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未见筑设计事务所: 乡村究竟是什么样子,乡村自己又想成为什么样子?
We Live Architects: What is the country really like, and what does the country want to be?
When modern architecture enters the traditional countryside, the unusual form brings the association and conflict, the plain volume and the invariable temperament of space inheritance.

▽辛劳的农民与场地 Hard working farmers and the site

项目位于重庆市江津区慈云镇,这里是典型的西南地区丘陵地带农村,距离江小白酒厂约 15 分钟车程,是江小白酒业生产的原材料种植基地,也是酒业集团形成一二三产联动的重要节点。
The project is located in Jiangjin District of Chongqing City, a typical south-west village in the hilly terrain. The site is 15 minutes’ drive from Joybo Distillery and is the raw material planting base of the liquor production, also a key linkage of primary, secondary and tertiary industries of the Joybo Group.
▽项目与周边场景动图 gif

“释放天性的乡村俱乐部” A Country Club to Release Nature
Joybo is a special brand which is popular especially in the younger fashion group of people inside the city. Their interests are turning slightly to the countryside as the whole society does. We create new atmosphere in the old environment using modern design method, to build a contemporary country experience different from urban life or usual rural life, and to explore a new possibility of country development. We encourage people come not just change physical environment but also change the inner world, go back to nature from body to mind, release nature and enjoy.
▽释放天性的乡村俱乐部 A country club that unleashes nature

“跳岛村落” Island Hopping Village
There is a small stream flows into a main river with flat lands around,several peninsulas sits along the riverside. We choose to locate architecture and functional areas on these peninsulas, to create a special experience route like ‘Island Hopping’, which brings an exchanging experience from different unique scenes and at the same time keep the independence and purity of different functional areas.
▽设计概念拼贴图示 Design Concept Collage Diagram

▽总平面图 Plan

▽项目鸟瞰 Aerial view

“依托场地关系的空间原型” Spatial prototype based on site relation
There is no preconception about what a country supposed to look like, however we focus on which type of space form fits these peninsulas best, to talk with the natural environment with the most original geometric form of space, and create a comfortable contrast together with diversity.
▽空间形态思考草图 Sketch of space form thinking

▽舒适的空间场景 Comfortable space scene

Colourful parking spaces sits in a irregular layout to create the feeling of natural and relax. Small trees and white steel flower shelf with windmill jasmine enrich the vertical space content, provide flower smell when arrive and provide sunshade in the summer.
▽舒适的空间场景 Entrance park

The entrance toilet is a simple cuboid as a mass, locates at the carpark corner close to the entrance. The mass creates a guided entry path together with a piece of concrete wall. In front of the toilet is an abandoned tractor doodled by a group of Chongqing youth architects, to welcome people with a close relationship between art and country.
▽入口卫生间 Entrance toilet

To break the traditional mode of public toilet and build a new prototype of having several toilet units combined together. Each units have sky light and allows rain to come in. Plants grow in the half-exterior public space naturally. All the toilet units sit just in the wild nature, a unique experience of return to nature.
▽入口卫生间空间形态分析 Analysis of space form of entrance toilet

▽入口卫生间轴侧图Axis side view of entrance toilet

“高粱地里的水泥粮仓” A Concrete Barn in the Sorghum Field
This is a pitch roof cast-in-place concrete building sitting horizontally and steady in the sorghum fields. Use the modern way of design to inherit the spirit of countryside rather than the similarity in the shape of surface.
▽水泥粮仓设计草图 Design sketch of cement granary

▽建筑形态思考 | 概念设计草图 Architectural Form Thinking | Conceptual Design Sketch

▽建筑体量演变 Building volume evolution

▽远望水泥粮仓 Yuanwang Cement Granary

▽与自然共生长的水泥粮仓 Cement granary growing with nature

▽水泥粮仓夜景 Night view of cement granary

“ 高粱同心圆 ” Bbroomcorn concentric circles
线性的空间形态顺应长条状半岛的环境关系,兼顾农庄研究人员的日常使用与参观人群通行的作用,在半岛轴线的基础之上顺时针旋转 15 度,既使建筑山墙面正对车行入口,创造更好的展示效果,又让建筑出口避开现有步行桥面对回水塆,创造一个亲水平台作为节奏变化的空间节点。
The space form stays in a line to follow the site relationship of the peninsula, give a consideration to the researchers’ daily work and tourists’ visit journey. The building direction rotates 15 degrees clockwise from the peninsula’s axis, make the front elevation of the building facing the entrance of the cars and avoid the exit facing the bridge, at the same time creates a resting platform touches the river.
▽关系衍变过程 Relational evolution process

