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Thank Petr Tej, Marek Blank, Jan Mourek for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Petr Tej, Marek Blank, Jan Mourek.


Petr Tej + Marek Blank + Jan Mourek:Lužec nad Vltavou是波希米亚的一个村庄,在梅尔尼克附近,处于伏尔塔瓦河风景如画的洪泛区中。1907年,Hořín和Vraňany两村之间修建了侧渠,自那时起,Lužec nad Vltavou就一直是捷克共和国境内位于这个岛屿上的唯一的村庄,该岛也是伏尔塔瓦河上最大的岛屿。

Petr Tej + Marek Blank + Jan Mourek:Lužec nad Vltavou is a village in Bohemia near Mělník in the picturesque floodplain landscape of the Vltava River. Since 1907, when the lateral canal between the villages Hořín and Vraňany was built, it has been the only village in the Czech Republic that lies on the island with its entire territory. The island is also the largest island on the Vltava River.



人行大桥横跨Lužec nad Vltavou和Bukol两个村庄之间不可逾越的河流,该大桥还是从瑞典通往西西里岛的长途南北自行车道EuroVelo 7的一部分。

The footbridge runs across the innavigable river flow between the villages of Lužec nad Vltavou and Bukol. The bridge is on the long-distance north-south cycle route EuroVelo 7 leading from Sweden to Sicily.



该大桥是由一个塔架和两个跨度为30 + 100 m的区域绳索组成的的悬挂结构。横跨河流的主要区域宽度为70 m。河流上方的部分被设计为自由悬臂。桥面是半径为777 m的超高拱形结构,由UHPFRC预制段组成,可直接在上面行走。桥梁设计轻巧微妙,就是得益于极其先进的材料UHPFRC材料(超高性能纤维增强混凝土)。桥面板安装在堤岸上方的固定环上,通过两条灵活的绳索连接。铰链由17对紧锁的钢丝绳组成。
The footbridge is conceived as a suspended structure with one pylon and two fields with spans of 30 + 100 m. The main field crosses the river with a width of 70 m. The bridge deck is led in a high-rise arch with a radius of 777 m and is composed of directly walking prefabricated segments from UHPFRC. The hinges consist of 17 pairs of locked steel ropes. The architectural design is based on the lightness and subtlety that are made possible by the technologically extremely advanced material UHPFRC (ultra-high performance fiber reinforced concrete). The bridge deck was mounted on the fixed ring above the banks. The part above the river was mounted as a free cantilever. The bridge deck is connected with two free cables.



▼桥面板安装在堤岸上方的固定环上,通过两条灵活的绳索连接。The bridge deck is connected with two free cables.


All elements of the structure are unified and dematerialized by tones of medium gray color.



The footbridge is connected with the landscape by a newly planted oak alley along the road on the Bukol side. The oak trees will grow to the height of the pylon.


▼剖面图 Section



项目名称:Lužec nad Vltavou人行大桥
设计团队:Petr Tej (建筑师和桥梁工程师), Marek Blank (建筑师), Jan Mourek (桥梁工程师)
客户:Municipality Lužec nad Vltavou

Project name: Footbridge in Lužec nad Vltavou
Design team: Petr Tej (architect and bridge engineer), Marek Blank (architect), Jan Mourek (bridge engineer)
Project location: Municipality Lužec nad Vltavou, Czech Republic
Year: 2015-2020
Dimensions: 130 m
Client: Municipality Lužec nad Vltavou
Contractor company: Hochtief
Photographer: BoysPlayNice