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UnSangDong Architects:“想象亭”是一个旧观景台改造翻新项目,改造后的观景台具备游乐功能,人们可以在这里与自然亲密接触,俯瞰城市景观,同时它也是一个具有想象力的新亭子。步道沿线的无障碍区是一个区域性的自然社区空间,也是当地热爱自然的人们最喜爱的空间。
UnSangDong Architects: Imagination Pavillion was a project suggesting the existing old observatory to the new one. The observatory for amusement and a view where we could meet nature and overlook cityscape doesn’t only serve functional role but also would like to suggest a pavilion with new imagination. The barrier-free zone which is located along a trail is a regional nature community space that is most loved and used by local people who are meeting nature.
▼想象亭 Imagination Pavillion

▼与自然亲密接触 Meet nature

▼俯瞰城市景观 Overlook cityscape

The imagination pavilion which has installed at the peak of the trail is a final destination for easy strolling but also a connection between another nature world and the city, new landscape amusement, and a starting point for the other journey.

UnSangDong Architects设计了一个全景垂直步道,以城市乐园的身份建立起市民与自然之间的关系,人们可以观赏自然美景,或漫步林中,人与自然在此产生紧密联系。在这里,人们会联想到一个与自然相依、与天空森林相交融的诗意亭阁,一个造型神秘且与山中自然相结合的观景台,十分引人入胜。
We designed a panorama vertical trail which is a playground for a relationship of nature and inhabitants, which naturally gets related after watching the nature landscape at the observatory, and also strolls inside the forest. Through this, it suggests a poetic pavilion assimilates with nature, incorporates and amuses the forest and sky, and an attractive observatory that actively combines formative mystique and nature inside the mountain.
▼全景垂直步道 Panorama vertical trail

▼造型神秘且与山中自然环境相结合 Combines formative mystique and nature inside the mountain

Culture-Art Playground inside the Mountain
When strolling along the trail, two streamlined shape staircases and one elevator could be met at the observatory. Users can freely choose how to go up to the observatory.
▼两条流线型楼梯 two streamlined shape staircases

▼电梯 Elevator

Two stairs present different perceptions and landscapes when going up and down. Hope going up and down the streamlined shape staircase turning body all around could be another amusement of walking.

With structure columns supporting the observatory, a staircase on the other side, and a reflection-type stainless ceiling light on the bottom part of the observatory, the pavilion becomes a three-dimensional aperture of the landscape which makes us understand Bulam Mountain’s nature with different emotions and senses. We hope this three-dimensional and strange landscape where an artificial pavilion and nature meets abruptly could be another fun culture-art playground inside the mountain for the observatory users.
▼观景台由结构柱支撑 With structure columns supporting the observatory

▼观景台底部为反射式不锈钢吸顶灯 Reflection-type stainless ceiling light

Poetic Nature Observatory
Bulam Mountain is low in height, but its shape is a heavy rock mountain and a valley’s line, and tree crowds are diverse. The observatory deck is a place where the mountain and sky directly commune. The streamlined shape observatory deck secures a view to the Bulam mountain and city to the maximum and subdivided an area for near approach so that it could have diversity in landscape. The shape of the poetic language provides an inspiration assimilates with nature to the citizens, and it’s a poetic nature observatory open to anyone.
▼布拉姆山 Bulam Mountain

▼想象亭与自然融为一体 Imagine pavilion assimilating with nature

▼场地位置 Site

▼设计图纸 Design Drawing

▼观景台平面图 Observatory Plan

▼1层平面图 1 Floor Plan

▼剖面图 Section

▼立面图 Elevation

面积:140 m²
景观/建筑公司:UnSangDong Architects
首席建筑师:Yoongyoo Jang, Changhoon Shin
设计团队:Youngdong Goh、Myeonggil Jung、Woo Jiyeon、yisohyun、Lee Yongchul、Seoyeon Joh、Song Jaeho、Hyejung Kwak、Lee Changgeun
摄影:Namgoong Sun
Project Name: Imagination Circle
Area: 140 m²
Completion Year: 2021
Landscape/Architecture Firm: UnSangDong Architects
Website: https://usdspace.com
Lead Architects: Yoongyoo Jang, Changhoon Shin
Design Team:Youngdong Goh, Myeonggil Jung, Jiyeon Woo, Sohyun Yim, Yongchul Lee, Seoyeon Joh, Jaeho Song, Hyejung Kwak, Changgeun Lee
Location: Nowon-gu, South Korea
Photographs: Namgoong Sun
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