neutral, which can basically guarantee the recovery of groundwater. Besides, the vegetation diversity, and there are abundant varieties of wet plants, semi-moist plants, and terrestrial plants in the plot, which have formed the three-dimensional plant community. The slope of the terrain within the plot is between 5-15%. Surface water can be drained through natural infiltration, surface runoff, and organized artificial drainage without problems such as soil loss or soil erosion. Therefore, the ecological stability and adaptability in the region are really wonderful.


▼生态敏感性分析analysis of ecological sensitivity


设计策略Design strategy


Considering the basic requirements for wetlands preservation and sponge cities, the remain  abandoned buildings are dismantled and the sunken green space and water-permeable breathable pavement are installed in order to create a natural and ecological green space. In the site, there are a large number of old building residues and a large amount of construction waste. In order to ensure the soil quality in the green space and the growth of plants, the construction waste will be removed from the site in initial construction stage, and the soil will be backfilled with an average depth of 1.5m. In the process of site cleaning, arduous efforts were made to protect the existing plants and wetlands. Small machinery were used to gradually clean and protect the existing soil and vegetation to the largest extent. As required by urban green space regulations and those for sponge cities, 3,000 square meters of sunken green space has been built and all waters in the base and the surrounding native vegetation must be strictly preserved.


▼展示中心display center



In terms of material selection, a large number of local slates are used to ensure these materials are ecology and environment-friendly and are integrated with the natural environment. Some pavements in the wetland are paved with a large number of 6-8 gravels. The foundation is graded gravel and 300×100 plain soil on both sides of the road, which are used to compact the surface drainage ditch to ensure water permeability. The roads in the public green space use black slabs produced locally in Yunnan, with rough texture and clear texture, which blend perfectly with the natural environment.Regarding plant use, protective trimming is made on the basis of the original wetland plants. The seedling species and the origin of the seedlings are all local native plants to ensure stable plant ecology. Point trees, winter cherry trees, and hackberry trees, etc. are planted in some important places.


▼展示中心 & 花海display center & flower sea

▼展示中心display center


视觉效果Visual effect



Enlarge the natural beauty and build landscapes in the surround natural scenery. By planning the entire plot, the project has established the space rhythm consisting of four parts, namely, Welcome Avenue, Winding Woods, High Flower Platform and Lakeside Grass Sea. By building the closed front field and open flower sea in the back field, the project has formed strong contrast of atmosphere. Landscape spots are not designed in the region. Instead, the projects uses flowers, trees, waters and stones as landscaping materials and utilizes mountains, colorful clouds, and clear water as the scenery to seamlessly integrate the natural scenery of grass sea with the project landscape. In this way, people can sit leisurely on the lawn in the sunshine, and enjoy the beauty of changing seasons on the plateau. At the same time, the tourists can feel the freedom in the nature and have the sense of belonging that combines relaxation and rest.

Winding paths – follow the stone path and flower stream to step into the natural scrolls of art. The water fall can be seen at the end of the winding path.People can listen to the flowing water and smell the taste of nature. In the few layers of scenery with water falls and winding paths, the clear sky is reflected on the clean water, producing the mist-like scenery.


▼镜影云天mirror cloud & sky



The sight becomes clear after passing the clouds and mists. You feel like floating above the flower sea and staying in the scenery. The region of buildings leading to the grass sea becomes the back field of the landscape. Paths are hidden among flower sea, stretching in the winding way towards the wet regions. The winding paths in the flower sea adopt the glued stones and sleeper technology that carry rich fun of nature.


▼站在平台上看花海之景CAOHAI-viewing platform


影响和意义Influence and Significance


Ecological benefits: It makes a contribution to Caohai Wetland Park and form a first-class protected wetland around Caohai. It plays an active role in climate regulation, degradation of pollution, and protection of species diversity.Social benefits: The project improves the urban environment and beautifies the urban landscape. The Urban Wetlands Park is the natural section with greatest aesthetic beauty in the periphery of the city. As an important part of urban development, the modern and artificial urban landscapes and wetland park constitute rich living environment with harmony.Through the unique design concept and the craftsmanship method in accordance with the site selection, the final presentation is an ecological exhibition park that combines ecological protection, tourism and recreation, creative display, cultural display and other aspects.



项目名称:  中国昆明云海-1号微湿地公园
项目地址:  云南省昆明市西山区西府路
城市和国家:  中国云南省昆明草海
面积(平方米):  25000平方米
完成年份:  设计于2019年完成
获奖类别:  生物类

Project Name:  Cloud Sea-1 Micro Wetland Park of Kunming in China
Project Address:  Xifu Road, Xishan District, Kunming, Yunnan Province
City & Country:  Caohai, Kunming, Yunnan Province, China
Area (sq.m):  25000 sq.m
Year of Completion:  Design completed in 2019
Award category:  Biological class


更多read more about:  园点景观
