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Thanks ALPES Green Design & Build for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by ALPES Green Design & Build.
ALPES Green Design & Build:该公寓位于越南岘港市的市区。由于地块大小的限制,城市地区的住房类型正变得越来越单调。大多数场地都是长方形的,普通的墙壁,前面与主路相连。前面是采光和通风的唯一来源,使得设计十分具有挑战性。越南农村的房屋是围绕花园、池塘、湖泊等公共空间设计的,这些地方是人们相互联系的空间。在城市地区,由于面积的缺乏,居民彼此之间共享的社区空间较少,楼层变得越来越高,保持居民之间的沟通变得越来越困难。
ALPES Green Design & Build:The apartment is located in urban area of Da Nang city of Vietnam. Housing typology in urban areas is getting more and more monotonous because of the plot sizes available. Most sites are rectangular with common walls and front connected to main road. Front side is the only source of light and ventilation making it challenging to design. Houses in rural Vietnam are planned around common spaces lile gardens, ponds, lakes where people connect together. In urban areas, due to lack of area there are less community spaces affecting the users and their connectivity with each other. As the structures started getting higher, maintaining connectivity between the users became difficult.

The main concept of the structure was derived from terraced fields. The units are stacked on each other with stepped terraces which provides plenty of light to the apartment units. On the inner sides, atriums are provided so as to get natural light and air ventilation.

Stepped terraces provide connectivity between the users and increase vertical interaction. There are small common spaces, gardens for users to gather and interact with each other.

The material used for the construction is unburnt bricks which are environment friendly. Brick texture gives a sense of warmth and simple village life of Vietnam. The objective of this design is to combine nature and light to create natural and healthy living environment.

▼室内环境 Interior

设计公司:ALPES Green Design & Build
主创:Ho Khue
摄影:Hiroyuki Oki
Project name: Green Peace Village Apartment
Completion Year: 2019
Size: 800 m2
Project location: Nguyen Cong Tru street, Son Tra district, Da Nang City
Architecture Firm: ALPES Green Design & Build
Lead Architects: Ho Khue
Clients: Confidential
Collaborators: Confidentia
Photo credits: Hiroyuki Oki
Editor: Jiangyan Shou
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