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JTL Studio:这个时代真正令人心动的是对生活方式的共鸣,为每一个项目设计其独特的空间感受与场景调性,JTL始终秉承并为之努力。

JTL Studio:What is truly impressive in this era is the resonance for lifestyle. JTL has always been adhering to and striving for the unique style and space experience for each project.





It may not be complicated to create an urban-style landscape for a luxury mansion. However, to meet the need of a truly glamorous lifestyle, you need to upgrade both the space and the service from an international perspective.

Feeling is the core of design and luxury is the pursuit of life, with which we can build a spiritual territory needed in this era. This time, we reflect on luxury, telling a new story from the style and characteristics of the project.




For Eternal Land, Chongqing, we hope to touch residents with modern lifestyle, artistic atmosphere and delicate details and authentic experience.




In consideration of the unique location of the site, we hope to narrow the distance between nature and the city through the design, and realize the combination of business and art. Thus an innovative three-dimensional landscape is created, which contributes to a highly customized home in the CBD.




To improve the space, we combine life experience with art and aesthetics, and introduce it into the space through penetration, making it appealing to people now and forever.




To make landscape a part of the “collection” of urban luxury houses, we integrate art with nature, drawing inspirations from master’s paintings and apply the pattern to the garden paths, functional spaces, central framework and landscape architectures. Besides, we carefully select the big trees and exquisite bushes, and build a luxury “forest” in the center of the city.


▽婀娜的乔木、精致的廊架、层叠的水池、艺术感的铺装等共同构成的林溪水院 Graceful trees, exquisite trellis, terraced pool and artistic pavement together form an ethereal water yard. 


「隐私是新的奢侈品,试图重新定义高端住宅的边界价值」「Privacy is a new luxury that redefines the value of high-end residences」



The privacy defined broadly refers to a real serenity: “May you be cared for and supported by your environment.”

The 30 meters high 10F complex facade, though a big challenge for landscape design, is a joint effort by a multidisciplinary team, which weakens the stiffness of the retaining wall and echos the style of the architecture.


▽被自然消隐的景观挡墙 Landscape retaining wall concealed by nature



The boundary taking advantage of the height difference shelters the hustle and bustle from the residential area. Designed with the idea of Singaporean-style Vertical Forest, the green slope serves as the best interface, realizing the natural transition between the noise of city and the natural tranquility spatially and mentally.




A painting about the integration of nature and future architecture unfolds on the vertical facade. Fluent lines outline the huge cascading down the hill, the floating forest and the rough rocks. Blocks are stacked to provide dynamic cascades and planting spaces. The contrast and combination of different volumes make you feel like walking in a valley.


▽跌瀑水景 Waterfall water feature



Artistic planting creates a unique landscape facade in the city, which provides a dynamic visual effect with smooth lines and natural materials. The 30 meters high lobby tower is “embedded” in nature, creating a dramatic image against the background of the well-arranged plants.


▽精致的LOGO设计 Exquisite LOGO design


「立体抽象图形的艺术价值」「Artistic value of three-dimensional abstract graphics」


The extreme scale and a large number of firefighting arrangements are usually easy to result in stiffness and emptiness. Perhaps we can make full use of the open space to make the landscape patterns distinctive and artistic, and endow them with functional value, visual value, artistic value as well as premium value.




This time, we try to “paint” vertically and horizontally, and finally present an abstract painting seen from above. Gurgling water, carefully-selected trees, curved framework and abstract terraced flower beds are combined to build a valley beyond the hustle and bustle.


▽提取名画元素,叠压、拼合成黑白灰三色的图案基底 Elements of famous paintings are extracted and recombined to form the base of a black-white-gray pattern. 



If we say, architecture brings the site the sense of science and technology and future, then landscape adds artistic value to the site beyond nature. The elements of famous paintings are extracted and reinterpreted; modern skills and techniques as well as geometric lines are employed to form a pattern of fun, art and meaning.


