Thanks Da Landscape for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Da Landscape.



Da Landscape: Located at the intersection of Yangtze River and Huangpu River, the Project is an important riverside waterfront of the Yangtze River in Shanghai with a vast water area. The waterfront before the transformation was composed of concrete flood embankments and flood control channels.



项目的特殊性|Project distinctiveness



The riverside hinterland nearly consists of residential communities and green parks. The most iconic building along the waterfront is Shanghai Wusongkou International Cruise Terminal. In view of Shanghai building world-class outstanding riverside areas and connecting the public space open for the mass on both sides of Huangpu River, Baoshan District takes the riverside areas mainly used for flood control as the focus of urban transformation.

Integrating the primary and secondary platforms of the flood control embankment into the riverside open space and enhancing ecology and public attraction of the riverside areas will become great challenges for the Project.


▼改造前滨江岸线现状 Riverside waterfront before transformation


设计思考|Design concept



The design combines river, cruise and Baoshan culture, and takes “Baoshan’s broadside” as its theme, to create an entertaining civil space and reflect the local uniqueness of the Project. Meanwhile, according to the master plan of riverside run-through, the Project is regarded as a regional demonstration to ensure the continuous run-through of “three routes”.

Combining the distinctiveness of this project, the design puts forward three strategies, namely natural resilience, interesting experience and community integration. In terms of natural resilience, ecological riverside features shall be constructed to cope with the ecological sensitivity of riverside areas and the impact of global climate change. In terms of interesting experience, the design aims to create a riverside leisure interactive experience corresponding to the cruise culture. In terms of community integration, the contact with surrounding communities is emphasized to provide a convenient, high-quality and diversified riverside lifestyle for citizens and tourists.


▼路径设计分析 Path design analysis


三道贯通|Run-through of three routes


According to the master plan of riverside run-through in Baoshan District, the walk route and the jogging route shall be set on the secondary platform, and the elevation difference and pavement materials of the original platform shall be optimized and improved. The bicycle route shall run through the existing parks or along the cityline. A more hydrophilic and leisure garden trail shall be set on the primary platform. The multilevel pathway of “three routes” + “one trail” will run through the entire riverside area, meeting the requirement for diversified recreation and sports.


▼花园游径+滨水步道+慢跑道总体鸟瞰 Overall bird view of garden trail + riverside walk route + jogging route

▼滨水一级平台花园小径 Garden trail on primary riverside platform

▼滨水漫步道+慢跑道 Riverside walk route + jogging route


趣味体验——长江一线防汛大堤的转变|Interesting experience – Transformation of front-line flood control embankment of Yangtze River


This area has a front-line flood control embankment of the Yangtze River requiring a high level of flood control, for which destructive transformation is forbidden. Whether ecological treatment may be carried out inside and outside the embankment on the basis of retaining the original embankment elements, to create a cozy riverside open space will become the focus and difficulty of this design.


▼滨江大堤现状情况 Current state of the riverside embankment



The design boldly proposes that the passive “flood control embankment” can be transformed into an “entertaining embankment” that has amusement functions and a forgotten grey flood control basic project transformed into the first site to enjoy the scenery of the Yangtze River.


▼设计分析图  Design analysis diagram




The design puts forward an improvement scheme for the current state without changing the original two-level flood control system. With the respective characteristics and height differences of the primary and secondary platforms, the “city bar” landscape on the secondary platform and the “wave garden” landscape on the primary platform are created, to attract more visitors to overlook the Yangtze River at the riverside.


▼设计情景分析 Design scenario analysis

▼场地功能分析 Site function analysis




The primary platform takes the wave garden as its theme, constitutes a water-land transition zone, reduces the proportion of original hard paving, and increases green plants, to form a garden-style walking space. An overall wavy layout is adopted, which avoids the monotony of the original linear space. Interesting and interactive content are added to its functions, to create a rich spatial experience in consideration of the changes of micro terrain. The secondary platform takes the city bar as its theme, with wave wall reserved. The width and thickness of the wall are considered, and a variety of urban life scenes are blended, to enable visitors to overlook the river ahead and the gardens nearby, and form a riverside space experience similar to the cabin and deck.

According to the reasonable service radius and in consideration of the existing service facilities in the riverside hinterland, service post stations are set along the waterfront, to satisfy the sports, leisure and other functional needs of citizens and tourists, and provide convenient support for possible riverside activities.


▼波浪花园-激发小朋友运动天赋的活力自然坡地 Natural slopes to stimulate children’s sports talents

▼一级平台上绿意盎然的花园小径 Green garden trail on the primary platform

▼花园式漫步空间 Garden-style strolling space

▼吸引人的儿童沙池 Attractive children’s sand pool


社区融合——滨水生活的第一现场|Community integration — the first site of riverside life


At the beginning of the design, it was hoped that the transformation of the waterfront will greatly facilitate the surrounding communities and provide sufficient convenience and accessibility for citizens to enjoy the river view. Full consideration has been given to linking corridors and wider urban areas. Facts have proven that after the transformation, the waterfront soon became one of the most attractive destinations for the surrounding communities.


