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建筑署:该项目座落在东九龙劳动人口最密集的观塘区, 是将原有旧公园改造成符合现今需要的憩息之处。
ArchSD :The project is a transformation of an old park in the most densely populated district in Hong Kong.
The site is sandwiched by the busy Flyover of Kwun Tong Bypass and the major traffic road at the back. The original park was bounded with solid boundaries, and high raised planters with hard pavements. How can we create an Urban Oasis in a high density industrial and busy area?
▽项目视频 Video
▽以栏栅和树篱围成的室外空间 Outdoor Room enclosed by semi-transparent fence wall and hedges.
设计思路 Design Strategies
方案中,将建筑群以弧形布局安放在北面边界位置,让公园向海滨打开,再配合茂密的乔木,包裹着公园的核心空间 — 位于公园中央的公共绿地。这一手法既能有效过滤来自车道的嘈杂声,同时又成为公园美丽的布景。游人躺在大草坪上,无论是独自放松身心,或与朋友家人畅谈,分享生活点滴,都能感到忙里偷闲的惬意。
The new cluster of service buildings, as a metaphor of traditional city blocks in miniature, are situated on the garden edge to screen off the busy street; the blocks orientated towards the circular lawn, to embody the green oasis in the form of a circular lawn which functions as multipurpose gathering space for the outdoor theatre, as well as an urban foyer to the district.
▽轴侧图 Axonometric
▽建筑群外观Exterior of Toilet Block
庭园核心 — 中央草地 Embodiment of Central Lawn
At the main stage of the Circular Lawn, which acts the heart of the green urban foyer, a green oasis is created to bridge the very dense industrial urban district to the waterfront.
The newly built structures are carefully articulated and orientated to define the street outside, acting as a backdrop to the open area in front. The clusters of building blocks, timber shelters, layers of timber trellis and frames along the walkway which interlaces with nature and landscape, as embodiment to the central lawn.
建筑与自然交织 Architecture interlaces with Nature
Two mature existing trees were specially preserved and interlaced together with the interlocking planes to mediate between solid building and landscape, and also increase the 3 dimensional and spatial quality of the experience of space. It’s both the east and west cultural landscape together with the green landscape.
The layout of the newly built architecture to generate semi-open and permeable living spaces within the park. It allows the landscape to come into the space and harmonised with the nature: During daytime, the tree shadow nicely casted on different surfaces to enliven the spaces and to provide shades for the public’s enjoyment; At night, the theatre backdrop is lit up, like lanterns, creating another romantic ambiance to the main stage at the central lawn.
▽开花期的鳯凰古树The mature preserved tree was blossoming in spring.
▽建筑外墙上的藤与影 Shadows, vines and architecture
▽树影打在混凝土墙上增强了层次 Tree shadows on the concrete wall enhance the gradation
室外景观 Landscape as Outdoor Rooms
除中央草地外,公园还透过半开半掩的凉亭和栏栅,创造出不同主题的空间:有静态的观景园圃, 户外休憩区,亦有动态的健身园,和多用途活动空间等, 让不同需要的人总能够在这里找到属于自己的角落,享受宜人时光。另外,栏栅疏密有致的布局,让访客穿梭于其中游走时, 仿佛观看着一幅慢慢打开的自然风景卷画。
By carefully placing layers of transparent screens and trellis in the park, different outdoor rooms of various characters are defined to allow the public to sit, to play and to enjoy the leisure at all times; The framed and unframed spaces along the walkway, visitors can view a series of carefully composed scenes, unrolling like a scroll of landscape paintings,
the visual experience along the whole journey is enriched, the boundary which divided inside and outside is made ambiguous, and it actually creates a new visual context for appreciation of the park.
▽花圃Seating Area enclosed by shrubs
▽半开掩的凉亭和栅栏 Ajar arbor and palisade
▽座椅空间 The seat space
室内空间 The Interiors
The space is lighten up that is filled with soft and diffused natural daylight by glass block wall that embraces the whole area to give a harmonized ambience to the users. The mirror works as building finish provides practical function to the toilet users, but meanwhile it is creating more illusion of space to enrich visitors’ spatial experience.
Fair-face concretes inside the lavatories are the extensions of exterior surface to relate space between in and out, the connectivity to the surrounding, as well as to create a sense of touch to the users. The sawn-cut fairface concrete is the shadow of the adjacent timber panels. The ornamentation in this case is actually the form of remembrance.
Skylights in both male and female toilets which allow landscape to come into the space so that people enjoy the blue sky, as well as trees, blossoms inside the toilets; meanwhile, it frames the sky like a beautiful painting.
Baby Care Room: Timber and diffused lighting provides a warm and intimate space to the mothers and babies.
Nature comes into the room though the skylight and the ribbon window
▽景观窗看向中央绿地 The landscape window looks out onto the central green space
▽总平面图 Site plan
▽一层平面图 Ground floor plan
▽剖面图 Section
总建筑师: 温灼均 (Thomas Wan);
高级建筑师: 王安華 (Edward Wong); 温梓媛 (Becky Wan)
建筑师: 歐佩媚 (Selah Au) ; 袁嘉威 (Sammy Yuen)
建筑助理: 馬釗裕 (Hugo Ma)
品牌/产品:Neolith;福米卡;Simonin SAS;海基会Glassblock
Project Name: The Urban Sanctuary – Hoi Bun Road Park
Design: ArchSD
Website: https://www.archsd.gov.hk/
Contact e-mail: archsd@archsd.gov.hk
Design Year: 2018
Completion Year: 2021
Leader designer & Team
Chief Architect: Thomas Wan;
Senior architect: Edward Wong; Becky Wan
Architects: Selah Au; Sammy Yuen
Architectural Assistant: Hugo Ma
Project location: Hoi Bun Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Gross Built Area: 9300m2
Photo Credits: iMAGE28
Structural Engineering: ArchSD
Building Services Engineering: ArchSD
Landscape: ArchSD
Main Contractor: JUNIC construction Limited
Clients: Leisure and Culture Services Department
Brands / Products: Neolith; Formica; Simonin SAS; Seves Glassblock
“ 多用途空间开放而不喧闹,是休憩健身享受愉悦的绝佳之所。”
审稿编辑:Ashley Jen
更多 Read more about:ArchSD