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Thanks UID for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by UID.
UID:The concept was for a large roof that gently outlines the earth and the sky.

房子建在一个从山腰延伸到山脚的斜坡上,自 20 世纪 70 年代以来,这里一直在进行住宅开发。虽然选址靠近市中心,但这里绿树成荫,有着十分丰富的自然景观。然而,在南北方向狭长的地块南面,一栋栋高楼拔地而起,这些不协调的高层公寓造就了一种奇特的景观,也使南侧的自然采光和私密性难以保证。另一方面,在地势高低起伏的东面,可以沿斜坡俯瞰美丽的河流,眺望远方的山峦和市区的美景。
The house is built on a slope stretching from the mountainside to the base of the mountain, where there has been residential development since the 1970s. While the site is located near the city center, the area is abundant with greenery and nature. How-ever, incongruous high-rise condominiums on the south side of the site, which is long and narrow in the north-south direction, created a strange view and made it difficult to secure natural light and privacy from the south side. On the other hand, the east side, with its difference in elevation, overlooked a beautiful river along the slope and had an excellent view of both the city and the mountains in the distance.

我们提出通过扎根于大地的断面与垂直方向上的宽大屋顶来界定内外区域的立体空间。具体来说,大屋顶由 1000 mm x 64 mm 的层压木材制成,并被编织成 2700 mm 的井桁状,最终由六根十字形钢柱支撑。
We proposed a three-dimensional space that defines the interior and exterior areas with a sectional plan rooted in the earth that integrates the microtopography of the site and an expansive roof. Specifically, a large roof with 1,000 mm × 64 mm laminated wood woven in a 2,700 mm grid pattern is supported by six cross-shaped steel pillars.

The flat and rigid roof and multiple floor levels continually inspire a variety of spatial experiences in relation to the exterior, gradually shifting the quality of the space from open to introverted. In current times, when buildings often diverge from the surrounding environment, carefully decoding the given topography and surrounding environment and reconstructing the rich relationship between people and architecture will lead to the restoration of the natural landscape in this area.

▽项目图纸 Design drawings

竣工日期:2021 年
场地面积:627.23 ㎡
建筑面积:235.33 ㎡
总建筑面积:278.48 ㎡
建筑设计:Keisuke Maeda/UID
联系人:Keisuke Maeda
办公地址:木户町 3-10-20 号UID MORI x hako 2F
城市:广岛 福山市
顾问:Konishi 结构工程师 —— Yasutaka Konishi、Takuya Asamitsu、Junpei Sato;Toshiya Ogino 景观设计- Toshiya Ogino、Naoaki kanemoto、Shunya Kawazu
总承包商:NAKAHARA construction Co., Ltd.
所用材料:建筑外部 —— 镀锌钢板、 lithin 涂层(墙体);建筑内部 —— 地板材料(地板)、lithin 涂层(墙体)、布料(天花板)
摄影:Koji Fujii / TOREAL
Name project: #桁/Knit
Location: West Japan
Date of completion: 2021
Site area: 627.23㎡
Built area: 235.33㎡
Total floor area: 278.48㎡
Designer: Keisuke Maeda / UID
Contact person: Keisuke Maeda
Office address: UID MORI x hako 2F, 3-10-20 Kinosho-cho
City: Fukuyama-City, Hiroshima
Postal code: 720-0082
Country: Japan
Tel: +81-84-927-0136
E-mail: uid@maeda-inc.jp
Website: http://www.maeda-inc.jp/uid/
Consultants: Konishi structural Engineers – Yasutaka Konishi, Takuya Asamitsu, Junpei Sato, structural; Toshiya Ogino Landscape Design – Toshiya Ogino, Naoaki kanemoto, Shunya Kawazu, Landscape
General contractor: NAKAHARA construction Co., Ltd.
Structural system: steel structure
Used materials: galvalume steel sheet, lithin paint(wall), exterior; flooring(floor), lithin paint(wall), cloth (ceiling), interior
Photography credits: Koji Fujii / TOREAL
“ 设计通过扎根于大地的断面与垂直方向上的宽大屋顶来界定内外区域的立体空间。”
审稿编辑: SIM
更多 Read more about: UID architects