▼周末时间高密度的使用 High density during weekends



The riverside platforms have become the first site to enjoy the scenery of the Yangtze River, and provides a variety of leisure places for citizens from surrounding communities. Jogging and overlooking places are mainly on the secondary platform. In addition to that, one may have more activity experience in the hinterland of Binjiang Park. The activity experience on the primary platform is more diversified, with a variety of activities given to different groups.


▼接近江岸的平台步道 Platform trail approaching the river bank


▼眺望长江的第一现场 First site to overlook the Yangze River

▼观赏性的岩石花园 Ornamental rock garden

▼晨昏时间周边社区居民的使用 Use by residents from surrounding communities in morning and nightfall


▼结合滨江公园腹地的滨江漫步慢跑带 Riverside walking and jogging belt connected with the hinterland of Binjiang Park


▼眺望邮轮码头的大台阶 Large steps overlooking the cruise terminal


自然韧性——适合滨江的生态岸堤|Natural resilience – ecological embankment suitable for riverside



Breaking the existing fully-hardened primary platform to create an attractive ecological recreation platform is an important goal of this design.

Riverside has many restrictions: the transformation shall not damage the existing platform foundation; there are high requirements for wind resistance of plants due to riverside strong wind; there are high requirements for the water resistance of plants as the primary platform will be submerged in flood season. Therefore, the riverside environmental characteristics force the design to consider the resilience of the whole natural environment after transformation.


▼一级平台自然改造示意图 Natural transformation diagram of the primary platform



In view of the strong waves and winds at the estuary of Yangtze River, the design adopts precast concrete modules as the pavement of the primary platform. The large modules with a certain weight may reach the stability required for wave dissipation and flood control in extreme weather, and act as part of the plantable soil consolidation system to realize the large-area planting of amphibious plants on the masonry embankment, improving the ecological features.




Large-area plants have improved the green visibility of the hydrophilic platform and fused with the green of Binjiang Park. The ground vegetation with a certain height and drought and water resistance are selected as far as possible, so as to meet the basic requirements for green space and create riverside plant features swaying with the wind.


▼恬静的滨江夜景 Quiet night view of the riverside


自然韧性的终极考验|Ultimate test for natural resilience



9 months after the completion of the Project, the river embankment ushered in the ultimate test for natural resilience.

From July 25 to 26, 2021, typhoon “Fireworks” landed in Putuo District of Zhoushan City. Due to the typhoon, the river flowing through Shanghai reached a high tide level of red warning, and continuous strong wind and rainfall lingered in the city.


▼狂风暴雨中的堤岸 Embankment in storm


“烟花”在近十年台风影响过程中雨量排名第一、最大风速排名第二(仅次于2019年第9号台风“利奇马”, 25日沿江沿海地区可达8~10级。


Typhoon “Fireworks” ranks the first in rainfall and the second in maximum wind speed among typhoons in the past ten years (second only to No. 9 typhoon “Lekima” in 2019). On July 25th, the wind force in the coastal areas reached 8-10.

The designer went to the site for an evaluation immediately after the typhoon. Most of the plants has withstood the test of strong wind and heavy rain; However, impacted by the big waves, some ground plants along the riverside were beaten down, which needs to be restored in time.In the face of new problems, challenges and ideas, the design team will conduct long-term observation on the plant ecology of the embankment for further evaluation and summary.


▼台风过后的堤岸现场 Embankment site after typhoon




The Project is a bold experiment to carry out a soft renewal for grey municipal infrastructure in the city (mainly flood control embankment) in the form of landscape, and create riverside features with natural charm and leisure affinity in a low impact way.





完成年份: 2020.9
项目面积: 岸线长度2.2公里
项目地点: 中国 上海 宝山
联系邮箱: 45071935@qq.com
主创设计师: 杨晓青
设计团队: 项目经理:张勤
摄影师: 金笑辉

Project Name: Baoshan Riverside (Phase I)
Year of completion: 2020.9
Project area: 2.2 kilometers of coastline length
Project location: Baoshan, Shanghai, China
Landscape: Scheme design:da landscape、Shanghai Zebai Landscape Design Co., Ltd.;
Planning and design:Shanghai Total Architectural Design&Urban Planning Co., Ltd. ;Construction drawing design:Tongchuang Engineering Design CO.,LTD.
Company website: www.dascape.com
Contact email: 45071935@qq.com
Lead Designer: Yang Xiaoqing
Design Team:
Leader designer:Xiaoqing Yang
Project manager: Qin Zhang
Scheme design team:Luquan Bao、Junjie Wang、Xianzhi Zhang、Wenying Lv、Qianyun Shang、Yongqing Wu、Xiaoxia Hu、Liuzhen Sun、Hui Chen、Yuxin Qian
Planning and design team:Jia He、Meimei Zheng、Huihui Liu、Dianfeng Gu
Construction drawing team:Xiangyang Zhang、Jie Sun、Yanfei Zhang、Zemin Zhang
Clients: Shanghai Baoshan riverside development and Construction Management Committee
Photographer: Jin Xiaohui



审稿编辑:王琪 -Maggie

更多 Read more about: 上海大观景观设计有限公司


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