▽极致的设计手法,打造隐逸的空间氛围 The ultimate design technique creates a secluded space atmosphere


「抽屉艺术,高定城央会客厅」「Art of drawer, customized living room in city center」 


We practice beyond the homogeneous scale between buildings, making full use of the open floor to create a multi-dimensional drawer space. Landscape penetrates into the open floor and the functions of the “drawer” are also pulled outwards, creating a boundaryless multi-functional public space for the development.


▽流线型廊架-户外会客厅 Outdoor meeting room



Inspired by nature, we raised the flower beds to an approachable height, maximize the value of the facade, define the highly customized home in urban center, and enhance the penetration between spaces and landscape. In addition, we create a water yard combined with the open floor, which can serve as an outdoor living room. The space enclosed by the delicate curved framework is like a box pulled from the open floor, blurring the boundary between the indoor and outdoor spaces and creating a comfortable residential environment. Abundant and colorful, it makes a wonderful first impression.


▽丰富肌理的大理石,以时光的层积模拟艺术的笔触。Rich texture of marble shows the traces of time and the beauty of art.


「悬崖之上,对话城央」「Dialogue with the city over the cliff」


The outdoor sky bar seamlessly connects with the landscape; the flowing bar counter divides the space cleverly. Sitting in the sunken area with several friends, you can enjoy the “Manhattan” view of the city. It’s not only a window to dialogue with the city but also a lifestyle, which encourages the communication and interaction between people, buildings and the city.


▽户外高奢天际酒吧 outdoor sky bar


「一个敬畏真实,传承宁静的住宅」「A residence that reveres reality and inherits tranquility」



For an artwork, the most precious part lies in its personality beyond skills. Design is an innovative way to change life.

The landscape space is created based on the respect for nature and the passion for prosperity. Therefore, balance, truth, respect, tranquility and inheritance become the labels of the landscape scenes.




Overlook the city at the 30 meters high cliff and enjoy the life in the urban forest. Nature and art are combined, creating a classical residential product that is worth collecting.


▽高定的户外家具赋予了产品独一无二的标签 Customized outdoor furniture marks the project as its own 




We firmly believe that the warmth of aesthetics, the care for humans, and the tension of art are significant in any piece of land. When landmark comes into being, culture is born.

In the winter of 2022, JTL wrote the introductory chapter for the Eternal Land, Chongqing. With the theme of “nature” and “art”, it tells a new story about life in an urban forest.




甲方:华润置地 香港置地
景观设计:JTL Studio Pte. Ltd, 重庆
设计团队:刘展、王小波、Pax Ju、刘章、杨威、张淑鹏、楚岭伟、李祥、吴丹、石亚斌、李应鹏、周阳、张玉兵、  罗崇巍、任娟、阳镜
摄影: 三棱镜景观摄影

Project: Eternal Land First Opening Area
Location: Chongqing Guanyinqiao Business District
Developer: CR Land, Hongkong Land
Developer Team: Zheng Yu, Fan Ting, He Qingxi, Chen Hao, Lan Mengxue, Yao Xingchen, Zhang Qingfu
Landscape Design: JTL Studio Pte. Ltd, Chongqing
Design Team: Liu Zhan, Wang Xiaobo, Pax Ju, Liu Zhang, Yang Wei, Zhang Shupeng, Chu Lingwei, Li Xiang, Wu Dan, Shi Yabin, Li Yingpeng, Zhou Yang, Zhang Yubing, Luo Chongwei, Ren Juan, Yang Jing
Soft Landscape: Sichuan Geshi Decoration Engineering Co.,Ltd.
Signage Deign: Shanghai BOXI SiGNAGE Co., Ltd.
Landscape Construction: Sichuan Jintianxia Landscape Engineering Co.,Ltd.
Architectural Design: ZEN
Landscape Area (first opening area): 3,500 m2
Time of Completion: November, 2022
Photo by: Prism Image




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