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Z’scape:Alpine Garden is situated on hillside of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain and is surrounded by natural resources such as forests and streams. She is far away from the city, close to the Fuguo Temple, where is a major place of Buddhism, and the ancient town of Baisha, where the Naxi culture originated. She has a rich cultural heritage of Naxi. Z’scape pursues the beauty of nature, emphasizing symbiosis with nature and dialogue with history. Through the study of local history, culture and lifestyle, we focus on the selection and refinement of local materials, express it in contemporary design language and techniques, and present it with the craftsmanship passed down from generation to generation by local villagers. The design helps to achieve the coexistence and integration of the old and the new, and preserved Naxi culture to revive the vitality of the ancient village.



© 郑焰

▼项目视频 Video



Located in the Pan-Himalayan region, HYLLA Alpine Garden sits close to Yuhu Ancient Village in the north, Wenhai in the west, and Baisha Ancient Town in the east. The altitude is as high as 2560 meters. The site is rich in resources. There are a total of 35 quaint Lijiang old buildings in 6 courtyards. There are white glacial stones, fruit gardens staggered, and mountains and birds fly randomly, satisfying most people’s imagination of natural wildness.


▼场地现状 Site situation

▼区位与总平面图 Location and master plan

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▼冬季“日照金山”下的HYLLA高山花园 Hylla Alpine Garden in winter, illuminated by golden sunlight.

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Due to the 1,500-meter drop in the Lijiang area, HYLLA Alpine Garden has unique ecological diversity from alpine plants to subtropical plants. This is also the hometown of rare plants and extremely small populations of Jade Drago Cypripedium. The garden aims to preserve and protect the plateau-characteristic vegetation of the Pan-Himalayan region, regard nature as its creator, and cherish every piece of natural artwork she creates.


▼原生态高原植被 Original ecological plateau-characteristic vegetation.

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▼入口体现植物的多样性 The diversity of plants at the entrance.

© 郑焰



Here is a beautiful place, and the Naxi people have been warm and hospitable since ancient times, welcoming visitors from all directions. In 1639, upon receiving the invitation of Tusi Mu Zeng, Xu Xiake traveled a long distance to Lijiang, met with him in Jietuolin (now the location of HYLLA Alpine Garden). Xu Xiake admired the magnificent scenery of Jade Dragon Snow mountains and the unique Naxi scenery. The Naxi regional landscape quickly spread the reputation of Lijiang’s natural and cultural scenery throughout the country.


▼鸟瞰图 Aerial view

© 栾琪



This is not only the hometown of Yunnan’s alpine plants but also the hometown of the Naxi people, so “locality” is the most important proposition of this landscape design. By combining ancient Naxi culture with modern design language, the garden becomes an important educational and interactive landscape place to showcase the importance of Naxi garden traditions, native plants, rich local stone and new spatial experience. It is also the best place in Lijiang to appreciate the snow-covered Jade Dragon Snow Mountain and overlook the ancient town of Baisha.


▼俯瞰充满温情与人间烟火的白沙古镇 Overlooking the ancient town of Baisha.

© 郑焰

▼远眺玉龙雪山 The Jade Dragon Snow Mountain

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▼墙体与远山的虚实结合 The canal wall is combined with the void and reality of distant mountains

© 栾琪

▼细节图 Details of the figure

© 栾琪


高山花园的石|The stone in the alpine garden

一座石头城,半部丽江史。“石代表人类远祖美利董阿普,心目中的胜利神,保护全氏族的安宁” – 《纳西族早期民居》。石头在纳西族人心中占据着神圣的地位。

“A stone town, half of Lijiang’s history “The stone represents the distant ancestor of mankind Meili Dong Apu, the god of victory, protecting the peace of the whole clan”-《Early Houses of the Naxi Nationality》. Stone occupies a sacred place in the hearts of Naxi people.


▼场地原貌 Site situation.

© 周婷



At the beginning of the project, we visited Yuhu Village, which is adjacent to the Alpine Garden, and saw that every family build their ideal homes using various local stones as raw materials: yellow sandstone, white glacial stone, red Guifeng stone, colorful Wuhua stone, black Heishan stone and so on. The villagers built new stone houses for their livelihoods. They carved out the spatial structure and simple beauty of the traditional houses in Lijiang. What makes us happy is that we learned from the villagers that the source of the local stones, all the walls and some of the paving materials can be purchased from Lijiang; the walls are all improved by the local stonemason traditional craftsmanship. As a result, the stone of the alpine garden had a local source, and local stonemasons were hired.


▼玉湖石头村和纳西居民 Yuhu Stone Village and Naxi residents

▼施工过程记录 Construction process

▼墙体由改良后的传统工艺垒砌 The walls are all improved by the local stonemason traditional craftsmanship


▼丽江的石在景观元素中的应用-水渠底部的黑山石与丽江红石 The application of Lijiang’s stone in landscape elements: Black Stone and Lijiang Redstone



During the construction, it is the local stonemasons and carpenters who have completed all stone and wood-related projects with their amazing skills. They used traditional craftsmanship to carve and pile up, each stone deliberately retains all the subtle texture details, and the form is modern and simple. It conveyed a clear message to visitors: Alpine garden is closely related to Lijiang Naxi culture and has it own uniqueness.