▽平面草图 Plan sketch

▽高粱同心圆鸟瞰 Aerial view of concentric circles of sorghum

▽高粱同心圆细节 Sorghum concentric circle details

▽建筑立面与亲水平台 Building facade and hydrophilic platform

▽夜景氛围 Nightscape atmosphere

▽亲水平台剖面图 Profile of hydrophilic platform

“ 敬畏农业 ” Respect for agriculture
穿过弧形的混凝土墙,一个仅有 2 米高的空间界定空间的转变,用独具精神性的轴线动线和和三角形的立面去营造庄严神圣的感受。
Across the curved concrete wall and a 2 meters clear height space, the spiritual route axis facing the triangle front face of the building creates a solemn feeling.

▽建筑与农田 Building and farmland

▽立面比例 Elevation scale

A 3 levels height space comes first when enter the museum, on the upper space diagonal lines converge to the sky, to welcome the sunlight coming in; on the lower space, circular sunken space goes into the land step by step, both to awaken the revere of agriculture.
▽美术馆内部空间 Interior space of art gallery

▽水景的剖透视图 Sectional perspective view of waterscape

“ 空间组织与场所营造 ” Spatial organization & scene construction
Stone curtain wall, balcony, sky window, terrace, concrete curtain wall and other design languages create a wealth of variation of the space from inside out. To let people have the experience of keep touching external natural world even when they walk inside the building.
▽空间细节 Spatial details

▽水景 waterscape

The east facade has less direct sunlight, which decides to have exhibition space on the ground floor and balcony on the second floor and meeting rooms on the third floor. The west facade has more direct sunlight, which allows to have a corridor with stone curtain wall as shadow casters on the ground floor, small windows on the second floor for the office and corridor on the third floor for the meeting rooms. Concrete curtain wall on the south facade to control the heat in the summer and filter the sunshine in the winter together with jacarandas outside.
▽大地美术馆通风分析图 Ventilation Analysis Diagram of Dadi Art Museum

▽内部空间 Internal space

▽露台 Terrace

大地美术馆材料与建造 Materials and construction of the musem
Cast in place concrete with wood texture has both a natural feeling and the solemn modernity, which is the best choice to inherit the plain temperament of the land through modern way of architecture. However, its un-modifiability brings huge challenge to the construction work and there has been lots of test to reach the ideal effect.
▽木纹清水混凝土 Wood grain fair faced concrete

▽木纹清水混凝土打样过程 Sampling process of wood grain fair faced concrete

“ 混凝土龙出水 ” Concrete Water Outlet
Prefabricated cast in place concrete water outlet brings the drainage back to traditional and natural. Rain flows from the pitch roof to the roof gutter then drop to the gutter around through the water outlet, to make the relationship between rain and architecture obvious.
▽混凝土龙出水 Concrete dragon water outlet

The use of BIM starts from the very beginning concept stage to site management, which provides high efficiency during design process and helps a lot to avoid construction error on site.
▽BIM应用 BIM application

农副产品小超市与文创小商店作为配套的商业功能与美术馆主体建筑直接分离,在高粱地里以两个独立圆形平面的点状空间呈现,既从建筑体量上明确功能属性的不同,又有意识的将人们的行为活动从建筑内部拉到高粱地中,室内外频繁切换,回归自然。两个商店一个内部抬高 60 公分,营造轻松自由的平面,另一个抬高后又降低,营造沉入大地的氛围。
Agricultural products store and cultural creative products store are separated from the museum as two spot space in the sorghum fields, to have a clear distinguish between culture and retail, also brings people from interior to fields. One of the stores elevated 60cm height from the ground to create a free walking plan and anther one goes up and down to create the atmosphere of sunken in the land.
▽田野商店草图 Field Shop Sketch

建筑周边环绕的木平台步道提供人们行走和坐在田间的可能性,平台离地 60 公分让人们坐下的时候腿脚刚好悬空摆动,营造轻松舒适的乡村体验。
Timber platform around the store provides the possibility to walk and sit in the fields, the height of 60cm let the legs swinging freely when sitting there, to create the experience of relax in the countryside.
▽田野商店 Field Shop

