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Thanks Alexis Dornier for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Alexis Dornier.
Alexis Dornier:这是一座为音乐作曲家设计的三居室住宅,住宅二楼有一个150平方米的阁楼空间,在那里可以俯瞰周围郁郁葱葱的绿色稻田和椰子树。
Alexis Dornier:This 3 bedroom home for a musician-composer, holds a 150 m2 loft space as its 2nd floor, overlooking its lush, surrounding of green rice paddies and coconut trees.
The minimal shell of the house amplifies the panoramic experience of its surrounding landscape. The design emerged from a desire to translate the construct of a single sound wave into an overarching architectural gesture that will define the interior and exterior spatial qualities of the house.
Through an iterative process of manipulating the curve of single a line, both in plan and elevation, the house begins to articulate a multi-planar space in which the ground plane and roof scape are directly intertwined. As feeling like being inside of an instrument’ most inside surfaces are rendered as wood patterned surfaces.
The ceiling drops down in equal manner to improve acoustics and to indicate the entrance as a gesture. this element adds to the sculpted, interior experience of the space that is free of structural excess.
在一年中的几个月里,House O作为一个 “驻场艺术家 ”项目运作,接待来自世界各地的精选艺术家进行短期艺术静修。
Throughout several months of the year, house o operates as a ‘artist-in-residence’ initiative, hosting selected artists from across the world for short periods of artistic retreat.
▽平面图纸 Plan

▽立面图 Elevation

▽剖面图 Section

项目名称:House O
地点:印度尼西亚 巴厘岛 Mas
室内设计:Alexis Dornier
景观设计:Surya Kembar Property
建筑:Surya Kembar Property
品牌:Grohe、Toto、Tecnogas、Franke、Lg、Sika Flex
图片来源:Tommaso Riva
Prohject Name: House O
Location: Mas, Bali, Indonesia
Program: Private Residence
Size: 370 M2
Status: Complete
Interior Design: Alexis Dornier
Landscape Design: Surya Kembar Property
Construction: Surya Kembar Property
Brands: Grohe, Toto, Tecnogas, Franke, Lg, Sika Flex
Photographer: Tommaso Riva
“ 建筑流动的线条和轮廓恰似丝弦。”
更多 Read more about: Alexis Dornier