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Thanks Christoph Hesse Architekten for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool. Text description provided by Christoph Hesse Architekten.
Christoph Hesse Architekten:这三个小亭子建成于国际生物多样性日。根据今年的宗旨:“在大自然中寻求解决方案”,项目选址在Sauerland乡村中心的一座小山山顶,现已成为一个绝佳的观景视点,以及当地地标性的构筑。
Christoph Hesse Architekten:On May 22nd, these three small pavilions were built on the occasion of the International Day of Biodiversity. This year’s motto is: “Our solutions are in nature”. The chosen place for the project is located in the heart of Sauerland countryside, in the highest point of a hill, becoming a landmark for the area, as well as a viewpoint where to observe the landscape.

The project´s concept serves the biodiversity as an informative and awareness way to the visitors, therefore, the idea is to create a natural element, where architecture is the union of a steel rebar structure with a plant coating layer. These pieces work together to be an integrated and friendly object in the nature.

Different varieties of vegetation have been planted for the project. All of them are taken from the surrounding area in order to blend the pavilions in the landscape. During the following years, the plants will grow up between the bars until hiding the structure and turning just into natural walls. The installation wants to foster biodiversity and to provide a resting place for visitors.

▼轴测图 Axonometric drawing

▼平面图 Plan

▼立面图 Elevation

景观事务所:Christoph Hesse Architekten
首席建筑师:Christoph Hesse
设计团队:Christoph Hesse Architekten
图片来源:Christoph Hesse Architekten
Project name: Himmelstropfen
Completion Year: 2020
Design Area: 1 sqm
Project location: Sauerland, Germany
Landscape/Architecture Firm: Christoph Hesse Architekten
Website: https://www.christophhesse.eu
Contact e-mail: bonillamartinez@christophhesse.eu
Lead Architects: Christoph Hesse
Design Team: Christoph Hesse Architekten
Photo credits: Christoph Hesse Architekten
更多 Read more about: Christoph Hesse Architekten