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Thanks Z+T Studio for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Z+T Studio.



Z+T Studio: The project is on the north side of Enning Road and southside of the Lichi Bay Chung, Guangzhou. Back in 1931, the neighborhood was one of the most flourish neighborhoods in the region. Over time, the building density grew to meet the ever-increasing demand from the growing population. Without functioning infrastructure, the untreated waste water and run-off rain water poured into the bay from the northside of the Lichi Bay Chung. The aging architecture and crumbling infrastructure overshadowed the legacy of the Enning Road neighborhood and drove young generation away. By the 2000s, the community had become an urban decay and dominantly resided by elderlies.


▽项目范围及周边环境的鸟瞰 Aerial view of the site and the vicinity prior to the project 


▽场地滨水现状 Before the project


▽恩宁路的百年历史演变 The historical evolution of Enning Road neighborhood



改造目标 Goals


Since 2009, the city starts to consolidate renovation goals and objects for this neighborhood, including preserving the historic streetscape, and broadening the main streets to meet the fire code. Infrastructures need to be reorganized and moved to underground. The drainage system diverts sewage from rainwater, keeping sewage pollutants away from the river. In terms of architecture, a systematic evaluation of existing buildings leads to a toolkit of strategies to reinforce the load of structure while maintaining the historic facade of Xiguan houses. A various of public spaces specific to the different locations requires fire truck access, seasonal festivals, commercials, and daily use in this high-density neighborhood. Green infrastructure integrates grey infrastructure to make sure rainwater drainage runs smoothly.


▽设计策略 Strategies



挑战 Challenges


The unruly and spontaneous growth of structures in the neighborhood has taken the space and created a network of narrow and unsafe passageways.
As a number of historical banyan trees have grown into the essence of the community, the enormous aerial roots also had become an obstruction in the streets, the public space and the buildings physically. The enormous roots system also overhaul the infrastructure space.
The safety issue and the pollution had kept the waterfront becoming valuable space for the community.
Some introduced new sewage, the rainwater drainage, freshwater supply pipes and other wires need more street space for going underground.


▽“闲人免进”的水闸区域鸟瞰及现状 Aerial view of the limited-access watergate area and the site prior to the project


▽水闸改造方式 Renovation of the watergate plaza©Z+T Studio


▽改造后的水闸广场增添了更多的交流和停留空间 The renovation of the watergate plaza adds more public space for communication and stop.


▽基础设施的改造 Overhaul of the infrastructure



策略 Solutions


The design strategy is to transform these in-between and marginal spaces to inviting places where people linger, conduct social life, rest, and to be inspired. Various seating functions in different heights, materials were introduced and integrated into the enormous tree roots, and several water features. As the design makes the spaces highly adaptable to people’s behavior, it gives the street distinctive and memorable characters.


© 席闻雷

▽最大限度地利用了遗留和不规则的空间The project transformed left over and irregular spaces into meaningful places for the residents. 

© 张玫芳

▽窄巷里下沉空间和店铺的关系 Relationship between the lower area and shops in the alley 

© 席闻雷

▽与台阶结合的小水景 Small water feature integrated withs stone steps


▽材料细节 Materials and details

© 赵桦



According to the different circumstances of the Banyan trees’ aerial roots grow, the design strategy needs to be systemic yet flexible. For a large Banyan tree growing against a wall, the design created a seating platform with different height to house the root. With the combination of small water features, the Banyan tree became the anchor in the center of the courtyard that is the living room for the community. It transformed the obstruction to a generator. For the trees on the sidewalk, small modular materials were implemented to house the roots, and the pedestrian walks were highly optimized; As the roots of a few large trees in between buildings had grown together, the design consolidated the space for the roots and a few benches around them.



▽榕树广场的改造前后 Before and after the renovation of banyan tree plaza


▽树根、座凳和水台三者的结合关系 Relationships between the enormous banyan tree roots, seatings and water features. 

© 潘昭延
© 席闻雷

▽座位旁边的小水景成为了孩子和家人们的最爱 The small water feature next to the seating became one of the most well-liked ones for the kids and families.

© 张玫芳



A series of plant floating islands were used to the water quality treatment on the both sides of the river. In order to increase the accessibility to the river, a waterfront walking system for pedestrians was established. The railing system was integrated to ensure the safety. To create a green waterfront passageway, large street trees were taken places along the riverbanks.