Sitting at the front of the peninsula next to the museum, snail vegetable garden is a space designed for the vegetables, flowers and fruits specifically. Fixed planting bed for vegetables, flower and fruit trees around to let different landscape in different seasons. The garden layout is a spiral line as a route from the center, a similar shape to the snail to make people walk slowly like a snail. Five snail tentacles extend out to the river as a resting platform to let a moment close to the water, to guide people slow down and enjoy the nature through space arrangement.
▽蜗牛菜园鸟瞰图 Aerial View of Snail Vegetable Garden

Use fluorescent stones as the ground paving material for the garden, to create starry sky on the ground in the evening that echoes the galaxy in the universe, together with the fireflies along the riverside to create a romantic countryside atmosphere, a perfect space to drink and “vegeteal”.
▽蜗牛菜园夜景 Night view of snail vegetable garden

“ 四向木屋 ” Four Directional Wooden house
Land tavern sits at the third peninsular after the snail garden, is a space where people spend most of the time to stay and connects the front and back. The entrance is on the east side with bamboos and farmhouses, the west side is surrounded by water with a view to the farmland, the south has full of sunshine and the north facing museum and vegetable garden.
▽大地酒馆夜景 Night View of Dadi Tavern

The architecture mass talks to the environment and sight relationship of the four directions directly. Separate a cross vertically into two parts, a half external space goes through the bottom from east to west, the south body extend along the river to bring in more sunlight. The space structure of a cross breaks the enclosure feeling from the river, creates a better relationship to the site which has more variation distance between people and the river.

▽临河大地酒馆 Linhe Dadi Tavern

The south wing has good sunshine which is suitable for coffee and tea in the afternoon. The north part has less sunshine which is the kitchen and bar. The east part on the second floor is the main dining room as a big space and south part are three private rooms. Each part is well separated and connected with the central grey space and stairs.

“村口”大树 The tree aside the entry
One big persimmon tree stays at the entrance to welcome the guest and a timber platform around the tree to create variety possibilities at the entry of the village.
▽大地酒馆入口空间 Entrance space of Dadi Tavern

▽从村口处远望 Looking from the village entrance

“底层架空与下沉花园” Elevated space and sunken garden
建筑东西向下方为一个整体架空的通廊,串联入口,咖啡厅,酒吧,楼梯以及半岛尽端的下沉庭院。靠近下沉庭院的部分两组 V 字柱轻松的界定了两桌用餐区域,结合架空层带来良好的通风和遮阳营造十分舒适的用餐氛围。下沉庭院在半岛尽端,三面环水,夏日可以烧烤篝火跳舞歌唱,冬日可以烤羊煮酒,还原乡间原本应有的自然轻松和生活氛围。
One half external space on the ground floor goes from east to west, connects the entrance with cafe, bar, stair and a sunken garden at the end of the peninsula. Two group of V shape columns creates beautiful dinning atmosphere together with the shade control and ventilation from the space. The sunken garden is surrounded by water which provides the possibility of barbecue in the summer and campfire in the winter.
▽建首层架空区域 Build overhead area on the first floor

▽远观大地酒馆与下沉花园夜景 The Night View of Dadi Tavern and Sunken Garden

▽下沉花园中闹热篝火氛围 Hot campfire atmosphere in sunken garden

“十字”中心 Cross Central
The overlap of two parts is where two floors connect, one round patio sits just at the cross on the roof, brings in the light, rain and sky.
▽ “十字”中心圆形天井 “Cross” center circular patio

“大地酒馆材料及建造” Material and construcion of the Land Tavern
Different from the Land Museum’s purpose to reflect plain and solemnity, Land Tavern position as “a wooden tavern in the country”, to talk more about how to close to agriculture.
The lower part chooses a lighter color to provide variety and makes the lower body looks lighter, while the upper part chooses to be darker, as a black floating silhouette in the countryside. The wood curtain wall has variable bump and vertical fins, to strengthen the texture of wood and decrease the oppressive feeling that the mass brings to the countryside.
▽浅色松木立面 Light pine facade

▽深浅灰色立面的对比 Contrast between dark and light grey facades

Slate stacked on top of each other forms the seats of the sunken garden, wild grass grows in between creates strong feeling of nature.
▽下沉庭院细节设计 Detail design of sunken courtyard

