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Thanks Orma architettura for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Orma architettura.
Orma architettura:A Cheda查达酒店的设计灵感来源于博尼法乔当地的典型建筑“baracun”。该项目就像一堵长长的展开的弧形石墙,为酒店的套房提供庇护。
Orma architettura: It’s in the vernacular typical constructions of Bonifacio, called “baracun”, that the Hotel A Cheda finds its inspiration. The project unfolds like a long-curved stone wall that shelter the hotel’s suites.

The materials used are also in connection with this by displaying a mineral dominance, intrinsically linked to the region’s landscapes. The project is based on a short circuit and aims to enhance the value of the local stone industry through the collection of stone near the site.

It’s around a central patio that the project is organised, allowing each room to be served while respecting privacy. Conversely, the outline of the shape undulates in order to offer private outdoor spaces.

The stones were collected and transported to create the exterior cladding. The walls are made of monomur bricks internally insulated, with a lime coating.

▽设计图纸 Design drawing

项目名称:Hotel A Cheda
项目地点:法国 科西嘉 博尼法乔
景观/建筑公司:Orma architettura
首席建筑师:Orma architettura
Project Name: Hotel A Cheda
Completion Year: 2021
Scale: Private equipment, 220m²
Project Location: Bonifacio, Corse-du-Sud
Landscape/Architecture Firm: Orma architettura
Contact e-mail: contact@orma-architettura.com
Lead Architects: Orma architettura
“ 一座用石头建造的酒店。”
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