Thanks DDON for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by DDON.
DDON笛东:中国金茂 · 宸南里着眼于客户的参观体验,从尊贵的入口门楼引导人们进入一个林溪自然的互动性景观中;轩昂门宇、穿越森林,观赏瀑布,互动参与层层递进,让人们置身景观之中,感受自然式的都市生活。我们尊重场地特质和在地性,用人工手法模拟自然,将位于场地西侧的雄溪河湿地景观引入场地当中,将生活与自然相互交织,营造城市里的自然意境院落,创造沉浸式的自然景观体验。
DDON:The project focuses on the visiting experience, guiding people into a natural interactive landscape from the distinguished entrance gate. Through the forest, with the waterfalls, people can interact and participate in the environment and feel a natural urban life. We respect the characteristics and culture of the site, use artificial methods to simulate nature, introduce the Xiongxi River wetland on the west into the site, interweave life and nature, create a natural artistic conceptual courtyard in the city, and create an immersive nature landscape experience.
▼轩昂门宇 The distinguished entrance gate

▼穿越森林 Through the forest

▼观赏瀑布 The waterfalls

从设计一体性和空间连续性上,将场地和周边环境结合,把设计场地相邻的雄溪河滨水景观的设计元素及地理形态提取出来,转换成为设计的元素。设计延承传统园林礼序的五进空间:门 – 屏 – 径 – 庭 – 园,层层递进,承起转合。
From the design unity and spatial continuity, the site corresponds to its context. The geographic forms of the Xiongxi River waterfront landscape adjacent to the design site are extracted and converted into design elements. Design inherits the five-entry space of the traditional garden’s manner order: door, screen, path-courtyard, garden. The five intertwine with each other.
▼灵感来源 Inspiration
▼分区图 Area Map
空间体验 SPACE
主入口庄严而富有仪式感的门楼矗立于汽车大道旁。气势磅礴的5米挑高空间,以通高的奢石为背景,爱马仕高级灰调的镜面瓷砖为面饰,无不体现优雅端庄的礼仪空间。鎏金铜门,彰显府苑门风,细节的把控,让项目的品质升华。搭配自然放松的绿化带,增加对外展示界面的延展性与引导性,诉说中国金茂 · 宸南里社区的品质与独到。
The solemn and ceremonial gatehouse at the main entrance stands beside the car avenue. The majestic 5-meter-height space, with a full-height monolithic stone as the background, and Hermès high-grade gray-toned mirror tiles as the surface decoration, reflects the elegant and dignified manner space. The gilt bronze door highlights a palace style and the attention to the details, making the project sublime. With a natural and relaxing green belt, the design increases the extensibility and guidance of the external display interface and tells the quality and uniqueness of China Jinmao·Chennanli community.
▼主入口 The solemn and ceremonial gatehouse

The path leading to the gallery frame is introduced into the inner courtyard around the window space enclosed by the three white gradient glasses. The red-shaped feather maple faintly revealed in the window, gradually transparent from top to bottom, revealing the branches of the feather maple. It is like a misty plant museum, full of fairy spirits.

The tallow tree alley and Sedum lineare on the ground enrich the spatial texture. The rectangular matte black water surface in the center reflects the plantings.

On the open water surface surrounded by high walls, a large black stone with a rough surface creates sound for space. The water splashing on the stone with the wetland park adjacent creates a natural and deep forest landscape audio-visual experience.
▼水院鸟瞰 Aerial view of water house

▼细节设计 Detail

The children’s water feature fully interprets the life scene that the design hopes to convey to the clients. The blue color of the light water surface turns to dark gradually from shallow to deep refreshing the summer space. The interactive bike links the springs in the water and conveys a happy life spirit. Archimedes water dispensers, water spray guns, and other water-playing facilities arouse children’s interest. Under the shade of the beech trees becomes a leisure negotiation area and parent care area. A relaxing and modern leisure corridor enhances the spatial quality and the sense of participation.

▼戏水池空间灯光效果 Lighting effect of the water feature

Refine the construction process to ensure that the final effect is consistent with the expected.
▼黑山石与不锈钢结合 The combination of black mountain stone and stainless steel
▼渐变玻璃的探索 Exploration of gradient glass
▼斜坡水景出水节点 Landscape node of water feature for sound
Each node has undergone repeated scrutiny and experimentation to achieve a satisfactory presentation effect.
▼实景光影 Real scene light and shadow photos

项目名称: 南昌金茂 · 宸南里
完成年份: 2020年6月
项目面积: 5000㎡
项目地点: 江西省南昌市
景观设计: DDON笛东
主创设计师: 雒桐、梁潇予
设计团队: 黄海、刘靖媛、郑土秀、游芳华、于玉贞、曹新阳、陈相频、朱文君、陈名海、普秋丽、蔡嘉泰
摄影师: 邱日培
Project name: Nanchang Jinmao · South of The City
Completion: June 2020
Project area: 5000㎡
Location: Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, China
Landscape design: DDON
Chief designers: Luo Tong, Liang Xiaoyu
Design team: Huang Hai, Liu Jingyuan, Zheng Tuxiu, You Fanghua, Yu Yuzhen, Cao Xinyang, Chen Xiangpin, Zhu Wenjun, Chen Minghai, Pu Qiuli, Cai Jiatai
Client / Developer: Jinmao Nanchang Company in Central China
Partners: Shanghai TONTSEN, Shanghai Palm Eco-Town Development Co., Ltd. – Jiangxi region (Xiao Liang, Xiao Xinchun, Zhang Xiaowen)
Photography: Arch.QW
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