Located on the fourth peninsula to the south of Land Tavern, form as a simplest round spot, the flower house is a glass house sitting inside the herbaceous border with plants from inside out and reflection of the sky from the curved glass.
▽小白花房鸟瞰 Aerial View of Xiaobaihuafang

▽花房夜景 Night View of Flower House

建筑整体抬高 1 米,在底部解决空调外机的放置,使得建筑外立面是一个完整的曲面玻璃而不被打断,同时也避免植物的遮挡,在半岛上形成一个显眼的视觉焦点。顶部用金属板进行遮阳处理,结合内部天井的拔风作用应对重庆夏日的极热天气。
Elevated by one meter to put the air conditional external unit underneath, which allows the whole facade as a continues curved glass surface and plants inside visible from views all around. Metal panels on the top to control the light and shade to deal with the extreme hot weather in the summer.
在运动场设计中以打破常规的空间形态去引导探索不一样的运动体验,正方形的足球场可以让足球运动更加偏重左右转移,也可以设置 4 个球门进行游戏;圆形的篮球场可以满足成年人和儿童不同身高的篮球架需求,也可以设置 4 个篮筐的游戏规则。
To explore different sports experience by changing the shape of the field, square football pitch and round shape basketball pitch provides different possibility of games and rules.
▽球场鸟瞰 Aerial view of the stadium

The toilet is set for the sports field with three open air shower rooms to provide the feeling of release nature after sports.
▽球场卫生间 Stadium toilet

▽球场卫生间 剖面分析图 Section Analysis of Stadium Toilet

▽植物地图 Plant map

▽入口停车场 | 平面图 Entrance park Plan

▽农副产品小超市平面图及剖面图 Plan and section of agricultural and sideline products supermarket

▽文创产品商店平面图及剖面图 Plan and profile of cultural and creative product store

▽蜗牛菜园平面图 Plan of Snail Vegetable Garden

▽小白花房平面图 Plan

▽球场卫生间平面图 Plan of Stadium Toilet

清水混凝土技术顾问:逸成工程 金晨
BIM 设备专业顾问:何振宇,张天琴
Project name: JOYBO’s Farm
Location: Baisha, Jiangjin District, Chongqing
Owner: Chongqing JOYBO’s Farm Farm Co., LTD
Design: WT Architects
Design Content:Planning consulting, Master planning, Architectural design, Landscape design
Planning area:1000 mu
Building area: 5000sqm
Head Architects: Weitao Li, Bo li
Team: Mingxin Ding, Siqi Yi, Ding Zhang, Deng Lin, Lingliang Yang, Ping Lv, Zhirui Zhang, Hongyu Chen, Yuxian Chen, Xuqing xie, Hongqiao Shu, Yulian wang
Mastermind: Shiquan Tao, Pengfei Tang, Nan Jiang, Fengjun Zhou, Ying Wen
Planning consultant: Yu Fang, Yuanyuan Chen
Architecture & Landscape Architecture construction drawing: Chongqing Duxing Architectural Design Co. LTD
The responsible person of construction drawing: Rong Yong, Langjie Ding
Architecture & Landscape Architecture Lighting design: Youwu Yuan
Landscape Architecture counselor: Wanting Li
Technical consultant of fair-faced concrete: Chen Jin of Yicheng Engineering
Plant design: Mingxin Ding, Yao Jiang, Chaoye Chen, Xiu Liu
BIM Equipment Engineering counselor: Zheng yu He, Tianqin Zhang
Interior design: LEW STUDIO
Head interior designer: Furong Liu
Project management: Chongqing JOYBO’s Farm Farm Co., LTD
Site manager: Kaijiang Sun
Project construction: Chongqing Boda Construction Group Co. LTD
Project manager: Chengcai Li
Timber veneer supplier: Shanghai Zhenzang Decoration Co., LTD
Project inspector: Chongqing Xingda Construction Supervision Co. LTD
Photography: Arch-Exist Photography, INSPACE, WT Architects, Architect Biao He
Poster: WT Architects, Yue Wu
“ 用现代的设计手法在老环境中创造新氛围,打造即不同于都市又区别与传统农家乐的当代乡村体验,探索当代乡村建设发展的全新可能性。”
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