▼艺术馆梨花盛开时 A view of pear blossoms at the Art Museum

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▼庭院 The courtyard

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▼花园中围墙石材的运用 The use of stone in the garden wall

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高山花园的植物|The planting in the alpine garden


Plants in Lijiang are colorful and diverse, and in the early 20th century they attracted a large number of foreign explorers who came to collect plant specimens: Handel Mazzetti (Austria), Kingtown Ward (UK), George Forrest ( United Kingdom), Joseph Locke (United States), etc. Hundreds of years later, the Institute of Alpine Botanical Gardens of the Chinese Academy of Sciences was built near the HYLLA Alpine Garden, which provided a better research environment for botanists in China and the world, and made us aware of the design work of the Alpine Garden. The importance of the protection and development of native vegetation.


▼秋景 Autumn scenery

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▼植物的多样性 Plant diversity



According to legend, every Naxi village is built around an evergreen “Xupai”, which is regarded as a symbol of communication gods due to its evergreen vitality and fruit that resembles flowers. The Naxi people surround a tree to grow and build their homes, allowing natural forces to penetrate and protect this land for generations; the Naxi people worship trees and hope that human life and life can prosper like trees.


▼原生的“许拍”树 Keep the original “Xu Pai” tree

© 栾琪


栎树是纳西族的生命之树,上古遗训说:“哪里有栎树,就可以在那里住下来。在这“解脱林”的土地上, 就保留有一棵巨大的“许拍”树,栖息在此近百年。她是颗拥有八根粗壮的分枝,枝繁叶茂,四季常青的栎树。她孤独地伫立于原始的旷野场地上,默默地守护着周围的一切。设计团队尽一切可能保证了她不受影响,并将其作为视觉焦点与精神标致,将新旧景观无缝融合,创造出具有纳西文化属性的景观。到访者可以从一堵长长的白色石墙开始行走,然后踏上一条蜿蜒曲折的黑色木栈道,沉浸在旷野雄伟的美与超然的宁静当中。蜿蜒的小径引导游客穿过一个特色的高山草坪,草坪上无数根三叶草形成的脊线是对周围麦田肌理的隐喻,是对当地农田环境的艺术回应。以许拍为中心的高山草坪,成为人们欣赏舞蹈、唱歌、阅读、观赏和聚会的活动场所,也是欣赏玉龙雪山、俯瞰白沙历史名城的最佳之处。

The oak tree is the tree of life of the Naxi people. The ancient legacy said: “Where there is an oak tree, you can live there. In this “liberation forest” land, there is a huge “Xupai” tree for habitation. Here for hundreds of years. She is an oak tree with eight sturdy branches and evergreen all year round. She stands alone on the pristine wilderness site, silently guarding everything around her. The design team do everything possible to ensure that she is not affected, and use it as a visual focus and spiritual icon, seamlessly integrating the old and new landscapes to create a landscape with Naxi cultural attributes. Visitors can start from a long white stone wall Walk, and then set foot on a winding black wooden path, immersed in the majestic beauty and tranquility of the wilderness. The winding path guides visitors through a characteristic alpine lawn. The ridge line formed by countless clover on the lawn is The metaphor of the surrounding wheat field texture is an artistic response to the local farmland environment. The alpine lawn centered on Xu Pai has become an activity place for people to enjoy dancing, singing, reading, watching and gathering. It is also a place to appreciate the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain and overlook the historic city of Baisha.


▼三叶草形成的麦田肌理 The texture of a wheat field formed by clover

© 栾琪
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▼栈道上保留的现状树冬景 Winter scenery of the current tree preserved on the plank road

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The landscape design of HYLLA Alpine Garden is to build a spiritual place with love and affection in nature from the preservation of the original “Xupai” tree. The overall landscape design well embodies the idea of less is more. With a low-intervention approach and language-controlled design, the landscape design is integrated with the natural beauty of the mountains and rivers. The design method strives to be concise, and the design logic here is analogous to “When bird sing, mountain are more secluded”. In the face of the powerful “empty” aura, only “birds” can bring out the “empty” artistic conception. The lawn sprinkled with wild flowers and a floating wooden plank road are the “birds singing” set by the designer.


▼鸟鸣山更幽 When bird sing, mountain are more secluded


In the west and north of the garden is a large forest, composed of beautiful local oak trees, sumac, paulownia and beautiful wild Yunnan pine. In order to protect the original ecosystem to the greatest extent, the owner and design team carefully considered and avoided any heavy machinery. This design also incorporates alpine plants such as alpine rhododendron, alpine iris, alpine pear tree, euphorbia, etc., to highlight the particularity of the alpine ecology of the Pan-Himalayas, protect and improve the local ecosystem.


