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Thanks studio MOTO for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by studio MOTO.
studio MOTO:从一开始,我们就意识到这里的地理位置十分敏感,许多不同的元素在这里汇集,形成了独特的个性:海潮、海滩、沙丘与长廊;比利时和法国;鸟儿和行人;水、沙、混凝土与大自然。我们如何才能将所有这些元素汇聚在一起,使其更加具体,不强加干预,也不扰乱当地的环境?我们试图寻求一种体验,它可以成为所有这些元素的一部分,并与这个地方融为一体,就好像它一直都在那里一样,恒久、稳固、自由且意义非凡。
studio MOTO:From the beginning, we were aware of the sensitive location, the unique character of the place where many different elements come together. The sea with its tides, the beach, the dunes, and the promenade. Belgium and France. Birds and walkers. Water, sand, concrete, and nature. How can we bring all these elements together, make them more tangible, without imposing them and without disturbing the place? We sought an experience that could be part of all these elements and become one with the place as if it had always been there. Permanent, anchored, yet free. Meaningful.
The form we were looking for ultimately answers this question in all its aspects.

连接纽带 Connecting
这座瞭望塔位于海滨长廊的斜坡上。如果从德潘讷(De Panne)沿着海滨长廊步行,可以发现瞭望塔的基座与海滨长廊在一条直线上,从而可以延长步行时间。当行人爬上塔身并从塔上下来时,会自动回到海滨长廊或海滩,徒步行程仍在继续。瞭望塔的独特位置使其成为了连接不同元素的纽带。
The observation tower is positioned on the slope of the promenade. If you walk along the promenade from De Panne, the base of the observation tower lies in line with the promenade, thus extending the walk. As you climb and descend the tower, you automatically return to the promenade or the beach. The walk continues. The placement of the tower literally makes the location a link between the different elements.
▽项目视频 video

位置条件 Position
The view of De Panne is unique, partly thanks to the large nature reserve and the dunes that open up to the beach. This sets it apart from other Belgian seaside towns. The dunes are essentially the city’s main asset. The construction closely aligns with the dunes in terms of scale, height, shape, color, material, and position, thereby enhancing the asset that makes De Panne so special.

动态活力 Dynamics
The dynamic character of the construction provides the walker with a maximal landscape experience. The walk along the promenade is currently linear. The loop makes the walk more dynamic and spatial. Due to the different directions of the stairs, the walker is brought into contact with the various landscape characteristics in a new way while entering the bridge. It offers new perspectives. At high tide, the structure is partially in the sea, enhancing the overall experience. It forms the connection between land and sea.

地标 Landmark
The dynamic, striking shape, almost a ring, positioned on the sloping plane of the promenade, distinguishes the structure from its surroundings. In this way, it gains its own identity, which we believe can become a picture opportunity. The intriguing shape, despite its relatively small scale, arouses interest and curiosity without being dominant, thus becoming a benchmark and a destination. The transparency through the structure acts as a lens, providing a focus on what lies behind and creating a link to the place one is walking towards. This works from different directions, from De Panne to Dunkirk and vice versa.

象征意义 Symbolism
“The journey is the destination” is a quote from Confucius that applies here. Once the walker reaches the bridge, it will not be experienced as an endpoint but rather as a resting point. The viewpoint is positioned to continue the walk along the promenade or the beach. It is part of the walk. The path continues over the bridge, as if one is s climbing a high sand dune. The structure, which can also be seen as a ring, symbolizes the connection between humans and nature, or between two countries.

设计参考 References
Images of nature inspired us, particularly places where land and sea meet, with subtle, human-added elements visible in the landscape, often for practical or necessary reasons, but with respect for the environment.

可持续性与材料 Sustainability & Material
The entire structure is made of concrete, which, with its texture and color, closely aligns with the surroundings and is also resistant to the very aggressive sea climate. The structure has the robustness expected of a public viewpoint. Concrete requires limited maintenance. The material also seamlessly connects with the concrete promenade. Additionally, should the dunes be allowed to expand and stretch around and under the structure, it can stand independently on its own.

平面 Plan
从平面图上看,该建筑的形状是一个拉长的五边形,由等长的楼梯段以 108°的角度连接而成。每段楼梯之间都有一个落脚点和休息点,每个落脚点都有自己独特的景观。楼梯结构也是桥梁的 “支柱”。总之,形式、结构和功能是统一的。支柱和地基确保该结构可以悬挑于海滩和海洋之上。在瞭望塔的东侧,增设了一个长凳,作为休息点,可以透过结构看到风景。
In plan, the structure has the shape of an elongated pentagon, constructed from equal stair segments connected at an angle of 108°. Between each stair segment, there is a landing, a resting point, each offering its own unique view of the surroundings. The stair constructions also serve as the ‘pillars’ of the bridge. In short, form, structure, and function are unified. The pillars and foundation ensure that the structure can cantilever over the beach and the sea. On the east side of the observation tower, an additional bench is provided, functioning as a resting point with a view through the structure.

▽平面图 Plan

▽东侧详图 Westerpunt eastside

▽北侧详图 Westerpunt northside

▽南侧详图 Westerpunt southside

▽西侧详图 Westerpunt westside

▽剖面图 Section

地点:比利时 德潘讷
客户:De Panne 市和 West-Flanders 市
设计公司:studio MOTO
团队:studio MOTO,MOUTON engineering
“ 海岸上的这一环形结构不仅是连接的纽带,也象征着人与自然或两个国家之间的联系。”
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