© 席闻雷

▽清晨的滨水步道 Waterfront in the morning 

© 席闻雷

▽午后热闹的滨水商业街 The busy waterfront commercial street in the afternoon© Zhang Meifang 


▽滨水步道改造前后 Before and after the renovation of the waterfront

© 潘昭延



The capacity of sewer system was enlarged and water management system was rearranged. The sewage, fresh water supply, and electricity and wires have gone underground. The freed space above the ground allow more plantings in the already overcrowded streets. Extra rainwater drainage system was introduced on the surface of the certain area for the storms overflow. The pattern of cast iron drain grate is inspired by the local traditional window frame. The original granite strip stones were reclaimed for the use of the pavement and recalled history of the street.


© 席闻雷

▽人行道上隆起根系的树木被保留了下来 Trees with enormous roots on the sidewalk were preserved.

© 席闻雷

▽排水盖的设计灵感来自当地窗户装饰的图案 The drainage cover was inspired by the pattern of the local window ornament. 

© 张唐景观


后记 Afterwords

恩宁路二期从2018年开始设计,2019年开始施工,2020年区域开放,到现在已经三年有余,期间我们跟踪观察了一些场地改造后的使用状况。首先,作为广州第一个实验mixed use方式的改造项目,该社区原住民占有一定的比例。随着商业活动的注入,居住生活是否受到影响?在现场我们注意到商业活动对生活氛围的不断侵蚀进而充分融合。有些原住民会逐渐将居住空间腾出来,转换为商业店铺出租;有些选择留下继续生活。另外周边大量存在的居住区域,让本场地成为了一个分时段使用的典型空间。在清晨,周边和本区域的居民会在商铺没有开门的时候进行晨练。午后和夜晚,自然是商业的灯红酒绿。



Enning Road renovation design commenced in 2018, the construction initiated in 2019, and the site has been opened to the public since 2020. In the past three years, we followed up how the neighborhood would use the renovated street and public spaces. Since the region has mixed-use policy of renovation, it keeps a high percentage of original residents. As retails and shops are encouraged, what is the impact to the local residence. When we visited the area, some of the residents chose to empty their houses for rent as storefronts, some others choose to stay. They mixed-use the public areas by different point of time: in the early morning before the stores open, residents from the neighborhood or nearby start to morning exercise on the street or the plazas; when the business starts, the areas will be occupied with visitor for different commercial activities.

Second, what the landscape design should do for a busy and densely populated commercial space. After three years of renewals, the portfolio of commercial types has changed and gradually matured to an acceptable proportion, with catering, retails, souvenirs for the visitors, and small markets for the locals. Some of the only green spaces in our design were used by stalls and installations for the seasonal festivals. Small plazas with fountains are now constantly occupied by street vendors, and some featured gathering places are packed with visitors on weekends and holidays.

Through the follow-up in the past three years, we are constantly reminded of the importance of mixed-use even in landscape design within the high-density commercial development sites. In addition to gatherings, sitting, and passing through, we also need to consider the variety of people’s activities, to provide small-scale multi-functional landscape nodes for efficient and diverse outdoor spaces.


▽雨后清晨晨练的当地居民 Local residents exercise in a rainy morning. 

© 席闻雷

▽近期回访,商业气氛浓厚 A recent follow-up visit, the site has been highly commercialized. 

© 张明富




Project name:Enning-Li Neighborhood Renovation
Year completed:10.2020
Area:18,000square meters
Project location:Guang zhou
Landscape Design: Z+T Studio
Chief Designer: Zhang Dong, Tang ,Ziyin,Zhao Hua
Design members: Zhou Xiao, Xu Min, Niu Yuxuan, Zhang Meifang, Wang Qi, Du Xinbo, Yuan Shuai, Lou Siyuan, Zhang Wenli, Yao Yu,
Installation Design and Construction: Z+T Hapitor Art Studio
Installation members:Liu Hongchao, Zheng Jialin, Fan Yanjie, Wang Hu
Client:Guangzhou vanke
Photo credits: Arch-Exist Photography、Xi Wenlei, Zhang Meifang




更多 Read more about: 张唐景观