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Archimatika:若你在降落到基辅的鲍里斯波尔机场时,从飞机窗口向外看一眼,你可能会看到地面上近40公顷爆炸式延伸的彩虹色混凝土建筑,这就是Comfort Town,它就像堆在破旧灰色地毯上的乐高玩具,从原本单调的环境中脱颖而出。不过,该项目的180栋低层公寓建筑的确是受到了积木的启发,也是对20世纪50年代和60年代共产主义时期建筑的一种有趣的回应。
Archimatika:Glance out of the airplane window as you descend into Kyiv’s Borispol airport and you are likely to spot a 40-hectare explosion of rainbow-colored concrete on the ground below. This is Comfort Town, erupting from its drab surroundings like Lego on a shabby grey carpet. Comfort Town’s 180 low-rise apartment buildings are indeed inspired by children’s building blocks; a playful response to the sprawling 1950s and 60s communist-era housing that encircles them.

The secured grounds operate as a city-within-a-city, housing everything needed for modern life, from shops and restaurants to schools and gyms. “Your little slice of Europe in Kyiv,” declares the brochure. Indeed, for the most part, its 8,500 apartments and manicured courtyards have been embraced by a generation of young families and urban professionals who feel culturally closer to Europe than to the country’s Soviet heritage.

The first residential complex in Ukraine based on the block development principle, instead of customary Soviet micro-district type. A different number of stories of adjacent buildings (ranging from 2 to 16 floors) forms a picturesque image of every street.
In the conditions of a limited budget, architects created sections with simple geometric shapes and made flat facades, thus excluding balconies and decorative elements. The focus was on three techniques: silhouette: different turns and height of dual-pitch roofs allowed to achieve an interesting shapes; window: the first housing project in Kyiv to use the French balcony system and the window shifting system, which allowed to avoid monotonous rows; color: the first daring color solution for a residential neighborhood in the country.
Residents have received a complex, comfortable environment with green pedestrian courtyards. Full infrastructural service includes fitness clubs, stores, kindergartens, and schools. A restored park with perennial trees, sculptures, and a fountain, block development, pedestrian courtyards where you can play with children – all that makes this residential the status of the district as a whole increased.
Comfort Town is the most successful residential property in Ukraine. Sales indicators peaked at over 200 apartments per month.

这个地方的历史对“Comfort Town”住宅综合体边界内的公园设计,起了决定性的作用。设计的主要任务是采取措施改造老旧、荒芜、废弃、过时的城市地区,使其成为可娱乐区域。
In the process of working on the park area within the boundaries of the existing residential complex “Comfort Town” the history of the place was decisive. And the main task at the site was to carry out measures to transform old, derelict, abandoned and outdated urban areas for recreational purposes.
The boundary line of the next phase of the residential complex “Comfort Town” with the green area is located adjacent to the existing railway tracks. But directly on the site abandoned industrial facilities were located. There was installed tire repair equipment from 1945 to 1990. So the vehicle tire repair and the production of glue rubber shoes were organized there. Of course, before starting construction, an abandoned industrial complex was demolished. For very logical reasons, a layer of soil within a depth of about several meters was also removed. Foundation slabs were crushed and withdrawn. So, a significant part of the highly contaminated soil surface layer was replaced by several tons of imported ground. In general, a large amount of ground improvement was carried out during the preparation of the territory.

在Comfort Town住宅综合体新阶段和公园本身的设计阶段,我们决定通过住宅建筑来组织城市街区的周边,内庭院以及面向住宅综合体的现有公园部分。此外,根据住宅的总体概念,所有绿色步行庭院都是无车设计,因此,公园成为了住宅区内相互连接的公共绿地和内庭院中的主要元素。
At the design stage of the new phase of the residential complex “Comfort Town” and the park itself, it was decided to organize the perimeter of the urban block by the residential buildings, and the inner courtyards, as well as park, should be oriented to the existing part of a residential complex. In addition, according to the general concept of housing, all green pedestrian courtyards were designed car-free. Thus, the park became the main element in the chain of interconnected public green spaces and inner courtyards of the residential complex.

Overall the park area on the territory of the residential complex “Comfort Town” consists of five zones, each of which has its own function: a labyrinth, a zone near the cafe with bench “klyaksa”, a playground, a quiet place and a zone with circles in paving. It should be noted that the “Klyaksa” bench deserved the love of the inhabitants and became a new place for a selfie in the “Comfort of Town”. This is a children’s fun with a length of 80 meters with 9 tables. So, each of benches was bent manually, because all the waves of the long bench have their own unique sizes and radius. In this bench 1000 linear meters of alder, which is covered with ecological materials: oil and wax, especially to be eco and kids friendly.
▼项目视频 Video

In general, a large number of coating and paving options were used. Each zone corresponds to a certain type of flooring with an individually developed junction of the tiles, such as a rubber crumb, at the same level with the lawn without the use of a curb. The division into the specific areas mentioned above is predicated on the main direction of pedestrian traffic flows passing along sidewalks through pedestrian crossings on the road leading to the park as the main open public space in the residential complex “Comfort Town”. Here, on the first floors of residential buildings, premises for commercial use and infrastructure (cafes, shops, offices) were designed and oriented to the park.
It’s important to note that even in the presence of bicycle paths and the necessary fire routes on the territory of this park there are practically no straight and strict lines, but only diagonal waved directions, rounded and winding trails predominate. On the one hand, it is a contrast to a building, and on the other hand, the absence of strict boundaries and frameworks provide a sense of freedom inherent in living in a natural environment.

Transforming an abandoned and outdated urban area we have received a habitable environment that generates a positive use of space and increases urban vitality.

▼住宅规划总平面 Master Plan

▼住宅立面 Elevation

▼住宅剖面 Section

项目周期:2009 – 2020年
Project name: Comfort Town
Type: Residential complex
Timeline: 2009 – 2020
Total area: 512 200 sq.m
Location: Ukraine, Kyiv, 4 Reheneratorna St.
设计公司 Bureau: archimatika
设计主创 Lead Architects: Dmytro Vasyliev, Aleksandr Popov, Olga Alfiorova
设计团队 Design Team: Dmytro Vasyliev, Aleksandr Popov, Olga Alfiorova, O. Stolovyi, K. Romanenko, O. Lymarenko, S. Hrabar, O. Chubarov, V. Bebeshko, V. Pleshynets, Y. Zynovieva, O. Myhda, M. Morkovnyk, S. Kovalchuk, O. Hrytsak, K. Onachuk, A. Denysenko, V. Sinenko
建设 Construction firm: KAN Development
奖项和荣誉 Awards and recognitions:
2010 Housing award in the Best Residential Complex Design in Ukraine nomination
2013 Housing award
The Best Economy Class Residential Complex in Kyiv in 2013 award at the 2013 All-Ukrainian Urban and Suburban Real Estate Forum
1st class diploma in the 2014 Public Property nomination
Winner of the 2016 Choice of the Year international festival contest in the Residential Complex of the Year nomination
European Property Awards 2016-2017 in the Residential Development nomination
World Architecture Festival 2019: Finalist in nomination Housing – Completed Buildings
World Architecture Festival 2019: Use of Colour Prize
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