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Thanks WATERLILY for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool. Text description provided by WATERLILY.


荷于景观:「生活中没有存在所谓的最好,但我们始终可以在其中,发觉属于自己最合适的型态。」 — 设计师说。

WATERLILY Design Studio:  “There is no so-called best in life, But we can always be in it, Find the type that suits you best. ”  – designer says.



01 项目背景 | 展望与初见 | Prospects and Initial Views


The project is located in Gongshu District, Hangzhou, close to the beautiful Jiangnan Canal. Relying on the overall planning of an urban landmark complex with a construction area of about 430,000 square meters, the project can enjoy an open commercial block with a construction area of about 70,000 square meters and a construction area of about 20,000 square meters. Fang’s “urban oasis”. In the commercial districts that were opened in the early stage, we took the principle of “multiple lives create interesting souls, and souls create interesting life stories.” Linking the spirit of the venue to create a new era landscape belonging to the new generation, it has also become a place for various interesting events. The place of occurrence and the gathering place of novel lifestyles have opened a new prelude to the ideal living environment.


▽项目与周边环境鸟瞰 Aerial view

▽开放的商业街区 Open business district


02 设计思考-融合与创新 Integration and Innovation



|Connect urban interaction and integrate life link scenarios|

The most important thing in the planning structure is to draw up the urban interface and link the commerce on the west side to form a complete living circle of residential, commercial and urban oasis. From an urban point of view, this is a central park with infinite greenery, and for residents, it is the source of life that can truly be owned. The layout of the whole area connects multi-functional nodes in series with one belt, one ring and three axes. The commercial vitality belt on the north side presents a welcoming image to the city interface. The park loop provides an effective linkage of the core functional areas of the whole district, and the three major axes connect the north-south and east-west express traffic.


▽链接城市和生活的公共空间 A public space that links the city and life



The north-south axis is linked by the main garden road and the landscape bridge, and the plant corridor is used to form a landscape space node inside the park. The streamline arrangement is a good response to the new generation’s pursuit of fast and slow rhythm control.


▽园区中庭景观鸟瞰 Aerial view



The whole area covers various functional spaces, including social art plaza, extreme sports experience, outdoor fitness, basketball court, children’s play space, etc. The three major axes are also equipped with landscape tree species of different themes, which play an iconic role in natural guidance and the creation of seasonal topics, while the central landscape bridge undertakes the interesting arrangement of streamlines and activates the horizontal and directional space. An organic life model that fits social, nature, art, sports, and hobbies.


▽平面图 Plan

▽空间布局 Spatial layout



The central waterscape is the core highlight, interweaving the quiet and slow pace in the dynamic.




Introduce sports events that young people love, create the ultimate dynamic of the landscape, provide an experience of advocating nature and pursuing ecology, understand the characteristics of urban youth hobbies and lively gatherings, create various outdoor social events, and gain insight into the new generation’s attitude towards pets. I like to integrate it into the landscape space.



03 设计实践-场景与价值 Scene and value


Combining the new generation’s hobby for pets with artistic sculpture and rest functions, and integrating the concept of three-dimensional space, you can experience the spatial plane and three-dimensional composition of different angles in every place, attracting people to stop, and you can also savour and communicate interesting among them. Interactive Experience.


▽功能多元化的休闲互动空间 Multi-functional leisure and interactive space



The triangular layout divides multiple triangles from it, forming a fractal balanced aesthetic state, and can condense the space to focus the line of sight, present a smooth flow of people efficiency, and organically organize the boundaries between hard and soft scenes, thereby increasing the possibility of crowd interaction.


▽可以休闲互动的艺术装置 Casual interactive art installation



Combining different forms of cat-themed sculptures, walking or sitting in the art gallery, deconstructing and recomposing space and time, so that dynamic and static can find a balance, everyone can find their own and themselves here. The most harmonious way of living.


▽增加人群互动的猫主题雕塑 Cat-themed sculptures to increase crowd interaction



Combined with the construction of air defense entrances and exits, the trendy color painting of the facade has become a distinct background for the site. The newly added building artistically enhances and modifies the visual experience of the high-rise landscape. Aesthetics and trends blend into it.


▽结合人防出入口构筑延伸出可休憩的吧台与阶梯座凳 Combined with the entrance and exit of civil air defense, the bar and step stool can be extended to rest



The custom-made equipment in the fitness area is integrated into the fashionable sports that young people love nowadays, including functions such as turning tires, throwing battle ropes, etc. The ground pavement is also considered and designed in accordance with fitness needs, even with bare hands. sporty crowd.


▽健身区 Fitness area


| 连动的活力社交圈,生活事件发生地 |


| A dynamic and dynamic social circle, where life events happen |

The central landscape bridge connects the core functional areas and produces a multi-dimensional novel experience. The relationship between the spaces is closely dependent on each other, but exists independently without interfering with each other. It can be a place for sports competitions, and it is also a happy paradise for children. The crowd on the landscape bridge can also watch and participate in it.


▽中央景观桥 Central view bridge



It has become a lively and dynamic social circle, and every corner can become the place where life events take place, giving future young families a beautiful life vision.




The landscape area on the south side echoes the social concept of the commercial block on the north side. The design generates a certain degree of dialogue and strengthens the unique tonality of the site. Through the series of vibrant yellow ribbons, the facade is lively and energetic, and it can also be natural to the rest space. definition.


▽活力游玩区 Active play area



Through the careful layout of the installation and the outside swing, there is a strong site identity when staying in different corners, and people can present various interesting scenery through various angles.




The central mirror water feature condenses the core of the landscape garden road, and is also a quiet space for outdoor office and viewing and chatting.


▽中央镜面水景 Central mirrored water feature



There is this blue-green interwoven scenery in the city. During the day, the large waterscape reflects the blue sky and oasis. At night, it reflects the stars in the night sky. When the breeze blows, you can hear the vitality of the leaves, and you can also hear the bursts of laughter among people.





|Continuation and Fun|

Canal India presents an attempt to become a model for the new generation of communities, and to achieve an ideal living environment for youth and the times. We hope that this is a living environment that returns to daily life, creates a strong atmosphere of life, and makes many interesting things happen between people. Enjoy unlimited trendy flavors, interesting spaces where various events occur, a highly green environment, and a friendly communication platform where you can socialize everywhere, form an innovative, interesting, high-quality new way of life, and realize the vision and significance of a new era of landscape .





「The best life should not be a limit, The pursuit of a better and better life is an infinity.」




操盘团队:融创东南集团 杭州地产公司
施工单位:杭州六道木园林工程有限公司(第一样板区)、绍兴申阳(第二样板区) 、杭州鹭林(第三样板区)
摄     影:须然摄影

Project name: ins park
Project location: Hangzhou Gongshu District
Operation team: Sunac Southeast Group Hangzhou Real Estate Company
Landscape design: Waterlily design studio
Hangzhou Mujing Landscape Design Consulting Co., Ltd.
Construction unit: Hangzhou Liudaomu Garden Engineering Co., Ltd. (first sample area), Shaoxing Zhongyang (second sample area), Hangzhou Lulin (third sample area)
Photography: Xuran Photography
Party A landscape team: Yu Chongfei, Miao Shiyou, Gao Shiwei
Scheme design team: Lin Xinting, Gao Siyuan, Sheng Saifeng, Fan Yujuan, Zuo Yang, Xue Chengjie, Li Shenggui, Xu Jie, Wan Zhiye Construction drawing design team: Yang Zhengyu, Tong Ling, Fang Fang




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