▼雨季森林 Rainy season forest

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▼保留森林与花园 Reserve forests and gardens

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▼休憩亭平台 Recreation pavilion platform 

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▼林中步道 The forest trail

© 周婷

▼夜景 Night view



The flowers bloom on the field. In this magical alpine garden, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery of flowing clouds and falling flower every day. Alpine plants are sunny and shade-tolerant; we want the colors to be fluid, pure and dramatic. Catnip, verbena, plover flower, rosemary, malian grass, willow galaxy… clusters, colorful and romantic nature are distributed along the lower edge of the building, causing bees and butterflies to fly, birds whispering, flowers and trees everywhere.


▼夏季景观 The summer landscape

© 周婷

▼巷道植物 Plants of roadway

© 郑焰
© 郑焰



The shaded lane is a quiet and elegant floor covering. Sedum sinensis, equisetum, kidney fern, blue fescue, elderberry, pipe heather, etc., here are the most natural and romantic flowers to create a relaxing and elegant atmosphere.


▼新旧融合自然生长 The old and the new grow naturally together

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▼植物细节 Plant details

© 郑焰


高山花园的水|The water feature in the alpine garden


Living water flows for a long time. The water that Naxi people pursue is its spiritual energy and the endless flow of life. It is different from the localized thinking of protecting water and surrounding water at home in other ethnic groups. In Lijiang, the networked water system enters the walls and surrounds the households to create a plateau water city scene with rivers on the main street, waterfront alleys, buildings across the river, and living on the hillside. Based on the current situation of the site, the north and south two water systems flowed through, so in history, the Naxi people’s life of listening to the spring can continue.


▼艺术馆屋顶与静水面 Roof of Art Museum and Quiet Water

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▼村民食堂前的水景 Waterscape in front of the villager’s canteen

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© morefoto



The “three wells” represents the wisdom of the local people to make good use of living water, and confirms the Naxi people’s ingenious use of living water. The living environment in Naxi is often surrounded by living water. People will build three pools of water from the surface according to the elevation difference. The first pool is used for drinking water for residents, the second pool is used for washing vegetables and fruits, and the third pool is used for washing clothes. Finally, the used water runs away to irrigate the farmland. Every time I go to the three wells, we can witness the natural life style of the Naxi people, and are moved by their traditional neighborhood relationship.


▼三眼井及水渠的演进  The waterscape inspiration by “three wells”

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▼入口水渠落水处 The falling water of the long channel at the main entrance.

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© 吴瑕



The traditional form of the three wells has also been reflected and extended in landscape design. The falling water of the long channel at the main entrance and the waterscape at the entrance of the villagers’ canteen are all triple water platforms. The beautiful Lijiang red stone and black mountain stone are placed at the bottom of the pool, with black slate as a transition part. We hope that this native Naxi culture can be further rooted in the hearts of every visitor, achieving uniqueness in the locality, and merging the old and the new to continue the future.


▼入口长水渠 The long channel at the main entrance

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© 周婷

▼水渠细部 Details of the long channel

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▼水渠效果图 Renderings of canals

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At this point, the setting sun is fading, with a gentle breeze, holding “The Forgotten World” by the Russian writer Gu Peter in the early 20th century, sitting alone on the bench under “Xu Pai”, facing the ancient town of Baisha, uncovering leisurely that dusty picture of history. In the HYLLA Alpine Garden, a native Lijiang has been quietly restored.


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联系邮箱 :info@la-zscape.com
项目设计 & 完成年份:2019-2021
业主:HYLLA 物与岚
摄影师:郑焰、 morefoto、HYLLA、栾琪、周婷、吴瑕、孙一文、周红亮、杨飞

Project name :Hylla Alpine Garden
Project Location: No.99 Yanjiao Village, Lijiang, Yunnan
Contact e-mail:info@la-zscape.com
Design year & Completion Year:2019 – 2021
Leader designer & Team:Liangjun Zhou, Ting Zhou, Hao Yu, Liping Chen, Weiguang Hou, Hongjie Shi, Xueting Liu, Junxing Lv, Fang Qin, Pei Han, Chang Sun, Huiting Shi, Zijian Wang, Qiuyu Zhang, Jingzhi Du, Yueheng Liu, Zhenhua Yang, Jiaqi Liu, Jie Chen, Meng Zhang, Wei Dong(Intern), Zilan Wang(Intern)
Client: HYLLA.
Client Coordinators: Qiujin Hu, Fei Yang, Qiaohou He
Planting Consultant: Chengdu Shangye Horticulture Co., Ltd.
Landscape Contractor: Sichuan Xingli Garden Environment Engineering Co., Ltd.
Lighting Consultant: Zhou Hongliang Lighting Design Beijing Co., Ltd.
Local Naxi Stonemasons: Lijiang Cairunhong Engineering Co., Ltd.
Local Naxi Carpenters: Shangri-La Hongmutang Traditional Wood Structure Co., Ltd.
Photo credits: Yan Zheng、morefoto、HYLLA、Qi Luan、Ting Zhou、Xia Wu、Yiwen Sun、Hongliang Zhou、Fei Yang
Vedio: morefoto


更多 Read more about: Z’scape 致舍景观


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