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Thanks Landtek Group for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description and images provided by Landtek Group.
基于18公顷的废弃游乐场改造而成的KK PARK,已成为盐城极具特色的时尚消费与文化休闲中心。通过对倒闭后的游乐场进行更新而重新向城市开放的KK PARK,是在中国游乐园发展危机下对同类型乐园转型的一次有意义的探索,也是盘活城市大型低效益土地的一次城市更新实践。
Landtek Group: Rebirth of the urban waterfront – from abandoned amusement park to urban waterfront public realm.
KK PARK, transformed from a 18 hectares abandoned amusement park, is an urban green complex that integrates amusement facilities with commercial spaces. In China, regarding the development of amusement parks in plight, KK PARK is a significant trial on renovation and reopening of a failed amusement park.
城市负资产——接连倒闭的中国游乐园 Successive Closures of Amusement Parks in China
倒闭前的卡迪欢乐世界是收取门票的封闭式游乐园,园内的蓝色空间被排除在城市公共空间系统之外。通过策略性地取消收费、拆除围栏,并由廊道系统高效串联内外,KK PARK中的公园与水岸深度融入城市,从而形成形成宜人的文化休闲中心。
Kadi Amusement Park is enclosed and charged fees with a isloate lake in the middle of the site. Reopen the park by removing the fences, KK PARK has become a large public realm in the city of Yancheng, with a series of pedestrian corridors ensuring the accessibility of the park from the surrounding city.
▽KK Park原状 KK Park in its original state
▽设计核心四大策略 Design core four strategies
▽项目总平面 Plan
▽项目夜景鸟瞰 Project night view bird ‘s-eye view

重新激活大型城市空间 Reactivated Large Public Realm
针对原卡迪欢乐世界 “近水不见水,见水不亲水”的劣质水岸空间,设计师将游乐场现状湖体视作蓝色生态基底,围绕其打造环水360度全程无障碍通行的生态滨水空间,为环湖综合开发赋值。
The landscape architecture team has created an ecological waterfront with accessibility, which enabling comprehensive commercial developments around waterfront.
▽将人重新带回到水岸 Bringing people back to the water

环状的路线串联环湖各大版块, 形成了生态的、市民的、商业的多元滨水场所。特色化的场景,为市民与游客提供多种空间体验,并满足不同人群的使用需求。
KK PARK connects various districts around the lake by a clear loop and creates diverse waterfront places which are ecological, civic and commerical, thus providing citizens and tourists with various spatial experiences to their different needs.
The open boundary returns a large public realm to the city, and the participation of citizens also make the site be reactivated. The reorganized space around the lake provides businesses with flexible spaces.
In order to bring people to the waterfront, a series of waterfront area are only 20-centimeter higher than the normal water level, instead of being 2-meter higher as before. With intensive place making, KK park is designed to a highly complex place.
▽场所的营造 Construction of place

重生的绿色公共空间 Renewal Green Public Realm
Based on the local eco-matrix and original site characteristics, KK PARK has transformed from an anbandomed amusement park into an eco-friendly place that closely integrates the green space with commercial districts.
▽重塑水岸,以多种多样的方式亲近水 Reinvent the waterfront and get close to the water in a variety of ways

The original facility structure were reused to make the bridge and steps, reducing the waste of materials. The green and blue base are closely integrated to provide citizens with a green rest and activity space.

Constructed wetlands along the water edge are collecting and purifying the run off which maintain the water quality of the lake. Besides, they become the places for playing water.
▽湿地不仅是雨水净化的中介,还是儿童嬉戏的场所 Wetlands are not only an intermediary for rainwater purification, but also a place for children to play

文化与场地精神的延续 Genius Loci
The unique characters of amusement park had inspired the design team to create design elements for this site.
▽跳楼机的桁架结构 Truss structure of the jump plane

▽将游乐设施桁架转译为城市家具和特色铺装 Translate amusement trusses into urban furniture and characteristic paving

▽与跳楼机桁架和KK park 案名呼应的地面铺装 Floor paving that echoes the name of the jump plane truss and the KK park case

Yancheng is a local cooperative city of China-Korea Industrial Park, with tens of thousands of South Koreans living there. Hence, Landtek, working with clients and architecture team, has provided KK PARK with thematic scenes of the Korean style.

The cultural expression is not just a object of representation, but also an activity place and constitutes people’s new place memory.
▽活字印刷水景 Movable type printing water feature


The stories behind the culture have also become the new spirit of the place, and traditional materials and craftsmanship have new interpretations. In Qianqiao Creek, the tile paving is not only a translation of the traditional paving style, but also a permeable material for the rain garden, where culture and ecology are integrated.
▽千桥溪 Thousand Bridges Creek

▽千桥溪雨水花园 Qianqiao River rain Garden

With careful design development and field work,the beauty of materials and craftsmanship are be fully presented,in a new way.
▽精细的设计图纸 Fine design drawings
项目名称:江苏盐城中韩国际街区KK PARK
景观设计(概念、方案、扩初、现场配合):风物营造景观设计 (市政界面及园区外围方案设计由织地社完成)
摄影版权:Chill Shine 丘文三映、Holi河狸、vaLue·G
Project Name: Yancheng KK Park
Project Location:Yancheng, Jiangsu
Area: 18 Acre
Landscape Design: Landtek Group. (Municipal and peripheral area by ZDStudio)
Leader Designer: Shilei Lu, Jingshi Diao
Designer: Shuwen Su, Jiawei Liang, Kangtai Feng, Zipei She, Haoming Lu, Zhentong Lun, Ruiyang Li, Peiyao Xiao, Lun Luo
Client: Jiangsu Century New City Investment
General design contractor and architecture design: value Design
Construction Drawing: Suzhou Planning & Design Research Institute Co.,Ltd.
Project planning and design management: Vanke Urban Research
Lighting Design: Shenzhen LighTech Planning & Design Associate
Art installations: Shenyuan Technology Culture (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., Wuhan Wencui, Shardisland Technology
Korean style small street commercial packaging: Shanghai Zhantuo Design
Photography: Chill Shine, Holi、vaLue·G
Design Time: 2021-2022
Construction time: Oct. 2022
“ 文化与生态交融,以材料与手工艺演绎新的场所精神,风物营造在中国游乐园发展危机下的一次有意义的探索,也是盘活城市大型低效益土地的一次城市更新实践。”
更多 Read more about: 风物营造景观设计
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